‘തക്കുടു‘ is here! 🤐

Submitted February 01, 2020 at 10:34PM by zcraber
via reddit https://ift.tt/2UhUhtk
Saw Driving License in Amazon Prime
I feel its a decent enough movie. And Suraj was really good.. Like how he's been in recent movies. I wonder why directors did not realise his potential earlier.

Submitted February 01, 2020 at 11:03PM by Love4ManUtd
via reddit https://ift.tt/3b3nYUQ
Regarding the 'NRI TAX'

Submitted February 02, 2020 at 12:57AM by tintumonteappan
via reddit https://ift.tt/2GN0rJL
There should an organization that focuses on maintaining the old 35mm prints of films.
Something like our version of criterion which could release remastered versions of films from the past using the old prints. It's a shame so many old films simply go missing or is unwatchable due to prints being kept badly. I recently tried to watch Lal Americayil which is an old film featuring Lal and Prem Nazir shot around the time of Akare Akare Akare (both in America, around the same time). It's wild how different both the prints are with Lal Americayil being borderline unwatchable. If we had some sort organization that focused on perservation, they could perserve the old prints for historical safekeeping and sell remastered versions to deal with the costs. I don't if there will be big enough market of film buffs tho to pay for the old films. Just something I was thinking about.

Submitted February 02, 2020 at 04:50AM by manumakesfilms
via reddit https://ift.tt/37VXh2A
ഉസ്താദ് ഹോട്ടൽ [Google Translate Version]

Submitted February 02, 2020 at 08:49AM by BlackSmithOP
via reddit https://ift.tt/31nEuKT
Jio VoWifi arkkelum kittunnundo?
The range in my home is pathetic. Thinking of switching to jio because of voWifi features. Is anyone able to use it?If yes, on what phones?

Submitted February 02, 2020 at 08:31AM by ijaysonx
via reddit https://ift.tt/31j9Hiw
Fellow malayali redditors, what is your favourite reddit client?
No text found

Submitted February 02, 2020 at 10:31AM by ijaysonx
via reddit https://ift.tt/38Zed8d
Found this gem of a website today

Submitted February 02, 2020 at 10:59AM by ijaysonx
via reddit https://ift.tt/391qycg
I need your help for my final research!
Hello everybody! A few weeks ago I asked reddit if you guys would be interested in filling out a questionnaire, and you said you would :) This is the link to the google form, it'll take only a few minutes of your time and I would be very thankful if you took those. If you are uncomfortable answering a question, or you are short on time, don't be frightened to skip the question.Survey :)If you are interested about my project, here some information about it. I am from the Netherlands and am now in my final year of secondary school. As the last big project we have to make before we go to university we were free to choose whichever subject we liked, and spend at least 80 hours working on this per person with a group of 3. We chose to make a project about the difference in digitalisation between India and the Western world. For example the difference between the governmental actions, Digital India, and a project to fund innovating businesses in the Netherlands. The survey is mainly to compare what we found with the reality, did the differences actually occur, or did some people write about it and everybody just assumed it as the truth.
Thank you for reading this, and if you have any questions, I'd love to hear them :)

Submitted February 02, 2020 at 03:23PM by boumert
via reddit https://ift.tt/2uekBcZ
Calicut : Bros and Sistas ,got recommendations for a good hip hop dance studio in Calicut?
Instructor names too would be appreciated alongside the studio name

Submitted February 02, 2020 at 04:50PM by canyouhelphere
via reddit https://ift.tt/2tralxS