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A US-bound Haitian in Tapachula, Mexico, complains that the United Nations failed to top up his UN-issued debit card, which is funding his illegal journey into the United States.


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CNBC: "Bill Gates is backing the first high-altitude experiment of one radical climate change solution—creating a massive chemical cloud that could cool the Earth. It's called solar geo-engineering."

"But it also comes with significant risks and uncertainties: Things like mass famine, mass flooding, drought."

"It could eradicate blue sky... You have less direct light, which is the same thing as saying it looks hazy and white."


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British MP Andrew Bridgen: "We are actually at war with Russia now... They're not going to tell the people probably until July or August."

"The whole thing's a pantomime in Parliament... It's not a race between the blue and the red team to see who crosses the finish line. This is a baton handover on all the big issues: Net Zero, Covid response, the WHO, the trans agenda."

"It's Agenda 2030, it's the World Economic Forum, the 0.1% of the richest people in the world—the globalists."

Full interview

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Award-winning journalist, Alex Newman: "When you facilitate these enormous migratory flows, you undermine people's attachment to not just their nation but also their nation state, and this facilitates the emergence of global governance, which is the ultimate objective."

From the must-watch new documentary, Weapons of Mass Migration. Link below. 👇

Watch the full documentary

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"Last warning: You know what comes next."

Two more of Sadiq Khan's ULEZ cameras have been sabotaged by the ULEZ Blade Runners, in Hillingdon, West London—less than 12 hours after being installed.

Notices were left at the location of the cameras, warning of more drastic action should the cameras be repaired or re-installed.


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Get injected with an experimental mRNA "vaccine" in exchange for a burger and fries...

Because blood clots, heart problems and sudden death are small prices to pay for free fast food!

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Wind turbine "dies suddenly" after bursting into flames, releasing thick toxic fumes into the air.

How "environmentally-friendly". 🙄

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Jet-setting climate conman, John Kerry:

"Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world. And we can't get to Net Zero—we don't get this job done—unless agriculture is front and centre as part of the solution."

"You just can't continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it. It doesn't work. So we have to reduce emissions from the food system."


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I recently received my three month emergency food supply from American Reserves (https://americanreserves.com).

With all the craziness going on in the world at the moment—the war on farmers, a banking system teetering on the brink of collapse, the desperate globalist push for WW3—it gives me some peace of mind to know that I'm not going to go hungry in the event of food shortages, supply chain issues, the power grid going down, or whatever else might lie on the horizon.

It's all freeze-dried, so it has up to 25 years of shelf life, and it comes in handy sealed buckets, which stack neatly on top of each other, perfect for tucking away in a basement or attic. All you have to do to prepare is add water, then wait a few minutes. And the food actually tastes great as well!

Get 10% off by using discount code WIDEAWAKE at checkout! 👇

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Credit card skimmers attached to legitimate card readers are an increasingly common way for thieves to steal your money.

Another great reason to pay by cash!

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Remember when the MSM brainwashed everyone into believing there was a deadly pandemic, even though the hospitals were so empty that medical workers spent hours filming asinine dance routines, out of sheer boredom?

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Mayor of London candidate, Shyam Batra, on 15 minute cities: "We are going to be in an open prison... for the rest of our lives."

"You won't be able to drive a petrol or diesel car anymore... If you want food, you will get a calorie controlled system sent to you by text, saying this is what you can eat today... If you violate any of these things, they will freeze your bank account."


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Speaking at the annual globalist conference formerly known as the World Government Summit, Klaus Schwab asks ChatGPT to envision what the future will look like under his so-called "fourth industrial revolution".

"We see a new dawn of human civilisation... where artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, 3d printing, genetic engineering [and] quantum computing become the foundations of our daily life... with technologies deployed to combat climate change, protect biodiversity, and restore natural ecosystems."


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U.S. senator Dick Durbin proposes recruiting illegal immigrants—with zero allegiance or affinity to the host nation, or its citizens—into the military, in exchange for citizenship.

What could possibly go wrong?! 🙄


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"The plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothing."

Australian senator, Malcolm Roberts, exposes the WEF's Great Reset agenda in the Australian parliament.

"Klaus Schwab's 'life by subscription' is really serfdom. It's slavery. Billionaire, globalist corporations will own everything—homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture—and everyday citizens will rent what they need, if their social credit score allows."


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"Game over. We are dealing with a fraud".

Geologist, Prof. Ian Plimer, thoroughly dispels the "man-made global warming" fairy tale, in just two minutes.

"No one has ever shown that human emissions of CO2 drive global warming… And if it could be shown, then you would have to show that the 97% of emissions which are natural, do not drive global warming."

Full talk

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Anthropogenic climate change: If Hillary Clinton is promoting it, you can be 100% certain it's a scam.

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"I think ultimately we will have to have some kind of universal basic income... I think it's going to be necessary." — Elon Musk, speaking at the World Government Summit.

"There will be fewer and fewer jobs that a robot cannot do better... The much harder challenge is how do people then have meaning? Like a lot of people, they derive the meaning from their employment. So if you're not needed, if there's not a need for your labour, what's the meaning? Do you have meaning? Do you feel useless?"


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Cheerleaders for the "man-made global warming" scam, Al Gore and John Kerry, predicting that the polar ice caps would be gone by 2014.

How many times do the climate apocalypse-mongers have to be wrong before people finally realise that "man-made global warming" is a monumental scam, fabricated as a pretext for unelected globalist bodies (including the United Nations and World Economic Forum) to seize totalitarian control over every aspect of our lives, under the guise of "saving the planet"?

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Bill Gates admits that "every aspect of our daily life has to change" in order to get greenhouse gases down to zero, despite boasting that "I probably have one of the highest greenhouse gas footprints of anyone on the planet".

Watch all the way to the end for a good laugh. 🤣

"Bill Gates' advice on how to combat mistrust in science... Sponsored by Pfizer."

You couldn't make it up.


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