Burning Bright
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Our own Erik Carlson delves into the history of the Tavistock Institute in his latest for @badlandsmedia, exploring the mechanism through which (almost) everything truly is fake and gay.

In just 7 days, we will witness one of the prime historical events of the Known Universe, that being the duel between Feyd Rautha and Paul Atreides over ascension to the Golden Lion Throne, which Rautha provokes by invoking the right of kanly in the tradition of Paul's father.
Media is too big
This week, Just Human attempted to take us through the logical progression Fani Willis and Nathan Wade utilized to come up with their genius lie about the 'fat stacks' strategy employed and taught by Fani's Black Panther daddy.

Ultimately, he failed to keep a straight face.
A typical entry in the Righteous Russia series is around 3k words.

The latest I've been working on has a 7k-word organizer.

That, and the fact that the anti-Russia deployments get more absurd by the day explain the delays on this one.

I've taken some criticism for my pick for next week's Story Hour, but I stand by it.

Barbie (2023,) presents a terrifying/fascinating look into the mind of a fourth-wave feminist, while accidentally subverting itself by making the patriarchy look awesome.

Do. Your. Homework.
DEFECTED returns tonight at 9pm ET!

Just Human and I will analyze the Info War through the lens of Narrative Warfare.

Everyone is trying to program you. Don't let them. Program yourself.

(Until then, let some new art from Andy5x5 tide you over.)

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele made headlines over the weekend by delivering an ultra based speech to am American audience concerned with the direction of their nation, using his own as a white pill template.

The thing I find particularly compelling about Bukele is the fact that he provides a lot of signal, cutting through surface-level politics and directing his ire on the root of the problem, that being the Central Banking Apparatus that has sought to centralize control through the appearance of decentralization.

He also highlights NGOs and Globalist billionaires such as George Soros directly, putting a decrepit face on the collectivist rot he highlights for easy imprinting.

Bukele has drastically reduced crime in his nation by rooting out corruption, and claims he did so by focusing on "judges, attorneys and prosecutors" first.

When you add to this the fact that he's the first president to recognize Bitcoin as legal tender, things get even more interesting and exciting.
The NYT piece about the CIA waging a "Spy War" in Ukraine for "decades" is going viral for all the right reasons on our side of the Info War, and all the wrong reasons on [theirs.]

What's especially enticing about this seeming narrative about-face by THE narrative-setter of the Globalist Hegemon is the fact that it's being mirrored by a series of similar rhetorical retreats by other MSM outlets along parallel tracks.

While the NYT frames the CIA (one of the most hated agencies in the world and the one that drew the most fire from Putin this month) as clandestine heroes, WAPO has chosen a different theater to backtrack in, reporting that the US Military Industrial Complex and Deep State at large view the Ukraine-Russia conflict as a "bountiful opportunity."

They can couch that language in as many asides about key learnings and MIL strategy as they want, but the language stands out to an audience grown both weary and increasingly wary of the central narrative and its progenitors.
DEFECTED returns at the top of the hour!

Just Human and I will discuss:

- WTF is this Nikki Haley bish doing?
- Overton's Goalpost and Narrative Convergence
- What we believe vs. what we know.
- Biden launching a war on Bidenomics ... aka himself.

Media is too big
Recently, the Media Industrial Complex has been branding Donald Trump and his MAGA base as 'populist.'

Jon Herold, Just Human and I discussed what populism means to us, and why attempts to weaponize it against the America First movement are failing spectacularly.
Tomorrow night on Story Hour, we're going to dive into the head of a modern fourth-wave Hollywood feminist when we explore the movie core Badlanders are calling:

"Not actually as bad as I thought it was going to be," and "a crime against humanity."

Watch Barbie, if you dare.
Typically, the Narrative Pillar of the Deep State's System of Systems operates in perfect coordination with the Kinetic, Clandestine and Political Pillars of the same Hydra-like establishment, codifying and fleshing out deployments for easy (and Hegelian) consumption within the Collective Mind in order to advance regime-friendly mandates.

Over the last week, the panic within the Clandestine arm of the establishment is palpable, with the CIA now being plastered across headlines in the core Narrative-setters within the media, from the New York Times to WAPO; these deep dive editorials might be praising the CIA's 'influence' in the Prussian Proxy of Ukraine, but they represent Narrative retreat along previously-held psychological ground.

And now, even said Proxy is stepping out of line when it comes to pushing forward the latest in the absurd push of anti-Putin, anti-Russia western propaganda, as Ukrainian Gen. Kyrylo Budanov has rebuked the MSM's conspiratorial theorizing re: Navalny.
Media is too big
Recently, Chris Paul and I discussed the Hegelian Clown Show that is the Regime's kinetic enforcement apparatus, which has been making more headlines of late than the controllers are usually comfortable with.

You may know that enforcement apparatus by its common name: the CIA.
Media is too big
"Somebody actually has to create that path and show other people where the path is, and if nobody's moving forward, then that can't be done."

What's the difference between Gatekeepers and Rangers in the Info War?

Chris Paul and I discussed 'The Plan,' and how we factor into it.
Tonight on Badlands Story Hour, Chris Paul and I will be diving deep into the warped, evil mindset of a fourth-wave Hollywood feminist as we attempt to dissect the cognitive dissonance inherent in modern communist ideology.

Let's go Barbie ...

Denmark has officially joined Sweden in dropping its investigation into the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline, citing insufficient grounds on which to continue looking into the case, which is a slight spin on Sweden's own excuse that it didn't have the jurisdiction to continue the investigation ... something it apparently took them over a year to determine.

Buried in the reporting in both instances is the tantalizing morsel that Germany is still continuing its own investigation into the matter, but that it is unknown whether or not any report will be made public.

This makes sense to conspiracy theorists (also known as people who are right about almost everything all the time,) as many of us suspect Germany itself to have signed off or actively participated in the CIA-planned sabotage of its own energy infrastructure in a false flag meant to draw the enforcement arm of the western hegemon (also known as the US MIL,) into direct conflict with Russia.

Thank God for Devolution.
Scared things are stupid things.

Some time ago, I wrote about the Mind War using the masterpiece Dune as a template ... specifically, its infamous treatise on fear.

The enemy's goal is to demoralize you, and they do it through the weaponization of Fear.

But we can (and have) turned it back on them.

The more we see out of the MSM in 2024, the more firm I am in my belief that a Deep State archipelago has developed in the wake of Trump's 'departure' from office ala Jon Herold's Devolution research.

One of the debates we have most often in the Info War centers around control, but I think 'coordination' might be a more effective and worthwhile trend to track ... especially when we see a LACK of it from the other side.

Headlines out of the establishment usually march in lock-step, advancing predetermine Narratives designed to seed predictive programming, forward agendas or massage social mandate for subversive eventualities.

That said, we're seeing increasing divergences, and the Nikki Haley campaign is one of them.

While half the corpo media is lambasting her entire run, the other half is sounding faux alarms toward Trump on her behalf. I don't think they know where this is going any more than we do, so they're hedging their narratives at every turn.
