Make a conscious decision about being friends with those you supervise. The day you go out for a beer together is the day you lost the right to correct their work bluntly and have them not take it personally. #Daily#Social#Hacks
If you are always talking to (at) your co-workers, yet they aren't facing the lower half of their body towards you in any way, then they're sick of your self-absorbed psychobabble and would rather get back to their jobs... #Daily#Social#Hacks
Do not be afraid to cut people out of your life. Life is too short to have shit friendships with no positive impact. As far as we know, and all evidence points to THIS life being all we've got. #Daily#Social#Hacks
Do not be afraid to cut people out of your life. Life is too short to have shit friendships with no positive impact. As far as we know, and all evidence points to THIS life being all we've got. #Daily#Social#Hacks