Reignite Freedom
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Reignite Freedom’s mission is to implement global, unified, and strategic pushback against the globalist agenda, ensuring we maintain our individual and collective liberty.
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I think I’ll go quiet for a while to rest. Lots of love.
The best way to fight for free speech is to SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY!!! Don’t self-censor or censor others. No matter how harsh it is…free speech is FREE SPEECH.

We will never agree with everything everyone says…get over it!

If people wanna say stupid hatful things…look away, block them…get over it!

Sticks and stones might break my bones but words can’t!
Australia is lucky to have ACA :-)
Victoria Police just posted this photo of them affirming a political bias 15 mins ago.

I wrote this comment, then within seconds the commenting was turned off for everyone. There are comments saying similar things to me, and instead of listening to the community they get paid to serve…they restrict our ability to have our voice heard…

It’s quite ironic that in their post they say…”Everybody has the right to express their true selves and be proud of who they are.” EVERYBODY except ANYBODY who disagrees with us haha

After my court case is done, and my next one is filed…I will be dedicating some time to exposing Victoria Police’s political bias and two-tier-policing tactics.


Three weeks for the judgement was ambitious. We just have to go with the flow :-)

More time to relax and mentally prepare to either be dead broke or victorious haha

ATTN UK freedom lovers…

“During times of psychological warfare, courage of conviction will be our strongest weapon”

Don’t be afraid…that’s what they want!!!
Be courageous and proud!!!

The world is watching…be role models to inspire us.
From as young as 5 years old children will be asked what their pronouns are at libraries…God help us.

Oh and WE PAID for these new rules to be implemented.

I have a new campaign coming out soon on this topic…can’t wait to share it. It’ll be global
Media is too big
BREAKING: Teacher Enoch Burke arrested at Wilson’s Hospital School, Ireland after refusing to endorse and affirm transgender ideology.

This will start happening more and more until the silent majority stop being so scared to speak the truth!!!

It might not seem that important now...but just wait till your kid gets put on puberty blockers WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT.
Media is too big
Apprehensively watiing for a verdict.

Judgement will be handed down 12th September. 11am at the County Court of Victoria. Celebrations will follow, regardless of the verdict.

Get my audiobook to support me, only $10.
Spotted at at Victoria Uni in New Zealand

“This study will discuss stigma and attitudes towards people with a sexual attraction to CHILDREN”

We don’t need to discuss it…they’re pedophiles! If they act on their urges…they should have the death sentence END OF STORY!!!
Media is too big
Nick Patterson had a massive win a month or so ago. Another lockdown protester, James, recently had a win in court and police were ordered to pay his costs. My case judgement is being handed down 12th September. Even if I lose, it's not the end of it for Victoria Police.

People will keep suing them to force why not make the move and apologise now and save us all some time and money???
Gosh I’m so nervous you have no idea :-(

My future is literally in the balance but I will accept whatever the result is as God’s Will.

Sometimes we don’t get the results we want and the reason for it won’t be clear until much later. Blind faith that He knows what He’s doing is what gets me through tough times.
So great to see ‘Fair Dinkum Candidates’ working :-)

NSW and VIC council campaigns currently running. Check to see if any candidates in your area are listed already. We only just launched…more candidates will be added next week.
My happy place…water, sunshine and family 🙂 Don’t mind the bellowing smoke coming over the hill haha

Trying to get my mind right in anticipation for the judgment on 12th September at 11am. Can’t wait for it to be properly over.

Details on my website if you wanna come. Don’t worry I’ll update you straight away 🙂