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One wise man once said: “Is it true, is it kind, is it necessary?” Right2Dissent is an analytical channel. Find out what really is happening in 🇺🇦 and the background behind the events. https://twitter.com/Right2DissentTM
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📰 Here's an example of how mainstream media propaganda works. The Ukrainian government provides them with a special guide/script on what to say. #lies #propaganda #manipulation
#UkraineWar #strategy #RussianArmy #MilitaryTactic
🇷🇺The Russian army uses small encirclements tactic against Ukrainian forces. The encircled force cannot retreat, receive supplies or reinforcements, and can be attacked from multiple sides. See examples from the current events. Taken from t.me/RVvoenkor
Media is too big
Thanks everyone for supporting this idea. Please welcome our first guest, TOR-M2U.
#RussianArmy #UkrainianArmy
On the 🇷🇺🇺🇦 armies and losses. Part 1.

When people talk about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, they paint an image of big Russia versus a small Ukraine. In reality, Ukraine is a big country with a big army.
It was ranked 3rd in Europe. At least 300,000 active troops, and then doubled in a few mobilization waves. They received billions of dollars in military aid from all western countries.

🤔Question: What price did Ukraine have to pay?

The military was reorganized. Enormous stockpiles of weapons, ammunition, modern gear and equipment, etc. They acquired intelligence, portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems.
Over the last 8 years, the Ukrainian forces have also built serious defense lines in Donbass.
It is clear that VSU is a formidable foe to the Russian Army.
#RussianArmy #UkrainianArmy
On the 🇷🇺🇺🇦 armies and losses. Part 2

The Russian army is definitely larger, and estimates suggest the Russian military is 1.6 - 1.9 million, including + 2 million mobilization reserves. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide accurate numbers, since some information comes from foreign sources and some from official Russian reports.
However, Russia is using only 8-10% of its active military forces in Ukraine.

The Internet is full of content mocking Russia. The media's job is to create an image in our heads and maintain it. They believe they can decide what is good and bad. So, they attack Putin's personality from every angle, spread fake news about heavy troop casualties and crimes. They talk about the demoralized army with outdated equipment and begging to go back home.

Their job is not journalism. The media is a big PR agency that sells information.
#RussianArmy #UkrainianArmy
On the 🇷🇺🇺🇦 armies and losses. Part 3

Before I write about casualties, I want to say it is a really sad subject.
The division between these two nations was made up. Don't know much about Western Ukraine, but Eastern Ukraine's always been close to Russian hearts, like brothers and sisters.

Given the high number of cases of misinformation, I don't consider the Ukrainian claims.
Unlike the Ukrainian fanfare claims, Russia has actual files on pretty much everything, including casualties records. The files are available to the public.
Here's the examples: https://telegra.ph/Dannye-o-boevyh-i-neboevyh-poteryah-vch-3057-i-obstoyatelstvah-gibeli-voennosluzhashchih-po-sostoyaniyu-na-29-marta-2022-goda-CH-04-17
#RussianArmy #UkrainianArmy
On the 🇷🇺🇺🇦 armies and losses. Part 4

Here's what we know.
By March 25, 2022
1,351 Russian soldiers were killed and 3,825 wounded.
* There is no more data on the subject, but speculations.
Although the up-to-date figures are unknown, the Russian casualty rate has fallen since due to tactics changes and learning from the mistakes of the first week. Some estimate up to 3k KIA.

By April 18, 2022
23,367 Ukrainian soldiers were killed. The ratio of dead to wounded is usually 1:3. Therefore, we can estimate around 60,000 or more. These numbers do not include deserters, missing in action, and surrendered troops. Kiev and the collective West carefully hide or reject these numbers to keep up morale.
Since then, the fighting has only intensified, and now, with numerous encirclements in Donbass and the surrender of Azovstal, the number of casualties and POWs will only rise.

By May 19, 2022
The Ukrainian forces lost
172 aircraft, 125 helicopters, 942 unmanned aerial vehicles, 313 air defense systems, 3158 tanks and other armoured vehicles, 395 launch rocket systems, 1562 artillery and mortars, as well as 3026 tactical and utility vehicles.

No similar data on the Russian army.
#UkraineWar 🤔 Possible Outcomes.
💭I would like to add a new rubric dedicated to the mainstream propaganda and manipulations. I'll be posting headlines from major media channels, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Let’s name it #CheesySalesman We can start from today’s The New York Times post. What facts did they flip? Where do they try to mislead? What do they use to boost their narrative? #MediaManipulation
Forwarded from MintPress News
Media is too big
Former US Army Judge Advocate General speaks out

The Watchdog with Lowkey

Full Interview: https://youtu.be/ejJHLxqmws4

We expose imperialism, join us:
Media is too big
💡I felt like uploading the full interview here. You are not required to agree or disagree with everything, but it is worth watching. Lots of interesting viewpoints and background information.
This interview was conducted by MintPress News.
🔻Do these words sound like the NATO rhetoric today? A. Hitler on the Russians:
“These are not human beings: they are beasts from the Asiatic steppes, and the battle I am leading against them is the battle for the dignity of the people of Europe.” (Hitler Downfall 1939-45, V. Ullrich.)
Media is too big
⚡️The last group of Azovstal's surrendered Ukrainian troops. The total number id 2,439.
Media is too big
Here is the second video from the series about the Russian army. I hope you enjoy it. It is an incredible modern story of professionalism and heroism.
The story of two SU-25 aircraft 🛫
#Despicable #FalseFlag
Nikolaevka. Reported on May 21, 2022.
🚨Breaking 💥Shocking
Mainstream media not only mislead and push a certain narrative, but they also participate in fabricating fake news stories. This time, and this isn't their first fabrication, the contributors are from 📰 The New York Times.
In the village of Nikolaevka 🏘 in the LPR, the Kiev regime carried out another abominable act to discredit the 🇷🇺 Forces before the public
The 🇺🇦nationalists and military shelled residential area, killing and wounding civilians. ⚠️The accompanying New York Times reporters and Ukr. journalists filmed the strikes and their aftermath, allegedly carried out by Russians.
This is another despicable hypocrisy and ruthlessness. The Ukr. authorities have never cared about the people of Donbas. They regard them as second class citizens.

P.S. I can't draw a perfect map, but you can see where Russia and Ukraine control territories, and where the fighting is. Another ugly and merciless setup. F*** them.