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Vladimir Putin says British plans to deliver ammunition with depleted uranium to Ukraine would trigger a Russian response.
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Vladimir Putin says British plans to deliver ammunition with depleted uranium to Ukraine would trigger a Russian response.
Net Zero in life giving CO2 while raising uranium levels instead?

Net Zero in life giving CO2 while risking nuclear war?

If anybody still believes the CO2 (and nitrogen) hoax they need a crash course in logic.

As far as the government sending depleted uranium to harm generations of Ukrainians, it is really a sign of how much they really care for Ukrainians: LESS THAN ZERO.

Big Brother Klaus & Oceania's War Against Us All

"Klaus Schwab, the founder and CEO of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has made it explicit that their ‘New World Order’ (NWO) is envisaged in neo-fascist terms, in so far as he has referred to the WEF as a partnership between the corporate and government sectors – with its unmistakeable echo of Benito Mussolini’s conception of fascism. From what one knows, how should we picture the future they have in store for humanity? This is not to say that they will necessarily succeed in engendering such a future, of course.

The obvious image that comes to mind – and one that has been invoked several times as interpretive lens for what is occurring around us – to grasp the probable character of the emerging ‘society of control’ (As Gilles Deleuze would call it), is that of George Orwell’s dystopian society of Oceania, as conjured up in his well-known novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four (or 1984), first published in 1949. Looking back, Orwell’s vision was uncannily accurate as an adumbration of the future against which he implicitly warned his readers, specifically as far as surveillance of citizens is concerned."
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🎙Embassy Statement on plans to supply UK armaments with depleted uranium to Ukraine

▪️We consider the plans, officially confirmed by the UK Defence Ministry, to supply Ukraine ammunition with depleted uranium to be a step fraught with risks of further escalation of the conflict.

▪️UK weapons supplies to Kiev, especially of such a sensitive nature, would lead to aggravation of the situation.

▪️Radioactivity, high toxicity and carcinogenicity of such weapons are well-known.

👆Clearly the British have made the choice towards inflicting maximum damage and destruction to the population of the frontline regions.

▪️In general, this provides further evidence that Ukraine represents nothing more than testing ground for the UK in its stand-off with our country.

❗️We warn London against crossing another dangerous line in its maniacal desire to achieve “Russia’s defeat”.

🔗Read in full:

#Russia #UK #Ukraine #Uranium #WarCrimes
The depopulation agenda, Part 2: Creating food scarcity By Stephen McMurray

"It is claimed by powerful groups like the UK’s Climate Change Committee and the International Panel on Climate Change, and the governments they influence, that the main factor exacerbating the so-called ‘climate crisis’ is CO2. In reality, CO2 is essential to all life. If CO2 levels are drastically reduced, plant life, which requires CO2 for photosynthesis, will be reduced and therefore the whole food chain will be affected. In fact a recent report claims that pursuing Net Zero could lead to half the world suffering from starvation.

In addition to the fake ‘climate crisis’, we now have the fake ‘nitrogen crisis’. Nitrogen is one of the main elements of commercial fertilisers and is an essential nutrient for plant growth but at excessive amounts can be a pollutant and, according to the climate crisis zealots, can cause global warming. The EU’s Integrated Nutrient Action Plan aims to reduce nitrogen fertiliser by 20 per cent. The UN want to reduce all nitrogen ‘waste’ by 50 per cent by 2030. Some of the people targeted by the plan to reduce fertiliser usage are the Dutch farmers. The tyrannical government in the Netherlands plans to compulsorily purchase up to 3,000 farms in order to reduce nitrogen emissions and to cut cattle numbers by 50 per cent.

As the Netherlands is the biggest food exporter in Europe, it won’t affect only the Dutch but have a devastating impact on the food supply for the rest of Europe.

But is there actually a nitrogen crisis? Just like the so-called climate crisis, the evidence is ambiguous at best but the statistics are manipulated by those in power to suit their own ends. It’s not as if they aren’t aware of the consequences of drastically reducing the use of commercial fertiliser: they only have to look at Sri Lanka.  Food prices rose by 80 per cent and there were massive shortages resulting in thousands of desperate people laying siege to the president’s palace and the president having to flee the country."
Forwarded from Xare
Thank you for shining light on this important topic. It is another huge crime by "our" military.
There is a great film by Frieder Wagner about depleted uranium.
It was his last contract with German mainstream TV after many great documentations.
Army shells pose cancer risk in Iraq

Depleted uranium causing high radioactivity levels

"Depleted uranium shells used by British forces in southern Iraqi battlefields are putting civilians at risk from 'alarmingly high' levels of radioactivity.
Experts are calling for the water and milk being used by locals in Basra to be monitored after analysis of biological and soil samples from battle zones found 'the highest number, highest levels and highest concentrations of radioactive source points' in the Basra suburb of Abu Khasib - the centre of the fiercest battles between UK forces and Saddam loyalists.
Readings taken from destroyed Iraqi tanks in Basra reveal radiation levels 2,500 times higher than normal. In the surrounding area researchers recorded radioactivity levels 20 times higher than normal.
Critics of these controversial munitions - used to penetrate tank armour - believe inhaling the radioactive dust left by the highly combustible weapon causes cancer and birth defects. It has long been alleged that depleted uranium (DU) used in the first Gulf conflict was responsible for abnormally high levels of childhood leukaemia and birth defects in Iraq. Depleted uranium is also believed by some to be a contributing factor in Gulf War syndrome."
Oct 23, 2022, Steppling

Empty Time.

"The stunning failure to grasp, for example, the consequences of a nuclear war, seems a signature void of the Western bourgeoisie today. But this didn’t fall out of the sky yesterday, this indifference to potential cataclysms. It has been decades developing. At the same time one can see the public manipulated into hysterical outrages at pure fictions of Madison Avenue (politicians in Europe wearing ‘Fuck Putin’ t shirts to work in the government offices, or indignation at one or another ‘woke’ trigger). I said in an interview (Knut Normann’s podcast on which Johan Eddebo also appeared) that the Innocence Project has had over 200 death sentences overturned based on DNA evidence. These were men sentenced to die by the state. And yet this fact has caused very little outrage. The fluidity of moral signposts is a defining characteristic of the post modern capitalist world. One can, of course, also see the extraordinary moral hysteria associated with climate change, as one saw with Vaccine mandates and Covid protocols, overall. The increasingly threadbare alarmism of climate completely disregards militarism.

It’s quite amazing, really, to see people, the same people, outraged at lack of ‘climate action’ by governments applaud US/NATO aggressions in Ukraine, much as they were cheerleading the assault on the former Yugoslavia, or Syria, or Libya, or Afghanistan and Iraq.

The assault on Yugoslavia left much of the countryside and cities of that region poisoned, and carcinogenic with depleted uranium."
🇺🇦 🤡 Will people who put a Ukrainian flag on their social media profiles accept that they have been conned once again now that the British government is shipping uranium to Ukraine's battlefields, or are they foolish enough to believe that uranium will discriminate between flags as well?

"Deadly Dust - Depleted Uranium (Frieder Wagner 2007)"

Depleted uranium causing high radioactivity levels in Iraq
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