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"Agricultural emissions are one of the most difficult to get rid of."

Unelected globalist technocrat, Bill Gates, intends to completely re-engineer the global food supply, towards artificial, "non-agricultural" methods of production—which do not require "vast amounts of land"—under the guise of "saving the planet".

Will you allow him to?


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Speaking at the WEF, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink unwittingly undermines the Net Zero agenda:

"The amount of power that's needed to use AI is a huge impact on society... To power these data companies you cannot have intermittent power, like wind and solar. You need dispatchable power, because you can't turn off and on these data centres."


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People who believe that government exists to make people's lives easier, better and freer.

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It still baffles me that so many people were able to witness or participate in such patently absurd behaviour, and not realise how farcical the entire thing was, from the very beginning.

People were well and truly consumed by mass psychosis, which totally bypassed the sane and rational part of their brains.

I'm not surprised these people are so eager to move on, and forget about how they behaved. I would feel utterly ashamed and embarrassed if I'd participated in any of this nonsense, too.

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"Covid" was just the flu/common cold rebranded.

There was never a novel SARS‑CoV‑2 virus. Nothing was leaked or released from a lab in Wuhan.

The entire thing was an exercise in medical and statistical fraud, facilitated by fraudulent PCR testing, and recording all deaths of any cause "within 30 days of a positive test" as "Covid deaths".

Change my mind.

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"We are in an information war."

Unelected globalist technocrat Melissa Fleming, head of the UN's Department of Global Communications: "Mis- and disinformation... is threatening not just our people, our operations, but also the issues and the causes that we're working on."

Make no mistake: When these self-appointed technocrats talk about "misinformation", "disinformation" and "hate speech", what they're really referring to is any information that exposes or undermines the various totalitarian agendas of unelected globalist bodies like the United Nations.


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London, England: An anti-ULEZ vigilante group known as the "Blade Runners" has committed itself to removing or disabling every last ULEZ camera in London.

Within London's 'Ultra Low Emission Zone', people are charged a daily fee of up to £17.50 for driving cars that don't meet arbitrary "minimum emissions standards", essentially making driving an unaffordable luxury for people who are already struggling to make ends meet as a result of runaway inflation, extortionate energy bills and a cost of living crisis.

Similar schemes are being rolled out in other major UK cities.

All part of the agenda to severely restrict people's freedom of movement, under the banners of Net Zero, the Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030.


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Five Handy Life Hacks For A BS-Free Existence:

1. If Bill Gates is involved in it, avoid it.
2. If Biden says it's true, it's false.
3. If the CDC or the FDA says that it's safe, it is dangerous.
4. If Congress makes a law to help you, it will eventually hurt you.
5. If the media pushes it, it's a lie.

Did she miss any?

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Sadiq Khan's ULEZ camera vans aren't very popular in London. 😢

Within London's 'Ultra Low Emission Zone', people are charged a daily fee of £12.50 for driving cars that don't meet arbitrary "minimum emissions standards", essentially making driving an unaffordable luxury for people who are already struggling to make ends meet as a result of runaway inflation, extortionate energy bills and a cost of living crisis.

All part of the globalist agenda to severely restrict people's freedom of movement, under the banners of Net Zero, the Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030.

A group calling itself the "Blade Runners" has vowed to remove or disable every last ULEZ camera, and camera van, in London.

Villains or freedom fighters? You decide.


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The WHO is now trying to blame cows for the spread of H5N1 'bird flu', which could supposedly develop the ability to infect humans, with an "extraordinarily high" mortality rate.

Will the WHO now start calling for cows to be culled in the name of "public health", leaving people no option but to eat insects and lab-grown "meat"?

And is it just a "coincidence" that this should occur just weeks before the WHO Pandemic Agreement is set to be voted on? You decide.


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WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, speaking at the WEF: "We need to have a binding [WHO Pandemic Agreement]... I'm hopeful that by May 2024, there will be a deal. And that will help us to prepare better and prevent the same thing [that happened with Covid] from happening."


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Despite stating publicly on numerous occasions that the planet is overpopulated, Bill Gates tells the World Economic Forum about his mission to save the lives of millions of children using vaccines.

Why would a man who believes the planet is overpopulated spend vast amounts of money, time, energy and resources attempting to save millions of lives? Or is there some kind of ulterior motive here? 🤔


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Governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain, Khalid Humaidan, speaking at the WEF: The transition from "predominantly digital with a little physical [cash]" to "fully digital" was massively accelerated because of "Covid".

"This is where contactless started to become something of a necessity... something of a requirement, and because of that there is very little resistance. Trust is already there."

Or maybe that one of the goals of the "pandemic" all along? 🤔


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The unvaccinated were not the only subjects of media demonisation campaigns in the Covid era.

There were also propaganda campaigns targeted at those of us with the audacity to exercise our inherent right to breathe freely, as if we were selfish, plague-carrying "granny killers" for doing so.

Never forget.

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Media is too big
London, England: Another three of Sadiq Khan's ULEZ cameras have been "retired" by a group calling itself the "ULEZ Blade Runners", who have vowed to remove or disable every last ULEZ camera in London.

Within London's 'Ultra Low Emission Zone', drivers are charged a daily fee of £12.50 for driving vehicles that don't meet arbitrary "minimum emissions standards", essentially making driving an unaffordable luxury for people who can't afford to buy an expensive electric (or newer model ICE) vehicle, as they struggle to make ends meet already due to runaway inflation, extortionate energy bills and a cost of living crisis.

Yet another front in the globalist agenda to severely restrict people's freedom of movement, under the banners of Net Zero, the Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030.


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Bill Cooper, former intelligence officer turned whistleblower, accurately warned us about what was coming three whole decades ago.

And he paid the ultimate price for it.

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The U.S. border crisis is not organic. Behind it are official policies, heavy financing, and agreements between the U.S. government and the United Nations—as detailed in the must-watch new Epoch Times documentary, Weapons of Mass Migration.

The film exposes how the United States and United Nations work hand-in-hand to facilitate mass migration, which is being weaponised to destroy America.

Premiering on May 9.


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"If you have a poor social credit score... they don't even let you into your own home."

China's Skynet mass surveillance system is the largest video surveillance system in the world, combining facial recognition technology, AI-powered big data analysis and social credit scoring, to compel behaviour the CCP deems desirable, and punish behaviour it deems undesirable.

Coming to the West soon, if we allow it.


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Huge turnout in Brisbane as Australians protest the Digital ID Bill, which recently passed the Senate.

Unless resisted en masse worldwide, digital ID will facilitate the imposition of CBDCs, social credit systems, personal carbon allowances, and worse.


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Dr. Ranj Singh—who repeatedly urged people to take the experimental mRNA Covid injections—attempts to play the victim over the online "abuse" he claims to have received from "anti-vaxxers" and "conspiracy theorists", after AstraZeneca admitted that its Covid "vaccine" can cause "rare" blood clots.

Is he a victim, or does he have blood on his hands?

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