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One wise man once said: “Is it true, is it kind, is it necessary?” Right2Dissent is an analytical channel. Find out what really is happening in 🇺🇦 and the background behind the events. https://twitter.com/Right2DissentTM
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🤥'They' yap freedom, democracy and human rights, but cause division, death and destruction. Isn't it ironic? #ironically #lies #Hypocrisy
Right to Dissent. pinned «🤥'They' yap freedom, democracy and human rights, but cause division, death and destruction. Isn't it ironic? #ironically #lies #Hypocrisy»
🪄Since when have those who employ terror become new heroes?
This alone shows how wicked and twisted this 'sales' pitch is.
Do you know why they just don't surrender? More on 'Azov’…

Who are they really?
The "Azov" battalion is a neo-Nazi military organization quietly funded by the US Congress and trained by the US military. It is now part of Ukraine's National Guard. Their battalion’s logo incorporates the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel.
🔻Andriy Biletsky, a man behind 'Right Sector' and 'Azov', declared:
“The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival,” he wrote. “A crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen (subhumans).”
🔻The Ukrainian Government gave them carte blanche to do whatever they wanted without any consequences. They are known for state terror, murder, repression, blackmail, hostage-taking, torture, kidnapping and other crimes. Now it's a payback time.
🔻They know exactly what awaits them for all the crimes they have committed. And this is exactly why they can't surrender at Azovstal. It is a dead end for them.

💥More on their founding ideology from A. Biletsky...
In the article “Language and Race: The Primacy of the Question,” Biletsky insists on requirements for the racial purity of the “Ukrainian nation”. He highlights the impropriety of “accepting a person of a different bloodline, mentality, or culture into one’s family and nation, and allowing one’s own genes to mix with those of a different, inferior breed of people.”

“Ukrainian Social-Nationalism considers the Ukrainian nation a society based on a common bloodline and race.” “Race is paramount for the genesis of a nation”.

"People are naturally born with different abilities and opportunities, and therefore a person's happiness comes from finding his place in the national hierarchy and conscientiously fulfilling the task that life has assigned him."

"Ukraine, you are the light of Europe! Our nation has sufficient strength to stand up to pressure from outsiders, to purify our land, and to fan the flames of purification throughout Europe!” (Biletsky, The Words of the White Führer).

“We remain true to ourselves. Azov’s very soul consists of the right-wing ideology it received as its legacy from Patriot of Ukraine.”

This should be enough. Are you certain who the bad guys are? #Azov #Crimes #NotHeroes
💡Opinion: “With $40,000,000,000.00 plus the original $13 Billion for Big War’s/The D.C. Establishment’s official-unofficial war with Russia, how long till the kremlin parks some nuclear subs off our coast? What’s the over/under on how many of their +\- 6000 nuclear warheads will be onboard?” - Donald Trump Jr.
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#DeceivedNation #BrotherAgainstBrother #GenevaConventions
🇷🇺🤝🇺🇦Russian troops captured Ukrainian prisoners of war, but instead of shooting them in the head and legs, which is common among their foes, they immediately provided medical care. To all of them, to be precise.
🔹No need to believe the ugly lies of mainstream media 📺📰💻 demonizing Russians. They will do everything they can to keep you fooled. Taken from https://t.me/RVvoenkor
🤔By the way, have you noticed the entire Russian mainstream media is blocked ?
No alternative news or opinions are available for you.
What's the excuse? Well, it's Russian propaganda.
Aren't the other media doing the same to you? They are spreading their own. 🤣 #censorship #Hypocrisy
Media is too big
#Azovstal #AzovBattalion #WarCrimes #FalseHeroes
⚡️Here's something the mainstream media forgot to show you while presenting you "their" version of events. Enjoy!
A Mariupol resident, Azovstal employee, and now an Azovstal survivor. The truth hurts. 🤕 Thank you InfoDef for pointing it out 🙏 https://t.me/InfoDefenseEn
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😢 The footage comes from Snake Island, which I mentioned a few days ago when Ukrainian forces tried to capture the island and were defeated. The video shows the bodies of Ukrainian special forces.
A part of me understands that Russian forces had to defend this strategic location, but another part of me is sad.
🔸It's not a war between Ukraine and Russia, it's a civil war. Brother against Brother.
🔻’Thank you’ Washington DC for doing this. I pray Karma bites you in the a***
🔻 The mainstream media and whatever intelligence reports say everything to keep the Western audience spirits up. Like, the Russian forces lost their momentum, or Ukrainian forces are winning here and there, etc. But those who follow military developments in detail every day know that the Russians are moving forward methodically. Most of us in the West have little/no idea of the true Ukrainian losses. ⚠️ A month ago, by April 18 we are talking about over 23k KIA. The number of wounded is roughly 1:3 on average. Over 2k POWs. Unknown number of MIA and deserters. And this was before Russians started their stage B. But don’t feel discouraged. Our media will make u feel good. Sad.
What have we missed, or more precisely what have we ignored in the last 8 years? On the photo: Ukrainian soldier is sitting next to the artillery munitions with the inscription "All the best to children." If this does not make you sad, perhaps you should look inside yourself and fix a few things.
⚡️>🤔> 🤯 It's 'fascinating' how quickly "they" draw attention away from military bio labs. How about we stage a false flag operation? Or how about Putin price hikes 🤣 ? I don't know how long it will take to translate these documents, but nonetheless... Wake TFU! #BiolabsinUkraine #Despicable