Robin Monotti + Cory Morningstar
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Henderson was a true public health official, balancing all impacts in controlling disease while maintaining as much normality as possible.

This is the way you do it well. That was all that we needed to do in response to c19. Pretty much nothing at all. Nothing we did helped. And those ordering the measures KNEW they wouldn’t work.

If you don’t find this terrifying, please take a walk while thinking about how such a plan to slow down the worlds economy for years, using worthless “measures” implies.
Best wishes

Channel: @robinmg
"The UK government admits that vaccines have damaged the natural immune system of those who have been double-vaccinated. The UK government has admitted that once you have been double-vaccinated, you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity to Covid variants - or possibly any other virus. So let's watch the "real" pandemic begin now! In its Week 42 "COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report", the UK Department of Health admits on page 23 that "N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who become infected after two doses of vaccination". It goes on to say that this drop in antibodies is essentially permanent. What does this mean? We know that vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus (indeed, the report elsewhere shows that vaccinated adults are now much more likely to be infected than unvaccinated ones). The British now find that the vaccine interferes with the body's ability to make antibodies after infection not only against the spike protein but also against other parts of the virus. In particular, vaccinated people do not appear to form antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein, the envelope of the virus, which is a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people. In the long term, the vaccinated are far more susceptible to any mutations in the spike protein, even if they have already been infected and cured once or more. The unvaccinated, on the other hand, will gain lasting, if not permanent, immunity to all strains of the alleged virus after being naturally infected with it even once. Source: The first insurance companies are backing down because a huge wave of claims is coming their way. Anthony Fauci confirms that the PCR test cannot detect live viruses. Anthony Fauci confirms that neither the antigen test nor the PCR test can tell us whether someone is contagious or not!!! This invalidates all the foundations of the so-called pandemic. The PCR test was the only indication of a pandemic. Without PCR-TEST no pandemic For all the press workers, doctors, lawyers, prosecutors etc. THIS is the final key, the ultimate proof that the measures must all be lifted immediately must be PLEASE SHARE" Please copy and paste this in as many comments as you can do not try and post this on your main Facebook page as it will be taken down by Facebook let’s spread the word"
Forwarded from Glenn Greenwald
Labour MP RhonddaBryant
boasted that he's spent years trying to get RT banned by the UK so that no British person could see it. He took "credit" after the UK banned the network. When someone accused him of censorship, he called them -- all together now -- a "Putin apologist."
Forwarded from Spirit of Liberty
UK Will Hide Vaccinated Cases and Deaths

"The infamous UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report started as a great tool by the vaccinators to showcase incredible successes of Covid Vaxx. But, as time went on, success was no longer in the cards, and the reports displayed grimmer and grimmer failure of vaccines in the UK …

Finally, it seems, just as Scotland did, the UK will discontinue case reports by vaccination status. They gave the lamest excuse of 'ending free Covid testing' that somehow makes them unable to add up vaccinated vs unvaccinated cases? …

What they are trying to hide is that the pandemic among the unvaccinated is essentially over, whereas it is just getting started among the boosted.

Look at the numbers: cases in week 7-10 among the unvaccinated barely increased by 1%, from 59,904 cases to 60,372. For the boosted, cases increased by 14%, from 543,809 to 617,982 … Deaths similarly show a sad picture. 90% of Covid deaths in the UK, in weeks 7-10, were among the vaccinated!"

👉 Read more: Igor Chudov
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Media is too big
"We Put Them on the Streets!" - Dr. Alexander Galvanizes Protesters for Freedom in Toronto, Canada

"[We have to hold them all accountable, from the Prime Minister on down]... If we can show that your actions costed lives, and people died, and children died, then we have to strip you of your money and PUT YOU IN A JAIL!"

@VigilantFox | Rumble Clip | Full Video
Biolabs in Ukraine: Who are Metabiota’s investors?

"Metabiota, the US company funded by US Department of Defence’s Threat Reduction Agency (“DTRA”) to operate biolabs in Ukraine, was founded by Nathan Wolfe who is linked to the Global Virome Project, EcoHealth, World Economic Forum and Jeffrey Epstein.

Wolfe, through Metabiota and its sister non-profit Global Viral, is not only been funded by various branches of US Department of Defence but, is also funded by Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca and CIA venture capital company In-Q-Tel.  And this is merely scratching the surface of those backing the biolabs in Ukraine."
You may find this interesting. The author is an American, who lives in Ukraine where he & his wife are raising their family.
Best wishes
What do you think of this fellow? A long-time Club of Rome member, which predicted chaos & breakdown in the 2040s, no matter what they did to the assumptions.
As he talks about “getting earth’s population back down to a billion”, “hoping it could be done in a peaceful way, a way that’s equal”, that he meant him, at all? Thought not.

Ps: there are hours of this kind of stuff. I’ve watched quite a bit of it, because there are certain kinds of modelling which are designed to produce certain outcomes. I think this is one such. In other words, I don’t think they had any idea of what would really happen in the 2040s, but they wanted to implant the idea of overpopulation, then purport to show mathematically why it would fail. Over the same time interval, the same kind of thing has been done with “global warming”, also not supported by the data, but by “97% of scientists”. Methods of repression v similar to those used in the covid19 deception.
A few indications of living in a fascist state according to Eco. Any of this sound familiar?

-Disagreement is treason

-Fear of difference

-A frustrated middle class frightened by the pressure of lower social groups

-To be born in the same country is the only privilege of the masses. Enemies are the only thing that unifies the nation.

-Humiliation by the richness or power of the enemy. Due to an oscillating rhetorical register, enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak. Fascisms are condemned to lose all their wars as they are incapable of an objective analysis of the strengths of their enemies.

-Life as permanent warfare; pacifists are collaborators with the enemy

-Popular elitism: every citizen belongs to the best people in the world. Everyone on the hierarchical ladder despises those below, as in a military organization.
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Media is too big
While the unelected psychopathic banker sends arms and money to Ukraine, Italian children in Milan (and beyond) beg for a piece of bread. In Italy ten million compatriots live in poverty, corrupt media don't talk about it. Mario Draghi devastated the nation without using bombs.

Via RadioGenova
Sunday evening film linked to the post above.

"Umberto D (1952) | Vittorio De Sica | Eng Sub" on YouTube
I’ve seen this before. Previously “conspiracy theorist stuff”. You decide.
What are the odds? 👇

The same guy that Featured in the Fabricated Jan 6th US White House Insurrection, somehow ends up centre stage in The Ukraine Scripted War....👇

The World is NOTHING but a Fictitious Scripted Stage.....

Long Live the Truth 👊

Don't try saying that isn't the same guy, I'll chop you down in 30 seconds....