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One wise man once said: “Is it true, is it kind, is it necessary?” Right2Dissent is an analytical channel. Find out what really is happening in 🇺🇦 and the background behind the events. https://twitter.com/Right2DissentTM
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#FalseHeroes #EvilPeople #DeceivedNation
🔻Things they don't tell you: "I have witnessed abominable crimes committed by Azov”,
recalls Adrien Bocquet, former (FR) army soldier, who spent 3 weeks in Ukraine as a medical volunteer. Racism, anti-semitism, hatred, torture, murder, white supremacy, the whole nine yards.

* The "Azov" regiment is a neo-Nazi military organization that was quietly funded by the US Congress and trained by the US military.

Original Sud Radio interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoKnhXnp-Zk&t=1215s
#Despicable #DoYouReallyCare
⚡️Whole new level of despicable. Part 1: Sivers’k. Serebrianka.

May 7, 2022.
In the cities of Sivers'k and Serebrianka, the Kiev regime took another step to discredit the Russian military in the eyes of the public.

Ukrainian nationalist units in Russian military uniform, and armored vehicles with Z sign (letters Z,V,O are used by the Russian military) fired at residential areas, and seized valuables and private vehicles by force. Those who opposed were physically abused.

Foreign and Ukrainian media members, accompanying the nationalists, took photos and filmed staged looting and the acts of violence as if the Russian military had committed it.

They are preparing to release the footage as soon as the Russian military enters those areas.

❤️ Dear friend, there's an InfoWar for Your Mind. 
More than 150 PR firms have joined the Ukrainian propaganda machine since the first day of war. DC lobbyists, intelligence-linked media, CIA cutouts, NATO-backed troll farms.
Staged filming of 'false flags'. Fake, ‘stolen’ and manipulated video and photo footage.
All this is real.
They blocked all Russian media. They shut down Russian bloggers' channels on social media.
They do everything to stop you from seeing and hearing the other side.Day and night, they lie to you. Do not let them fool you.
⚠️ Snake Island Madness.

⚡️Between May 7 and 8, 2022, Kiev made several desperate attempts to capture Snake Island, which is important for controlling the north-western part of the Black Sea. The attack was planned and coordinated with the direct participation of US and British military advisers.
💥Ukrainian forces suffered heavy losses and were defeated. They lost more than 50 special ops soldiers, and four Ukrainian aircraft were shot down in the air, including three Su-24 and one Su-27, as well as three Mi-8 helicopters carrying troops on board and one Mi-24 helicopter. Within two days, 29 Ukrainian UAVs, including 8 Bayraktar TB-2 attack aircraft, were shot down. In addition, three armored assault boats carrying troops were destroyed on the night of May 8. 24 bodies of Ukrainian servicemen remained on the shore of Snake Island.

What were the reasons for the multiple attack waves?
According to the source (not verified) in the General Staff, two high-ranking officers from the 🇺🇸 and one🇬🇧 military landed with the Ukrainian troops in the first wave. Their task was to coordinate NATO intelligence and Ukrainian landing forces. When Russian forces shot down three helicopters and one of the landing boats, the remaining boats withdrew, leaving the first wave on the shore.
❗️London and Washington demanded Zelensky make every effort to return the officers.
In attempting to return the officers, Ukrainian forces lost several more planes and helicopters, as well as several dozen dead marines and special forces. There is no confirmation whether they have been captured or died.

Why Snake Island? What's so special about it?
The first thing that comes to mind is the shortage of food supply in the world. Ukraine and Russia are both top grain exporters. Recently, Biden blamed Russia for locking up millions of tons of grain. Snake Island is a strategic location for solving this.

🪃Cause and Effect. In today's globalized world, what we do affects everyone. The D.C. elites and their minions prepared and began this proxy war with Russia. They don't give a ... about Ukraine. All this stems from greed and fear, but for you they say freedom and democracy.
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🤥 Seriously? They openly acknowledge they were preparing this whole thing. Maybe Russians should start training and supplying those next to the US border?
🇺🇸 I refuse to believe Americans will let themselves be fooled again.
💥It is the same story every time. The D.C. Elites yap democracy, blah blah blah, yet bring division, death and destruction.
This is really sad. 😢
‼️No matter how you feel about this Ukrainian-Russian conflict, young people should not fall victim to Nazi ideology. We had already been there, and the world had paid a high price in more than 75 million lives.
⚠️Meet Vika Z***a, who promises to destroy the Russian nation and kill any Russian POW. She fell victim to Nazi ideology coming from the "Right Sector" and "Aidar" Battalion. "Death to Orthodoxs" is written in one of the photos on the RPG grenade.
⛔️This madness should be stopped!
Taken from https://t.me/InfoDefenseEn
🔻The same people always. Wherever disaster is. Do you see the pattern? If you think differently than what they preach, just 'zip'. This is how they perceive the world.
📰George Soros, Clinton and Obama staffers and European governments are behind anti-Musk campaign to force big corporations to boycott Twitter - after Elon demanded to know 'who funds these organizations?'
💭On Preemptive War.
What if Russia had indeed thwarted a massive military action against Donbass, and something even more disastrous that was supposed to follow? Turning tables to create self-benefit is especially easy when the media belong to you. You can shape any truth you like. That's cheating, just on a larger scale.
Why did the West ignore Russia for so many years, or perhaps did not want to listen? Was it intentional? Because Russia repeatedly warned about what would happen if the instigators did not stop.

📑"In order to be justified as an act of self-defense, two conditions must be fulfilled for its justification. The first of these is that actor must have believed that the threat is real, as opposed to perceive. The second condition is that the force used in self-defense must be proportional to the harm which the actor is threatened." (U.N. Charter Article 51).

🤝Dear friend, there's an InfoWar for Your Mind. 
PR firms, DC lobbyists, intelligence-linked media, CIA cutouts, NATO-backed troll farms. 'False flags'. Fake, ‘stolen’ and manipulated video and photo footage. All this is real.
They do everything to stop you from seeing and hearing the other side.
Day and night, they lie to you. Do not let them fool you.