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This article in the Telegraph isn’t flattering to the UK regulator, MHRA.

It is alleged that they “missed” seeing the significance of unusual brain blood clots see especially in young women & often associated with bleeding. The apparent paradox of clotting and bleeding at the same time is resolved by realising that blood platelets are being used up in forming large, intravascular clots, so that blood clotting elsewhere is hindered by low platelets.
The Doctors4CovidEthics group wrote to the regulators repeatedly early in 2021, using an open letter format.
We distributed these communications widely around the world using commercial news wires feeds, similar to the way in which biotech companies make press releases.
Routinely, news gathering organizations then excerpt stories of interest & feed them to their clients, the main media as well as speciality publications.
None of the news media picked up the story except Del Bigtree’s Highwire & Bobby Kennedy Junior’s Children’s Health Defense.
I’m not sure if this is the first letter, but it was around this time.

Within the team, I had discussed the conceptual concern with Dr Sucharit Bhakdi iirc in February 2021.

Unless Dr June Raine is hopelessly ignorant and therefore unqualified to lead the MHRA (UK), she must have known that an intervention which causes expression in the body of pro coagulant spike proteins inevitably would give rise to some frequency of thromboembolic events.

According to Dr Bhakdi, he was taught very early on that there is a strict prohibition on doing things that promote intravascular coagulation for very obvious reasons. Even microthrombi can injure or even kill. I would characterize the actions of worldwide medicines regulators as reckless. I don’t believe they didn’t know, broadly, what was going to happen.

Best wishes
Here is a very good summary of something you can sign & also encourage others to sign.
Please do it. It’s main purpose isn’t a petition to useless, corrupt politicians but to your neighbours & fellow citizens to continue the awakening necessary to have a chance of delaying, diverting or halting these monsters.

Best wishes and thanks
I remember first hearing about various “medicines catapults” while I was still at Pfizer, perhaps 2009-10.
I couldn’t help thinking then that a catapult isn’t the best analogy for something with such required precision!
In short, I thought it was BS designed to suck money out of the taxpayer for white elephant projects which would only benefit academics and the odd biotech.

It’s much more than that. Get ready to duck.

Best wishes
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JUST IN - Covid exit restrictions in Bavaria, as amended on March 31, 2020, were disproportionate and "a serious interference with fundamental rights."

This was decided today by the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig, Germany.

The all-day ban on leaving one's own home, except for a few reasons, was a serious encroachment on fundamental rights, says the Federal Court in its ruling.

Forwarded from Oracle Films
For those that don't know, Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion is available to watch and share in over 25 languages:

Brazilian Sign Language
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)

Watch the film for free in 4K resolution here:

It's also available on Rumble | Odysee | BrandNewTube | The Highwire | EpochTV and many other platforms.

Thank you to everyone that has dedicated their time and energy to making these translations and sharing the film with friends and family. This has been a massive undertaking and a remarkable effort by many across the world.

Humbled and grateful. Onward we go.
Media is too big
If you’ve not seen any of these rather dramatically named (& wishful) “Fall of the Cabal” series, and you’re willing to give half an hour to one, I recommend the episode.
It’s a cracking summary of the PsyOps / literally torture of the last few years.
See what you think.
Best wishes
Forwarded from Oracle Films
Media is too big
"Regulators around the world pretended to review what Pharma had submitted, which was a pretend dossier. And that explains why the trials weren't done properly, why the toxicology was done incompletely. It's because they knew the FDA, EMA etc were not going to be marking their homework. But instead that it was going to be approved under something called Other Transaction Authority."

Dr Mike Yeadon in conversation with members of the World Council for Health yesterday evening. This was an incredibly insightful talk that I'd highly recommend watching in full here.

The interview that Dr Yeadon is referring to is available here.

Credit to World Council for Health
This superb, though rather starkly depressing, piece by James R is truly essential reading, without which you’ll continue to make understandable but wholly wrong assertions about who did what & what we must do.
All is not lost. The large person is yet to limber up her voice, but she’s nowhere the stage as yet.
Best wishes
BBC Newsnight uses own incompetence as argument in interview with Ambassador Andrei Kelin, 22.11.22

Ambassador Andrei Kelin's key statements:

🔹 Day by day Ukraine is getting money and ammo from NATO countries and exhausting its human potential.

🔹 It was a great mistake for Ukraine to start a fight against Russians and Russian language. It will only bring disaster to Ukraine itself.

🔹 One of the purposes of the SMO is to protect the Russian-speaking population of Donbass from further attacks by Kiev. We need to stop these hostilities which started not in February but back in 2014.

🔹 Ukraine government is like a hamster in a wheel, constantly running after Western money and weapons.

🔹 For 8 years, the West chose not to see Kiev regime’s hostilities against the Russia-speaking population in the east. Meanwhile, those people were being discriminated, shelled and killed.

🔹 Russia cannot just leave because then the Russian-speaking population will once again be humiliated and killed by the Kiev regime. Recent video evidence of AFU mockery of residents and Ukrainian war crimes proves this once more.

🔹 The West should stop sending money and weapons to Kiev and think about Ukraine which has already lost a large part of its territory, economy and human potential. We may end up in a situation where it becomes just a blackhole without anything.

🔹 The Ukrainian legislation discriminating Russian speaking population, incl. forbidding Russian language, literature, media etc. “They’ve never said it to me” she replies. Maybe they would have if BBC found courage to report on Ukrainian atrocities in the last 8 years.

#Russia #UK #Ukraine #SMO #Donbass
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on the developments around the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant

Read in full

The Kiev regime continues playing with fire by staging crude, irresponsible provocations at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. After a temporary cessation, Ukraine’s Armed Forces resumed artillery shelling of its territory inside the perimeter. The plant’s critical infrastructure and the lives and health of its workers have again come under threat.

On the evening of November 19, the plant’s territory was shelled by numerous artillery strikes with NATO 155 calibre munitions. The shelling continued on the following day, November 20 and hit, among other things, a nuclear waste storage facility.

Luckily, the plant avoided serious damage, and no radioactive material was exposed. But the situation was on the brink of a technogenic disaster.

From the very start of the attacks at the plant, we have maintained close contact with the IAEA Secretariat. As before, we sent all information about this latest attack, including photos and videos of the consequences of the shelling. We asked the Secretariat to inform the IAEA members about this immediately. The international community should know who stands behind the attacks.

Kiev’s actions look particularly cynical because they followed almost immediately a regular session of the IAEA Board of Governors in Vienna <...>

In this way, Kiev’s Western sponsors have again showed their duplicity. They gave the Zelensky regime carte blanche to continue its senseless attempts to irreparably damage the plant. In fact, they are accomplices in Kiev-committed crimes that cannot be justified <...>

❗️ It is time to call a spade a spade – otherwise it is impossible to stop these Ukrainian nationalists. This requires determination and responsibility. We hope these qualities will be displayed.
"Unprecedented": IAEA head on the current threat of nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine

"Would you say that [Putin] is familiar with what's going on," Stahl asked, "at this nuclear plant?"
Absolutely," Grossi said. "He knows every detail of it, which was surprising to me."
"In my conversation with him, I could see that he had a very detailed knowledge, not only of the layout of the-- of the plant, but also, and very importantly, of the electrical access, the external power source," Grossi said. "It is a facility that he knows-- that he knows very well."
Forwarded from Geopolitics & Empire
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Prominent Virologist Dr. A. Oveta Fuller, who advocated for emergency use authorisation of three Covid vaccines, has died suddenly from a brief unknown illness.

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NEW - Klaus Schwab says China is a "role model for many countries" and proclaims a "systemic transformation of the world" on Chinese state television.

Dr. Mike Yeadon: “I Didn’t Do My Homework” – “I’m Ashamed That I Was Pro-Vaccine”

“I am now not trusting of any product from this industry...”

“I worked in the field of small molecules, pharmaceuticals,” he continued. “I was never in the field of biologicals, where the therapeutics that are vaccines were made. I never looked at the data. I never thought hard about it. I just accepted what I've been taught at school and in university. And once you start looking, you realize it's extraordinarily questionable what's gone on for decades.”
Forwarded from Geopolitics & Empire
A newly hired American Airlines regional jet pilot collapsed just after takeoff in Chicago on Saturday night. He could not be revived. Cause of death unknown; American will not disclose any details, including his vaccination status. The co-pilot took over and averted catastrophe.

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There are agendas running which most of us including me will be blind to.
Solid journalism is needed to bring these into the light. However, since the 4th Estate has resolved to ignore these things, private individuals are our only salvation.
Please read this this, because the one thing we can be sure of is that “the bio security state” isn’t going away.
Best wishes
This message was just received from someone I’ve been in touch with since early on:

“a US doctor friend has just confirmed in a casual conversation that US blood and sperm banks are no longer taking vaccinated blood or sperm. The price for ‘pureblood blood and sperm’ Is through the roof….“

I’m not surprised if this turns out to be true, but I’ve heard nothing.

If any reader knows anything or has even heard a suggestion from a credible source, please let us know.

Many thanks
I appreciate this is not going to come as a shock to you, but the UK government lied to us all about numbers of doctors and nurses.
Those who’d retired and deactivated their registrations were re-activated, so they are included in the national statistics, even though the majority of them had no idea that this had happened.
Promises, promises about boosting numbers, latterly by Jeremy (X)unt, then Health Secretary, have been apparently met by this mendacious move.
Lesson #178: Assume anything government tells you is false.
Best wishes
Forwarded from European Insider
🇬🇧🇺🇦 UK to supply Ukraine with helicopters for the first time, announced Defence Secretary Ben Wallace today.

🌍 @European_Insider | 🕊 Retweet