Reignite Democracy Australia
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Our Vision - "A strong, free and independent Australia”

We empower people by giving them a voice and providing honest, timely, and truthful information.
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ATTN Western Australia;

I would not waste your time on things that don't matter. This petition is being run by the Liberals, Nick Goiran, which means it's a parliamentary petition and actualy has weight, unlike those random petitions you see online.

Save this pic and share widely!
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I support this message!

I forgive you for calling us names, spitting on us, ignoring us, wishing ill on us...but that forgiveness comes with a caveat!

NEXT TIME...hear us out and don't dismiss us, because we actually care about you and this country.
Reignite Legal is looking for TWO people to test out how we can find a way around forced flu jabs to visit your loved ones in the nursing home.
It will be a CAPPED price of only $500 because we can use what we learn through your case to help others around Australia.
Sun, waves, sand and coffee…my happy place!

One of my main strategies to stay positive and optimistic in the face of evil…is to take advantage of God’s playground.

He made nature energetic and revitalising for a very intentional reason…to keep our batteries full and minds clear.
Submissions close 17th May (in 2 days)

Don’t miss your chance to be heard, and help us get to the bottom of the excess deaths pandemic
Monday 20th May
9am County Court

Celebrate Nick Patterson’s incredible victory!!!

Follow him at @fightcorruptpolice
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Perth, WA - ‘We Are Ready’ tour

Another beautiful event with a Hoodies Heroes group. They are all as kind, warm and lovely as the last :-)

"Hoodies Heroes Kings Park" meets every Wednesday at "Koorak Cafe" in Kings Park every Wednesday at 11 am
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It’s a weird time for people like me. The truth domino effect seems to be speeding up…and it’s emotional and a bit overwhelming.

My first thought is…”I told you so, why didn’t you listen?”
My second thought is…”ok, great, now where is the apology and accountability?”
My third thought is…”ok, surely we can learn from this and be different next time? At least hear us out next time please?”

And Victoria police…how you act right now is critical for the social cohesion of our society! Please do the right thing! Take accountability, take meaningful action, fire the thugs in your organisation and build a stronger force that will respect their oath to protect our citizens instead of our premiers.
Only hours before the Digital ID passed parliament!

These clowns can legislate whatever they want…doesn’t mean they can successfully implement them! They’re pretty hopeless at the best of time…which gives me comfort :-)
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Warwick, WA - ‘We Are Ready’ Tour

This was absolutely a WOW event. Over 100 people, high energy, active and passionate freedom lovers!

After all this time, it’s still called an RDA group. There aren’t many left so I must admit it has a special feel for me :-)

They have events often, be sure to connect to find out future events
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Scared of the Digital ID? Listen up

Yes, the digital ID passing is scary, there’s no denying that. BUT Australians are so much more aware than you might think…have a little faith!
Rottnest Island (45 min ferry from Perth)

Wow…what a place! It’s my last chance to enjoy WA and the sunshine before heading East to NSW (and probably cold)

Perth…you’ve been AMAZING! I have a tan and thanks to you, I’m now addicted to the beach, how will I survive without the daily sunsets :-(

We had dozens of events, all very well attended and organised. Perth is READY! Tons of groups, tons of passionate and active people. There’s no need to fear the future, use that energy to network and support each other :-)

NSW events all on my website
It’s my birthday :-) I’m 36 and yes my body clock is ticking. I think about it every single day but I trust God knows what’s best for me. I pray I can have it all…be an activist and a mum, but only time will tell. I am resolved to whatever is God’s Will.

What would I do without these two almost-perfect human beings??? I’d be lost that’s for sure.

Without them, NONE of this is possible! I would not be able to tour at all. If you’ve been to one of my talks, you know exactly what I mean. If you haven’t…well let me tell you…EVERYTHING good I am is because of their great role-modelling (and God’s grace).

They are my best friends…which is both sweet and maybe embarrassing at the same time :-) but I don’t care!

They gave me life, and they’re still giving me life every single day! Xo