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Forwarded from Project Veritas
Media is too big
BREAKING: New York Nurse Whistleblower: Recordings Reveal Possible Botched Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine on Children, lower income and homeless adults

Supervisor: “Make sure it’s the right one. Some people got the wrong one.”

Full report at

⬆️ "Medical supervisor admits “some people got the wrong one.”

Nursing staff told to “YouTube it” when asking how to mix the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Nursing staff on video: “wrong mixture could cancel out [the protection of the vaccine] or have adverse effects.”

A pediatric nurse came to Project Veritas to blow the whistle on New York contracted healthcare provider DocGo, and their subsidiary Ambulnz, who may have jeopardized the safety of thousands of people, including young children, through negligent administration of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Recordings from the whistleblower show fellow medical staff acknowledging mistakes of improperly mixing and administering the Pfizer children’s vaccine with the wrong diluent (bacteriostatic water), lack of proper training, lack of incident reporting.

Pfizer, the CDC, and the FDA are all very clear: the COVID-19 vaccine should only be administered with the proper saline solution; bacteriostatic water is NOT to be used.

Project Veritas reached out to Pfizer, multiple doctors, and scientists. None were able to state with certainty what the adverse effects are on children getting the wrong mixture, or adults getting overdosed with the COVID-19 vaccine."
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👉🏻 As a demonstration against the vaccine passport and mandatory vaccination was taking place, French MP Romain Grau, who belongs to Macron's party LREM, was attacked by the crowd.

🔎 About 250 protesters banged on the windows and doors of his office. They then surrounded the MP and insulted him. Without a police presence, the MP was unable to defend himself. He received several punches in the face.

👮🏻‍♂️ The MP and the government immediately filed a police complaint against this violence.

📌 The government also expressed its concern about the large wave of attacks on MPs and mayors supporting mandatory vaccination.

🔗 Source : France 3 TV Channel (MSM)
On Neil Young: if the stories put out by the media are correct, he has been duped by the narrative. Many have, it is military grade psychological operations they are deploying after all. He could even be excused for simple gullibility.

What is not acceptable, if true, is that he puts pressure on a media platform to censor differing points of views. This is no better than the burning of the books in Nazi Germany am afraid, it does not make you any better than any of those Nazis doing it at the time.

Same applies to twitter banning accounts simply based on opinions and to people who still use twitter instead of other platforms which don't censor different opinions.
BBC News won’t tell you that official figures show the Fully Vaccinated are up to 4 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated suggesting Antibody Dependent Enhancement

We should not be seeing these kind of figures if the Covid-19 vaccines really are 95% effective at preventing death...
Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Hospitalisations & Deaths in the past month; the majority Triple Jabbed

If you believe this is to be expected because a higher percentage of the population have been vaccinated then you’re sadly mistaken, because the death rates per 100k are now also highest among the fully vaccinated…

Monday 10th January 2022

Dear Rev. Welby,

On behalf of the organisation Jews for Justice I am writing to express our concern at your recent comments that it is somehow immoral to take a personal decision not to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

I will not lecture you on the principles of bodily sovereignty and Christian inclusiveness, but I will alert you to the lessons of Nazi Germany.

The current ‘othering’ of the unvaccinated precisely reflects the ‘othering’ of Jews in 1930s Germany.

I speak not of the Holocaust but of the events that preceded the Holocaust.

The German parliament abolished the constitution on 23rd March 1933, allowing Adolf Hitler to take complete control. Two years later the Nuremberg Laws excluded Jews from citizenship and introduced a ‘citizenship certificate’ for the rest of the population in order to ensure their compliance to the regime.

On 23rd March 2020 the British Prime Minister overrode the (unwritten) constitution and placed the entire country under house arrest without precedent. A little less than two years later the introduction of mandatory vaccinations for health workers and vaccine passports for the public at large will exclude the unvaccinated from the full rights of citizenship and ensure the compliance of anyone who does possess such a passport with the diktats of the regime.

National Socialism in Germany subjugated the rights of individual citizens to the collective will of the state; exactly the same is now happening here in Britain.

It is impossible to deny the parallel between the first two years of the Nazi regime in Germany and the last two years in Britain.

Furthermore – although public hostility to Jews in Nazi Germany was evident from the beginning of the regime in 1933 – Jews were not sent to concentration camps in any large numbers until 1938, nor enclosed in ghettos until 1939, nor forced to wear yellow identifying badges until 1941; and it was not until that same year of 1941 that concentration camps became extermination camps.

So it was not evident in the mid-1930s where hostility to Jews in Germany would eventually lead. But we know what happened, and it is our duty to ensure that we learn the lessons of history.

The function of our organisation Jews for Justice is to use our unique position as British Jews to warn the public at large how history is in danger of repeating itself. This is our sacred duty to our ancestors who died in the Holocaust.

In Nazi Germany, the confinement of Jews within ghettos and their ‘evacuation’ to concentration camps was justified by the regime on grounds of public health, in particular the threat of typhus. The very same ‘public health’ justification is being used today to restrict the civil liberties of those who choose not to be vaccinated.

People in public life such as yourself who stir up hostility to the unvaccinated are no different from those Nazis who stirred up hostility to the Jews in 1930s Germany. If you cannot see the parallel it is because you are closing your eyes deliberately.

You will also be aware that the German churches were conspicuous in their failure to speak out against the crimes of National Socialism. You are repeating that mistake.

Finally, we are appalled that you should recently have compared the silence of politicians on the subject of ‘climate change’ – a hypothetical future threat, based entirely on modelling – to the silence of politicians on what was happening in Germany in the 1930s, yet have yourself been totally silent about an actual, global attack on human rights, which threatens the immediate destruction of liberal democracy in Britain and around the world.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Barr
(on behalf of Jews for Justice).

Source link for sharing:
Is this the future of medicine you agree with? I don't. I believe on the contary we should regain the human empathy in the doctor patient relationship that was sacrificed at the altar of "technological progress" which was driven in large part by financial interests, not by the desire for healing.

NHSX: new joint organisation for digital, data and technology - GOV.UK
Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav: Never Again Is Now. Unless We All Resist

In a speech delivered Sunday in Brussels, Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav described the striking parallels between what she witnessed as a child in Nazi-controlled Romania, and COVID policies being enacted today by governments around the globe.

Graphene oxide is a powerful toxin that, when introduced into the body by different routes, causes thrombogenicity.

Graphene oxide generates coagulant effects in the body

Graphene oxide causes mitochondrial damage, post-inflammatory syndrome, pulmonary fibrosis, impaired immune system and cytokine storm

Graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and as a consequence; loss of taste and partial or total loss of smell (anosmia)

The directors of AstraZeneca are members of the Graphene Flagship project.

Masks and rapid PCR tests with graphene oxide nanoparticles are still on the market

Graphene masks in the UK

They already developed intranasal vaccines "against the flu" with graphene oxide nanoparticles
Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines

"Four “vaccines” were analyzed which are the Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna-Lonza mRNA-1273 Vaccine, Vaxzevria by Astrazeneca, Janssen by Johnson & Johnson, using different instrumentation and protocols of preparation according to new nano particulate technological approaches. The different instrumentation includes Optical Microscopy, Bright-Field Microscopy, pHase Contrast Microscopy, Dark-Field Microscopy, UV absorbance and Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffractometer, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instruments were used to verify the “vaccines” morphologies and contents. For the high-technology measurements and the care of the investigation, all the controls were activated and reference measurements adopted in order to obtain validated results."
Forwarded from Fiona Rose Diamond (Fiona CoviLeaks)

An honour to meet Vera Sharav; she delivered a powerful message after being unable to speak on the stage in Brussels due to government agitators and violent police tactics that shut down the peaceful rally.

Full interview coming soon on

‘’As a Holocaust survivor, I am appalled by poseurs who control the Holocaust narrative. They deny the relevance of the Holocaust to current discrimination and increasingly aggressive and repressive edicts.

These vigilantes censor and silence those who speak out. By denying the relevance of the Holocaust to current repression, the vigilantes are Holocaust deniers.

Elie Wiesel, an Auschwitz survivor and Nobel laureate, was regarded as the victims’ voice. He stated: “Indifference and the silence of people led to the Holocaust. To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.”

Full Speech here:
Unless it’s to be suggested that this is a deep fake, it’s from the horses mouth that the WEF has “penetrated the cabinets” of governments...listing Germany, Canada & Argentina.
“Half of senior govt members...”

1. The People have the evidence needed to corroborate their leaders behaviour & ARREST them. Charges are for legal eagles to determine.
2. Those in cabinet who are not WEF need to show some courage. Now.
Forwarded from No More Lockdowns UK
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🇨🇦BOOM👏 First of the MASSIVE convoy of truckers appears in the Capital Ottawa and surrounds the Parliament building.

Imagine what the scenes will be like on Saturday when they all arrive?!

MSM Global Blackout in place!