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Pixel Experience Plus - FrozenFire Edition | 10
Released: 14/01/2021


• Merged January security patch
• Upstreamed to latest PE sources
• Other fixes and improvements

Kernel: 3.18

Support : here

Consider donating to me if and only if u guys love my work.
Paypal :
UPI: vivekachooz@oksbi

#PEPlus #Unofficial #ROM #Q #Mido

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customisation | @rn4photography
MIUI EU 12.5 | 21.1.13 | Beta
Android 10, Q
By: @Krush_TheCatGang

▪️Release Date : Jan 17, 2021
▪️Security level: Jan 1, 2021
▪️Device Ported: Levender
▪️Build Quality: A Device GSI Based Rom

•• Mega Release
•• Gdrive Release
•• Tdrive Release

Changelogs :
- Rom updated lattest Feature MIUI 12.5
- Fixed Fingerprint (Fully)
- Added Lattest Kud Kernel (3.18)
- Fixed BT Media Crashing Issue
- Update lattest All Apps by System

Flashing Step :
•• Reboot Recovery (Recommend Twrp 3.4)
•• Wipe Without Internal
•• Flash ROM
•• Wipe Cache
•• Reboot System

Flash Magisk 20.3

If any Bugs found Spam in Group


Special Thanks to Team IndieMIUI
@a1b2d56, @Amitkranand, @Siddharth_Sarkar,
@yash3056, @Alone0316

#port #miui #miui12 #rom #android10 #q

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
OxygenOS port
Android 10
By @yash3056

Build Date:- 17 December 2021


Changelog: -
• Ported from OnePlus 5t
• Fingerprint Fully fixed
• Face lock fixed
• Supercell games fixed
• Offline charging fix
• Awaken display fixed
• Fixed CTS
• Increased smoothness
• HW light
How to flash? 🤔
• Download rom zip file
• Reboot to recovery
• Wipe dalvik, system, data, cache and vendor
• Flash rom
• Flash magisk (optional)
• Reboot

If you find any kind of bugs just pm me

Credits:- All those who helped me

#port #rom #android10 #q #oos #oxygenos

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
Hackneyed Kernel

Updated: 19/01/'21

Download [14MB]

• Version: 1.0
• Initial build

Kernel Version: 3.18

#Hackneyed #kernel #Q #mido

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
ResurrectionRemix 8.6.6 official
By @jennifer1436
4.9 Kernel



Source Changelogs:
GitHub note

Device change logs:

Notes :-
To Fix QS corner & status bar padding check out (settings > resurrection tools > system > parts > Corners & padding) btw it's not a bug

#rom #android10 #androidq #q #RR #4.9 #mido

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
Resurrection Remix - FrozenFire Edition
Android 10



• Upstreamed to latest RR sources
• Imported app/sf offset from coral
• updated gps hal to LA.UM.8.6.c26-01600-89xx.0

Kernel: 3.18

Join here for the support

Consider donating to me if and only if u guys love my work.
Paypal :
UPI: vivekachooz@oksbi

#RR #Unofficial #ROM #Q #Mido

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
Pixel Experience Plus - FrozenFire Edition | 10



* Upstreamed to latest pe sources
* Merged February security patch
* Enabled sched_boost in early_init

Kernel: 3.18

Support : here

Consider donating to me if and only if u guys love my work.
Paypal :
UPI: vivekachooz@oksbi

#PEPlus #Unofficial #ROM #Q #Mido

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customisation | @rn4photography
Derpfest Official
Android 10/Q


Gapps | Vanilla

- Merge February Security Patch
- Some kind of bugs fixes and under the hood improvement
- blah blah blah


Wanna buy a cup of coffee ☕️
Paypal - Erickeagle334
UPI - erickeagle334@okaxis

#rom #derpfest #q #android10 #androidq

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customisation | @rn4photography
Oxygen OS | OnePlus 5
CyberPunk Edition
Android 10/Q
By @Amitkranand

23 February 2021

Download link:-

Note:- Please not mirror links and use link through pling otherwise next time i not give any update

• Native Hardware Button Light Fixed
• Noise cancellation issue fixed now no needs to disable it by dialer settings.
• New Stable Vendor Ported
• LED Notification Light Fixed
• Brightness Sliding Issue Fixed
• Now Fingerprint Smooth
• New Statusbar Icons Added
• Statusbar Wi-Fi Icon Padding & Gappig Issue Fixed
• Safety Net Pass Without Root
• Now You Can Easily Switch Between Button & Gesture With Flashable File (Is Your Choice Which You Want)
• CyberPunk Edition Build (All CyberPunk Stuff Like AOD, Edge Lighting, BootAnimation, Ringtone, UI Sound, Live Wallpaper, Icons Are Included)
• Cast (Working On Some Device)
• OnePlus 5 Base Rom So Now Most Smooth & Stable

Flashing steps

1-Download my port
2-Go to recovery
3-Go to wipe option to wipe dalvik cache, system, vendor, data, cache
4-Flash my port (flashing time takes 7-10 mins)
5-Reboots and wait 8-10 mins if not boots in 10 mins after flashing than u will do force reboots than surely boots up

Build is non rooted and also safety net pass without root but all using root so flashing only magisk 20.3

Some notes

1-For auto wakeup fix check this post and video

2-Never flash magisk 20.4 version otherwise bootloop
So u first flashing magisk 20.3 and than if u want update than flash magisk 21.1 by magisk 20.3 version
Màgisk files and apk link:-

3- Recommend camera is Gcamgo

4- Dolby Atmos McLaren edition apk by me for Oosop5 my port only


This Dolby apk provides u extra option on speaker, earphones.

Just install it and also disable battery optimization from that apk only

5- Give two days for smoothness and good battery backup.

6- one Pro tip for u guys always reboots two times for good cpu frequency and good battery backup

7-if u facing laggy issue than change kernel by this trick

Joins for discussion


#oos #op5 #oneplus #mido #q

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
DU unofficial
Android Q
by @blacknightmoon ( Rahif )


* Latest april asb merged
* Add pixel launcher
* Fix exfat support on sdcards

* Use latest miui fw
* Its 3.18 kernel, so use 3.18 recovery to flash

#du #dirtyunicorn #android10 #q #rom

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
Du q unofficial mido

* Github rel
* Mirror

* May asb merged

* Use latest miui fw
* Its 3.18 kernel, so use 3.18 recovery to flash

Discussion gp :- @elpsycongrou_m

#du #q #rom #dirtyunicorn

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
Derpfest Official
Android 11



Device Changelog:-
- Switch back to perf 2.1
- Align audio feature flags/props with CAF
- Update blobs from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-04100-89xx.0
- Update DRM Widevine & BT Aptx from Crosshatch
- Align device properties with CAF
- Set voice call volume steps to 6
- Update uceservice HAL to 2.3
- Enabled Blurs
- Enable config_sf_limitedAlpha
- Enable config_avoidGfxAccel for 2GB variants
- Update QMI from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-03600-89xx.0
- Built with Clang 12.0.4
- Fix Screen wake during calls
- Fix Upload Indicator
- Disable Blur Switch by default
- Drop camera api override
- Update libqcmaputils & libqrtr from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-03600-89xx.0
- Add MWQEM adapter manifest entry
- Add CNE/DPM blobs from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-03600-89xx.0
- Enable Power save functionality for modem
- Add capability NET_BIND_SERVICE to gnss 2.1 service
- Add permissions for CNE app
- Patch goodix blobs for shim deps
- Restore biometrics
- Update perf blobs from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-03600-89xx.0
- Switch to actual VNDK support
- Add missing IMS blob
- Add libnbaio to PRODUCT_PACKAGES
- Add eMBMS blobs from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-03600-89xx.0
- Enable Update able APEX
- 4.9 Kernel support

Source Changelog :-
- Added Status bar rounded corner size preference
- Added reTicker from Descendant
- Added option to force custom doze brightness and pulse brightness configs
- Added Fluid lock clock V2
- Type (Alt) Clock: Fixed wrong salute messages and improved it further
- Added Fluid Style Switches and removed AOSP style (can't figure out)
- Added Compass QS tile
- Screenrecord: Added an option to record for longer
- Implemented cutout force full screen
- Added 3 mode display cutout handler
- Added preference for min/max screen refresh rate
- Added support for global cleartext penalties
- Added machine learning back gesture and TensorFlow Lite model from kdrag0n
- Themes: Added themed icons for Google, Wellbeing and OP settings preference
- Themes: Let about logo follow gradients in themes
- Removed background tint from emergency tile
- Allowed screen unpinning on devices without navbar
- Fixed silent notification if screenshot is dismissed
- VolumeDialogImpl: Don't show captions info tooltip (Until layout gets fixed)
- VolumePluginManager: More fixes toggling panel
- Fixed unreadable OOS 11 clock thumbnail
- Made qs weather page follow system font setting
- LiveDisplaySettings: Unlock Reading Mode whenever is possible
- Fixed Device Config check for Ramping ringer
- Settings: Added an option for FOD in FP location overlay
- Fixes for SBC Dual Channel (SBC HD Audio) support from Lineage
- Added support to set volume for app
- Added App volume row toggle
- Added style options for settings dashboard icons
- Added Octavi's lockscreen clock
- Fixed media art with enabled face unlock
- Fixed Gaming mode master switch
- Reverted divided lines clock back to old state (accented and with weather looks ugly tbh)
- Settings: Fixed existing and added missing drawables for theming section in Display settings
- Removed now playing preference (was force disabled anyway)
- Allowed selected camera apps to skip unconfigure
- Fixed notification opacity for smart replies
- Fixed moving home stack to front in freeform mode
- Added kdrag0n's new blur improvements
- Added support for blocking background data on all interfaces
- Fixed wrong VoLTE/VoWiFi slot detection
- Fixed NPE in PowerShare qs tile
and more...........
Complete Changelogs


Tested by :- @Vastrolorde, @c0ndemned & me
Do not Change Kernel use stock only

Wanna buy a cup of coffee ☕️
Paypal - Erickeagle334
UPI - erickeagle334@okaxis

#rom #derpfest #q #android10 #androidq

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customisation | @rn4photography
Derpfest Official
Android 11



Device Changelog:-
- Fix SMS bug
- Switch back to olive V10.3.5.0.PCNCNXM thermal blobs by @krasCGQ
- Fix USB Preferences
- Build with Clang 12.0.6
- Fix ok Google
- Add Back Live Display

Source Changelog :-
- Merged June Security Patch (11.0.0_r38)
- Synced with latest Lineage FOD source
- Reapplied and improved fingerprint animations
- DerpQuest: Separated FOD to a own category
- Implemented animated FOD icon picker
- LockscreenCharging: Fixed up jank and brought in °F/°C toggle
- Reworked Statusbar clock customization
- Reapplied Multi SIM ringtone settings
- Added lock pattern grid size settings
- Added pattern visibility settings
- Added Fingerprint authentication vibration toggle
- Updated notification count icons
- Introduced Custom Statusbar Signal & Wi-Fi icons
- Settings: Switched to ListPreference instead of DropDownPreference
- Settings: Switched to MD2 icon for Playstore
- LiveDisplay: Added color mode preview from AOSP Settings
- Reduced size of alternative derp logo
- Fixed time refresh capabilities of custom clocks
- Sorted QS tiles in alphabetical order
- Improved PowerShare QS tile
- Added Language toggle QS tile
- Added QS tile to show power menu
- Added QS tile to show volume panel
- Reticker: Removed some logging
- reTicker: Add youtube to blacklisted apps to avoid getting a null notification
- Let legacy apps scale fully to the display's aspect ratio
- Changed heads up ticker text style to match clock
- BatteryMeterView: Fixed logcat warning spam
- Keyguard: Fixed mapping mismatch between KeyEvent and NumPadKey
- Made scramble PIN layout Multi-User friendly
- Added Lockscreen quick unlock
- Removed Pin dividers layout entirely
- QSconfig: Re-distribute tiles on changing orientation
- Hide keyguard when SIM transitions to READY
- Fod: Aod content should move only in Y
- Added Screen off fod
- FODCircleView: Hide FOD while going to sleep and make it conditionally
- Add lockscreen background blur
- Fixed Lockscreen media art switch
- Made center clock layout safe insets aware
- Added Status bar notification ticker
- Brought back music ticker
- Added StatusBar Lyric toggle
- Fixed order of custom clock and Carrier label
- Added back accessibility setting in system
- Added video to power button flashlight gesture
- Fixed up the check if we have any color modes declared in overlay
- Reduced size a little of some custom WiFi/Signal icons
- VolumePanelStyles: Added upstream changes
- Fixed AOSPExpanded plugin crash with Swift Installer
- Fixed infinite expanding and apply unlinking to MIUI panel
- Switched to sha256 checksum


Tested by :- @Vastrolorde & @c0ndemned
Now you can Flash Sleepy Kernel

Wanna buy a cup of coffee ☕️
Paypal - Erickeagle334
UPI - erickeagle334@okaxis

#rom #derpfest #q #android10 #androidq

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customisation | @rn4photography