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This is awful. An NHS board member called Brian Gerrish (UK Column) last April. She told Brian that senior staff were all but mind-Controlled by fear & UK Government had seized operational control of the NHS in relation to covid19 policy.
Both covid19 policy & “vaccine” policy were said to be genocidal.
The NHS board member warned her senior colleagues that if they didn’t speak out “it’ll be your children next”.

Please share,
"There are a host of Republicans writing to Biden that he should send planes to Ukraine. These people in Washington are always quick to spill the blood of other people’s children – not their own.

I find it appalling that you do not hear a single world that Zelensky should compromise on anything. His refusal to let the two provinces be independent which was promised them in the Minsk Agreement back in 2014 is unnecessarily putting his entire country at risk for some antiquated theory of imperialism. It was the USSR that drew the borders of Ukraine. It was not an independent country in itself until modern times.

Instead, Zelensky is trying to drag the entire world into World War III, and make no mistake about it, do that and you will find that China is partners with Russia. There is no doubt that Russia should go ahead and nationalize all the foreign companies that left Russia over this Ukraine issue. Even Warren Buffet started dumping Apple stock. Never in all my career have I watched corporations make such stupid decisions. There is no such thing as “temporarily” closing businesses. Biden has destroyed the world economy with sanctions and confiscated the assets of private Russians. There will be no return because there is no way that Russia can now yield to the demand of the West. So they will never return and the assets left behind might as well be nationalized for the world economy as we have known it has been destroyed.

Once Biden removed Russia from SWIFT, which refused to do so when asked by Obama during 2014 and Crimea, that was the first blow to the world economy. SWIFT has undermined the entire world showing that it is no longer about supporting global commerce, but it is just now a political tool. China now has no choice but to move ahead on its own replacement. Hence, that was the first blow to ending the global economy. The second was Biden confiscating the personal assets of Russians rather than keeping this between governments.

This has created a Waterfall Crisis whereas the global economy as we once knew it has come to an end. You cannot do business with the United States for they can invade a country, never be sanctioned, but if anyone else does what they do it becomes war. Whoever is making these sorts of decisions clearly has no sense of integrity, history, or international relations.

Biden will be remembered as the man that began the decline and fall of the American Empire."
This is regrettably spot on.
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Media is too big
Dr. Robert Malone: COVID Is Just a Skirmish—We Have a Much Bigger Problem

"[The WEF] has a clear agenda which is not aligned with the U.S. Constitution... They are actively trying to advance the cause of a one-world government that will supplant national governments... I really do feel that this COVID situation is just a skirmish, and the bigger battle is against censorship, control, and a growing global totalitarianism."

@VigilantFox | Rumble Clip | Full Video

Bloomberg disinformation.

We will see this pattern everywhere.

They are blaming war for inflation, national debt, and soaring oil prices.

Those are all results of central bank and government policies, and all exacerbated by lockdowns first and sanctions second, both are designed to backfire.

Yes, they want to destroy the food stability of as many countries as possible to push as many people as possible into poverty and then "save" them through loans with digital ID linked UBI as condition.
Forwarded from G3 News
U.S. Unexpectedly Sanctions China Officials Hours After Demanding Beijing Condemn Russia

The Biden administration appears ready to escalate with China.

Monday (March 21) afternoon U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced more visa restrictions on Chinese officials related to prior charges that state authorities are overseeing the ethnic cleansing of Uyghurs.

Blinken called on China to "end its ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang, repressive policies in Tibet, crackdown on fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong, and human rights violations," as cited in Bloomberg.

"The United States rejects efforts by (Chinese) officials to harass, intimidate, surveil, and abduct members of ethnic and religious minority groups, including those who seek safety abroad, and U.S. citizens, who speak out on behalf of these vulnerable populations," Blinken said. "We are committed to defending human rights around the world and will continue to use all diplomatic and economic measures to promote accountability."

Earlier, the White House issued a statement saying—such as UK prime minister Boris Johnson's words over the weekend—that Beijing must condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine and stop downplaying it.

Forwarded from G3 News
Aviation Experts Baffled by Crash of China Eastern Airlines Flight MU5735

As the investigation begins, the only thing we know for certain is that China's first passenger airline crash in a decade is extremely unusual as far as plane crashes go. Why? Because the plane essentially dropped out of the sky at an extreme angle.

According to experts quoted by Bloomberg, this gives the incident an extremely unusual profile.

"It’s an odd profile," said John Cox, an aviation safety consultant and former 737 pilot. "It’s hard to get the airplane to do this."

Aviation experts were shocked by the angle of the descent, which was essentially straight down...

Forwarded from G3 News
Italian Lawmakers Boycott Zelensky Address

A handful of Italian parliamentarians have announced they will boycott an online address by Zelensky scheduled for Tuesday (March 22) morning.

Spokespersons for both the Five-Star movement and the Lega party—of whom the bulk of the boycotters hail—confirmed to The Daily Beast that some members will not attend, but that such a move is not a party mandate.

Leader of the Lega party Matteo Salvini said he will attend the address. But many in his party will not. Lega Senator Simone Pillon was highly critical of the event. “I have strong doubts about President Zelensky’s videoconference because I believe that we should place ourselves in an appropriate position to promote peace,” he told reporters on Monday (March 20). “Selling weapons to one of the parties in conflict does not favor dialogue.”

Senator Laura Granato, a former member of the Five Star movement, said she is not attending because Putin was also not invited. “It would have been right to listen to the voice of the Russian counterpart as well,” she said.

A member of Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party Veronica Ginnanoe, called having Zelensky address parliament “a show” meant not to facilitate peace but to further polarize Europe, adding that the risk of having him speak is that it would turn the war into a “spectacularization.”

The members of the Alternativa group issued a joint statement underscoring why none of their members will attend. “This is a speech that does not change the state of things by one iota,” the statement said. “It is one and only a marketing operation that will not serve to stop hostilities and will have no use for the offended party.”

Forwarded from G3 News
U.S. Signals It’s Discouraging Zelensky From Making Concessions to Russia That Could End the Fighting

On Monday (March 21), the State Department signaled that the US is discouraging Zelensky from making concessions to Russia in negotiations that are aimed at ending the fighting in Ukraine.

State Department spokesman Ned Price said Zelensky has “made it very clear that he is open to a diplomatic solution that does not compromise the core principles at the heart of the Kremlin’s war against Ukraine.”

When asked to elaborate on his point, Price said that the war is “bigger” than Russia and Ukraine. “The key point is that there are principles that are at stake here that have universal applicability everywhere,” he said.

Price said Putin was trying to violate “core principles,” including “the principle that each and every country has a sovereign right to determine its own foreign policy, has a sovereign right to determine for itself with whom it will choose to associate in terms of its alliances, its partnerships, and what orientation it wishes to direct its gaze.”

Instead of pushing Zelensky to declare neutrality, the US continues to arm Ukraine. When asked if the US is counseling Zelensky on the negotiations with Russia, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Monday that the US is in touch with Ukrainian officials every day. But she said the role the US can play the most “effectively” in the process is to send more weapons into the warzone.

Forwarded from World Council for Health
Media is too big
Hacked: WCH Meeting on 5G Disrupted!

Monday’s General Assembly took an unexpected turn when hackers disrupted our Zoom event, ultimately taking control of Dr Pri Bandara’s screen. During the brief ordeal, all of Dr Bandara’s slides were permanently deleted. The hackers further disrupted by playing loud music and showing explicit images and videos.

WCH staff responded quickly, ending the meeting and beginning a new one to continue the program.

Dr Bandara later said, "It just shows how important this topic is. The impact of wireless radiation on health and wellbeing of people and all forms of life on earth. It's a huge problem."

This disruption will not stop WCH or our guests and partners from exploring the global health impacts of 5G and wireless technology. Look for a rescheduled event with Dr Bandara soon.

Sign up for our newsletter for updates and don't miss our next General Assembly in the WCH Newsroom.

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-Biden does not represent the interests of the American people

-Trudeau does not represent the interests of the Canadian people

-Johnson does not represent the interests of the British people

-Macron does not represent the interests of the French people

-Draghi does not represent the interests of the Italian people

-Morrison does not represent the interests of the Australian people

-Ardern does not represent the interests of the New Zealanders


-Zelensky does not represent the interests of the Ukrainian people

Why is this difficult to understand?
Forwarded from Arnaud Daniel
The problem is representative democracy; We have to finish with it. Everyone should participate and decide directly on what affects the community. Power to the people.
Human rights before democracy.

The biolabs in Ukraine were not just sitting there like a pot of flowers. They were doing something. We have our own biolab in Porton Down UK. US have it in Fort Detrick. We need to be asking what exactly is going on in those biolabs? That is where all of this began.