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WEF 'agenda contributor', Katharine Hayhoe: "This year was the warmest on record, but it was entirely in line with what scientists have been predicting since the first climate model was calculated by hand in the 1890s."

"Most of the world is already worried about climate change... but if we don't know what to do, we'll do nothing."


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"The biggest threat to nature and food security... is not solar panels or onshore wind—it is the climate crisis, which threatens our best farmland, food production, and the livelihoods of farmers." 🤡

– Ed Miliband, the UK's new 'Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary', who has recently committed to blanketing vast swathes of prime agricultural land with solar panels.

"Every time the previous government ducked, delayed and denied the difficult decisions needed for clean energy, it made us less secure, raised bills and undermined climate action."

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"Today is climate emergency day."

Good Morning Britain, one of the UK's most popular breakfast TV shows, goes full climate apocalypse.

"It's a day to raise awareness about how short the window is that we have to tackle climate change, to reduce our emissions, to not get to that 1.5 degree value that all of the UN says, and all the climate scientists say, that will mitigate the very worst impacts of climate change."

"So the clock here is ticking down, and today it will go below five years for the first time in our history." 🤡

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Bill Gates: "If you want to get to [net zero emissions], you don't get to skip buildings, or agriculture, or industry, or electricity, or transport. You don't even get to skip planes or boats... You've got to change those industrial processes."

I don't remember electing Bill Gates as World Climate Commissar. Do you? 🤔


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Bill Gates: "My carbon footprint is high, and that's partly why I'm so avid that we need to get all sources of emissions to zero."


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Now they're coming after rice, to "save the planet". 🙄

World Bank president Ajay Banga, speaking at the WEF: "Methane is eighty times more dangerous than carbon dioxide."

"We're talking about... taking out ten million tonnes of methane by focusing on [rice paddy cultivation], on animal and dairy, and on waste management."

Rice is a food staple for more than 3.5 billion people—almost half the world's population—particularly in Asia, Latin America, and parts of Africa.


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EU head Ursula von der Leyen recommits to the European Green Deal:

[Young people] know that we have to reconcile climate protection and a prosperous economy, and they would never forgive us if we do not rise to the challenge... The young people deserve that we act on this one."


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Tucker Carlson on the Great Replacement "conspiracy theory":

"You have to think that this is genocidal intent."

"And why are we putting up with it? I don't think we should."


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"We don't have much time."

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: "Already, we're seeing an impact in society right now from climate risk, and climate change... from flooding, [to] fires."

"So the faster that we could find ways [of] mitigating the rising temperatures, I would say the more just society could be."


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World Economic Forum managing director, Gim Huay Neo: China has "a very strong role to play" in fostering the transition towards Net Zero, which will provide "better living opportunities for everyone". 🙄


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RFK Jr on CBDCs: "Every transaction that you make... the government is going to know about it."

"In China, they've used central bank digital currencies and made them programmable, so that if your social credit score drops below a certain number... the government can shut off your money."

"And if the government has the power to do that to you, it really has ultimate power over all of us."


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Neil Oliver: "I think there is an intention, a choreographed attempt, to reduce the world's population—slowly, and then possibly more quickly."

"What we're looking at is a subset of people—the elite, a narrow group of people, possibly just thousands of people—who are frightened."

"Their basic reaction is arachnophobic... You're a full grown human being, and you're confronted by a little spider... and you're so terrified by it you have to kill it. It's a completely irrational, over the top response because you're frightened. That would be my analogy for the way these people are about their fellow human beings."

Full interview

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UN Secretary-General António Guterres: "This past Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were the three hottest days on record."

"If there is one thing that unites our divided world, it's that we are all increasingly feeling the heat. Earth is becoming hotter and more dangerous for everyone, everywhere." 🤡


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World Economic Forum managing director, Gim Huay Neo: "Humanity is in a crisis... 2023 was the hottest year on record."

"Even in the most optimistic of all scenarios, we are headed for... decades of climatic disruptions, upheavals and catastrophes."

"What does this mean for the food we eat? The water we drink? The homes and the lifestyles we have?"

Do you believe her, or do you think the World Economic Forum has ulterior motives? 🤔


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USA: "I drove by this farm that has completely converted to solar panels. There's a couple of hundred acres of panels here."

"It's so ugly, it's such an eyesore, that they had to plant screening so that people couldn't see it."

"What are they going to do with all those panels when they wear out?"

"The country's gone mad."

Expect a LOT more of this as a consequence of the aggressive globalist push to achieve "net zero emissions" by 2050.

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Former UK PM and WEF 'Young Global Leader' Tony Blair, who was instrumental in opening the UK's floodgates to mass, uncontrolled immigration:

"There are genuine concerns about immigration... There's an anxiety about people coming in from Muslim countries, as to whether they are truly going to integrate with society, or whether you might have security or problems to do with extremism coming in on the back of it."

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English singer Morrissey displayed images of Klaus Schwab, Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates on a big screen as he sang about "criminals" during a live performance in Las Vegas.

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UK: Just Stop Oil climate activists block the departure gates at Gatwick airport in an attempt to stop holiday-goers from being able to board their planes. 🙄

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"Unelected elites have seen a mechanism whereby... they can control the average person."

Geologist Prof. Ian Plimer on Net Zero.

"This is the new global religion of the socialists in Western countries who are trying to have power over us... This is one of the reasons I fight this very hard."

"The science that they're using is demonstrably wrong, and they are using the science to crush an economy, to take away people's freedoms, and to have a society where people are incapable of having any criticism, otherwise they'll be called—as I have been many times—a 'climate denier'."

Full interview

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