Reignite Democracy Australia
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Our Vision - "A strong, free and independent Australia”

We empower people by giving them a voice and providing honest, timely, and truthful information.
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What a year 2021 was for all of us; including me and my organisation 'Reignite Democracy Australia'

The government put me in prison and claimed I wasn't a 'real' journalist. Almost 5 MILLION views in a year...I reckon that would rival even some mainstream media platforms.

Good luck with that case government...I'm coming for ya whether I win or lose the case next week.
I find it so interesting that fighting for your OWN freedom is unacceptable by mainstream narratives…but fighting for other people’s freedom that you don’t even know is celebrated.

I support freedom for ALL…but why don’t they???
Global support for the upcoming trial :-) hopefully we get a livestream link approved
Just come for 1 hour if you can from 9-10am…to show support for police accountability!

Maybe we can mend from the abuse we experienced…but not without accountability and meaningful action to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

I hope, and pray, that I can contribute to helping that happen so we can trust police again and feel confident that they wont abuse our human rights again if the situation arises.
You might wonder...Why would I want to watch a court case? Well...I'll get to cross-examine MULTIPLE police officers. I don't know for sure if it will be entertaining, but it might be!

There will not be a publicly available livestream link for the trial but ANYONE can request one.

All you need to do is email and request a zoom link.

The email must follow this format;

1. Subject heading 'Zoom link for CI-21-01328"

1. The full name and residential address of the person requesting the zoom link

2. The following words (cut and past the below into the email body):

I understand and accept that:
a) I must not make a recording (including audio recording, visual recording,
audiovisual recording, photograph or screenshot) of any part of the hearing.
b) I must not provide the zoom link to any other person.
c) I must not permit any other person to make a recording (including audio recording, visual recording, audiovisual recording, photograph or screenshot)
of any part of the hearing.
d) I must not re-transmit or otherwise publish any part of the hearing, or permit
any other person to do so.
e) Under section 4A of the Court Security Act 1980 it is an offence to record a
proceeding except in accordance with subsection (2), (3) or (4).
f) Under s4B of the Court Security Act 1980 it is an offence to publish a recording of a proceeding except in accordance with subsection (2).
Someone sent this to me…it was in their daily verse reading. Talk about a PERFECT MESSAGE
Media is too big
Trial update - Day no.1

Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any updates.

You can watch the trial live. Follow these instructions;
Nick Patterson and I are trying our best to force accountability for Victoria Police abuse during the most draconian lockdowns in the world. Maybe we can inspire police to take meaningful steps to ensure this can’t happen again, no matter what ‘crisis’ we face.

Human rights are non negotiable in our beautiful country.

We’re also doing it for those of you who deserved to be heard but doesn’t have the ability to go all the way. We hope to do your proud.

Win or lose, we have peace knowing our intentions are on the right side of history.
Nick Patterson came yesterday and today Mark Hobart and his lovely wife came to show support.
Australian and I are so lucky to have such a warm and supportive freedom family 🙂
Who’s coming tomorrow I wonder :-)
Media is too big
Trial update - Day no.2

Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any updates.

You can watch the trial live. Follow these instructions;
Media is too big
Trial update - Day no.3

Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any updates.

You can watch the trial live. Follow these instructions;
Media is too big
Trial update - Day no.4

Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any updates.

You can watch the trial live. Follow these instructions;
First coffee since being sick and the barista was not impressed he took so long to recover…called him weak. Harden up John hahaha
If you can only watch ONE day of the trial...make it MONDAY -

Without giving away my strategy to the 7-person-legal team against me...

The subject content on Monday will address and bring to the forefront aspects of the COVID tyranny trauma and suffering that EVERY SINGLE freedom lover in Victoria went through.

We tried our best to have our voices HEARD, but instead we were targeted and politically discriminated. On Monday, I hope to make you all proud and speak for all of us. If I am heard, I hope you feel heard too!

You might think I'm overdramatising this...and maybe I will fail miserably and let you down. I guess we'll find out together on Monday haha 😊

Please pray for me!
At this point…are you really surprised? I’m not one little bit.

Don’t waste energy being surprised when they mock what is good, right and true…this is the current narrative.

But GOD’S RIGHTEOUS ANGER will kick in…we just don’t know when.
I’m not 100% sure this could be used or how it would be but…here goes.

If anyone is, or knows someone, who was working as a police officer on Oct 31st 2020 and has since quit VicPol, please contact me.

You could be a powerful witness. However, I’m not sure if I can call another witness this late. Potentially I can’t.
Get zoom link

Make sure you email the court to get the zoom link today!
They’ll send a group email hopefully in the morning with the link.
If you want to watch via zoom you MUST EMAIL THEM TODAY. They will send a batch email out Monday morning

Follow instructions here