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Curso Django + Amazon S3


#Python #Django
Curso Django y Django Rest Framework


#Python #Django #web_Developer
Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

Learn to build websites with HTML , CSS , Bootstrap , Javascript , jQuery , Python 3 , and Django!

🗣️ Jose Portilla

#Python #Django #webDeveloper
Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

Learn to build websites with HTML , CSS , Bootstrap , Javascript , jQuery , Python 3 , and Django!

🗣️: Jose Portilla

#Python #Django #Development
Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

Learn to build websites with HTML , CSS , Bootstrap , Javascript , jQuery , Python 3 , and Django!

🌟 4.6 - 43511 votes
💰 $84.99
🗣️: Jose Portilla

Main channel: @repo_science
Coupons: @freecoupons_reposcience
#Python #Django #PostgreSQL
Building Web Applications with Django and PostgreSQL

This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how to develop web applications using the Django web framework in combination with the PostgreSQL database. Django is a popular web framework written in Python that allows developers to build robust and scalable web applications quickly and efficiently, while PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source relational database management system known for its reliability and performance.

📅 4/2023

Main channel: @repo_science
#Python #Django #bootcamp #webDeveloper
Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp for 2023

We will teach you the latest technologies for building great web applications with Python 3 and Django! But we don’t just teach that, we also teach the Front End technologies you need to know, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript. This course can be your one stop shop for everything you need! It will serve as a useful reference for many of your questions as you begin your journey in becoming a web developer!


Main channel: @repo_science
#desarrolloWeb #Django #angular #postresql #python
Curso: Django, Postgres y Angular | Integracion Fullstack

Construye Apps profesionales con python, angular, postgres, django. Despliega tu Aplicacion Django Rest en Heroku


Main channel: @repo_science
Coupons:  @freecoupons_reposcience
#python #flask #django #html #css #bootstrap
Python Web Dev Pro: Flask, Django, HTML, CSS & Bootstrap

Elevate Your Web Development Skills: Master Back-End & Front-End Technologies with Python, Flask, Django, and Responsive


Main channel: @repo_science
Coupons:  @freecoupons_reposcience
#python #django #webDevelopment
Python Django - The Practical Guide

This course covers:

- Installing Django
- Creating and understanding Django projects
- Understanding URLs, views, requests and responses
- Working with templates and static files like CSS and images
- Working with data and models
- Connecting data with relationships (one-to-many, one-to-one, many-to-many)
- Querying data with Django's powerful model solution
- Adding administration panels to your projects
- Handling user input with forms - manually and with Django's built-in form support
- Advanced features like class-based views (and when to use them)
- Dealing with file uploads and how to serve uploaded files
- Working with sessions
- In-depth deployment instructions and examples
- Different ways of deploying and serving static files and user uploads
- And much more!


Main channel: @repo_science
Coupons: @freecoupons_reposcience
#python #docker #django
Django Rest Framework with Docker A Practical Guide

In this tutorial you will learn:
- How to create APIs with Django Rest Framework
- Use Docker
- Create protected routes
- Login with HttpOnly Cookies
- Use APIViews, ViewSets, Generic API Views
- Authorize users for different routes
- Upload Images
- Export CSV files


Main channel: @repo_science
Coupons: @freecoupons_reposcience
#Python #django #webDevelopment #book
Web Development with Django: A definitive guide to building modern Python web applications using Django 4

Ben Shaw | Saurabh Badhwar | Chris Guest | Bharath Chandra K
📆 2023

Main channel: @repo_science
Coupons: @freecoupons_reposcience
#Python #django #webDevelopment
Build Python REST API With Django REST Framework

What You'll Learn

- Students learn about fundamental concepts of building REST APIs
- Students learn about fundamental concepts of Django REST Framework
- Students learn about Token and Session authentication mechanism
- Students learn how to deploy Python REST APIs to Heroku

Skills you will gain

- Students will learn building REST APIs with Django REST Framework (DRF)
- Students learn building Authentication system with Django REST Framework

📆 2022

Main channel: @repo_science
Coupons: @freecoupons_reposcience
#python #django #MySQL
The Ultimate Django Series

Master Django to Build Awesome Backends! This course is the first part of a series. In this part, you'll learn

• The fundamentals of web development
• Installing Django
• Creating and understanding Django projects
• Building reusable Django apps
• Building a data model for an e-commerce application
• Implementing generic relationships using Content Types Framework
• Setting up and using MySQL in your Django projects
• Creating and updating database tables using Django migrations
• Populating your database dummy data
• Querying and manipulating data using Django ORM
• Managing your application data using Django admin
Django best practices
• And much, much more!

Author: Mosh Hamedani
Language: English
Duration: 4h 48m
Subtitle: Included

Main channel: @repo_science
Coupons:  @freecoupons_reposcience
#python #django #MySQL
The Ultimate Django Series Part2

This course is the second part of a series. The first part covers the fundamentals of building websites with Python and Django. In this part, you'll learn:

• Fundamentals of RESTful APIs
• Working with class-based views
• Creating serializers
• Using mixins and generic views
• Generating routes with routers
• Filtering, searching, sorting, and pagination
Django authentication system
• Creating custom User models
• Securing APIs with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
• Using signals to decouple apps
• Troubleshooting common errors
• Applying best practices
• And much, much more!

Author: Mosh Hamedani
Language: English
Duration: 5h 41m

Main channel: @repo_science
Coupons:  @freecoupons_reposcience
#python #django #MySQL
The Ultimate Django Series Part 3

This course is the 3 part of a series. Build production-grade backends with industry best practices.A comprehensive, fun and highly-practical course that prepares you for the job

• Building an API to upload files
• Sending emails
• Running background tasks with Celery
• Scheduling periodic tasks
• Monitoring scheduled tasks
• Writing automated tests with PyTest
• Running performance tests with Locust
• Profiling with Silk
• Implementing caching with Redis
• Managing static assets
• Logging
• Managing development and production configuration
• Deploying to Heroku
Django best practices
• And much, much more!

Author: Mosh Hamedani
Language: English
Duration: 4h+

Main channel: @repo_science
Coupons:  @freecoupons_reposcience
#webDevelopment #Python #Django #REST_API
Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Advanced

Create an advanced REST API with Python, Django REST Framework and Docker using Test Driven Development (TDD)

🗣 Mark Winterbottom, Brooke Rutherford

Main channel: @repo_science
Coupons: @freecoupons_reposcience
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#django #webDevelopment
Django Girls es una organización internacional sin ánimo de lucro fundada por dos mujeres polacas, Ola Sitarska y Ola Sendecka, ​para inspirar a mujeres de todos los orígenes ​a interesarse en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web.

🔗Enlace al libro

Main channel: @repo_science
Coupons: @freecoupons_reposcience
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Media is too big
#webDevelopment #Django #React
Django & React Web App Tutorial - Authentication, Databases, Deployment

Main channel: @repo_science
Coupons: @freecoupons_reposcience
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