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Ambrose Evans-Pritchard normalises rationing, originally on The Daily Telegraph:

"We are now learning [...] what it means to eject the world’s only full-spectrum commodity superpower from the international financial and trading system.

“I have never seen anything like it in 30 years and I fear that prices are going to go much higher in the 2022-2023 season. The situation is just awful and at some point people are going to realise what may be coming. We’re all going to have to tighten our belts, and the mood could get very nasty even in OECD countries like Britain,” he said."

Note the deception in the title of the article, like blaming a coronavirus for lockdowns, they are now blaming Putin for the sanctions which were a (bad) government choice, once again in lockstep, and for Zelensky's refusal to sign the peace agreement.

Putin’s energy shock is becoming a world food crisis. Brace for rationing.

In economics, stagflation or recession-inflation is a situation in which the inflation rate is high, the economic growth rate slows, and unemployment remains steadily high. It presents a dilemma for economic policy, since actions intended to lower inflation may exacerbate unemployment.

"Stagflation refers to an economy that is experiencing a simultaneous increase in inflation and stagnation of economic output.

Stagflation led to the emergence of the misery index. This index, which is the simple sum of the inflation rate and unemployment rate, served as a tool to show just how badly people were feeling when stagflation hit the economy."

A superb & highly attended discussion about what worked & what did not. Spoiler is that no measures at all were required to manage the covid19 event. Fortunately so, because none of them were effective, despite the CDC, Fauci, expert advisors just lying from the beginning.

Please share before YT removes it.

Best wishes
Forwarded from Vincenzo
"I have seen documents from the U.S. Federal Contract Registry in which it was written Pentagon scientists need biological samples only from Russians, not Ukrainians.

Which was very strange, why only Russians? It was an announcement for prospective contractors.

This could have caused awareness in Russia because their genetic material has been studied by the Pentagon for unknown reasons.

The U.S. is the biggest sponsor in the world of gain of function research." Dilyana Gaytandzhieva

🎧 ➡️ Full Interview:
Media is too big
Edward Dowd Explains Bombshell ‘Fraud’ Charge re Pfizer Hiding Deaths Data
This is supposed to be good. Not yet listened,
Forwarded from 6029679/21 & 01/62447/24 CRIME CHANNEL
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💥Pfizer document release💥
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
Food Rationing: Aldi has begun limiting purchases of cooking oil in German stores.

This follows palm oil and other oilseeds hitting record highs, and now the cut off from Ukraine’s sunflower oil.

How long until we hear policymakers/media calling for digital IDs to enforce the rationing? Nevermind the vx passport, now a food passport. Digital rationing.

Translated from link below:
Aldi Süd even limited the sale of its own brand to four bottles per customer in response to the cooking oil shortages .”

How Ukraine’s Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries

"While Western media deploys Volodymyr Zelensky’s Jewish heritage to refute accusations of Nazi influence in Ukraine, the president has ceded to neo-Nazi forces and now depends on them as front line fighters."

"A gang of drug addicts and neo-nazis"

"For seven years, Nazi groups massacred inhabitants of Donbass at random. Germany and France, guarantors of the Minsk agreements, have done nothing. The United Nations itself turned a blind eye. For seven years, these groups have grown. They have grown from hundreds of soldiers to thousands..between 10 and 20 000."

"The Department of Defense expenditures as listed for select Ukrainian laboratories follow below:

Dnipropetrovsk Diagnostic Laboratory (USD $1,935,557)

Dnipropetrovsk State Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (USD $1,810, 547)

Kharkiv Diagnostic Laboratory (USD $1,638,375)

Luhansk Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (USD $1,746,312)

Lviv Diagnostic Laboratory (USD $1,927,158)

Lviv Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (USD $1,734,971)

Vinnytsia Oblast Laboratory Center (USD $1,504,840)

Zakarpartska Oblast Laboratory Center (USD $1,920,432)

Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences ( USD $2,109,375.23)
Forwarded from UK To Do List

( UK ) Prevent government doing anything they want when next crisis occurs, eg mandating jabs, or worse.


OPTION 1) 25 minutes : Preferred option if you have time
29 pre-written answers to copy/paste, so maybe best on laptop/desktop
Click here :

OPTION 2) 5 minutes Template email to send
Click here :

Deadline : Tue 8 Mar 2022, 11:59pm

Please share this post....
Join us at @uk_todo_list for bite-size actions, all 5 min or under
Forwarded from Jennie Koornhof
Consent Withdrawn Template.docx
19.5 KB
I am attaching a template of a letter to go to Bojo the clown and your MP’s. Had a chat with Chas on Friday evening. Although mandates are not enforceable, he says that what the government are doing is accepting on our behalf with the WHO to enable them to enforce mandates and if we do not decline this, then we are accepting. Makes sense to me so please all sign, share and send letter by second class signed for post. It’s a mix of common and admiralty law to cover all bases. Please do not change wording of template Chas has asked. I think this is very important and could someone please pin this message?
‼️‼️Last minute protest‼️‼️

We've just found out CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, an unaccountable unelected group with an aim to produce vaccines in 100 days for the next plandemic ( are currently meeting at The Science Museum.

Join us today, 8th March, from 2pm, Main Entrance, The Science Museum, Exhibition Road, SW7 2DD. Nearest tube: South Kensington.

The aim of the summit is to raise 3.69 Billion dollars. Sajid Javid has already given them 160 million of tax payers money.
How the UK Govt intend to trick us to let them decide what is for our 'greater good'.

We must resist this sly assault on our innate freedoms, which with the Police, Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill (just reinstated by the Commons) will give the govt powers of a dictator to decide what's right and throw us in jail of we refuse to obey them

Psychotherapist Nathaniel Branden dissects the psychology of the aeons-old despotic demand for individuals to sacrifice for the “public good”:
“With such [collectivist] systems, the individual has always been a victim, twisted against him-or-her-self and commanded to be ‘unselfish’ in sacrificial service to some allegedly higher value called God or pharaoh or emperor or king or society or the state or the race or the proletariat—or the cosmos [or COVID]. It is a strange paradox of our history that this doctrine—which tells us that we are to regard ourselves, in effect, as sacrificial animals—has been generally accepted as a doctrine representing benevolence and love for humankind. From the first individual … who was sacrificed on an altar for the good of the tribe, to the heretics and dissenters burned at the stake for the good of the populace or the glory of God, to the millions exterminated in … slave-labor camps for the good of the race or of the proletariat, it is this [collectivist] morality that has served as justification for every dictatorship and every atrocity, past or present.”
Please would you consider signing this petition?
The agents masquerading as vaccines are toxic to an unprecedented degree. Already there have been large numbers of injuries & deaths. Children have no need of external protection from covid19 & exposing them to these dangerous injections is completely inappropriate.
Many thanks
Forwarded from Hugo Talks
You remember the channel 4 tv show UTOPIA, about a virus, vaccines and a government plot to depopulate the earth, they were very fond of the blue and yellow combo also.