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Media is too big
"This is a world you'll never understand. And you always fear what you don't understand."

It's one of the more underrated quotes in the Dark Knight trilogy, and while many apply it to the Deep State, I believe it's been reversed on the cabal by one Donald J. Trump.

He's told us he's Batman. Have you been paying attention?

Have [they?]

From Defected Episode 75:

What's truly incredible about the bromance between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un that's been unfolding over the last couple days is the schizophrenic media meltdown it's provoking within the globalist protectorate.

The same corporate establishment that has been running headlines about Russia's nuclear submarine off the coast of Cuba that they claim is alternatively threatening the west with armageddon ... but also that it's totally "falling apart" ... is now doom-mongering about a mutual DEFENSE pact that only triggers if the west literally does what the west claims it would never do:

Attack the east.

Of course, this is a shot across the bow by Putin and Kim, and to a larger extent, by the Sovereign Alliance I've been writing about for a couple of years now, and which includes Saudi Arabia, China and, yes, Donald Trump's version of the United States.

Mutual defense pacts are another term for mutual peace pacts.

Peace needs to be enforced.

We got any peacemakers hanging around?
In recent weeks, we've seen the media industrial complex tiptoe around what's been obvious to any who've read the research of Jon Herold for years, now ... along with any who followed the Q drops and actually believed them, since they're mapping onto reality at an accelerating rate as the 2024 inflection point nears.

What remains open to interpretation is whether or not these media dogs know the truth regarding Devolution/Continuity of Government, and are actively working to undermine it, or if they're wandering in the dark like the dwindling supply of standard issue villagers (h/t Chris Paul) that still consume their content unironically, rather than using that content in order to gauge the direction of enemy narrative deployments, like we do.

From where I'm sitting, I lean toward the latter:

The media shills didn't attain their positions by being movers in the System ... they did so by blindly defending that System at all times.

Let's see how that works out for them.
Media is too big
The Mystery Box is one of the most ubiquitous (and hated) modern storytelling techniques that began taking over Hollywood in the early aughts.

This week, I argued that this narrative style is also being employed in the Info War, triggering and perpetuating audience buy-in and participation in the very False Reality that binds them.

Chris Paul and I discussed through the lends of Narrative Warfare, Reality Layers and all the usual Story Hour shenanigans while analyzing David Lynch's Mulholland Drive.

The little things ...

The Werewolf Game series has grown to be one of the most popular Badlands has published.

In it, American Hypnotist takes a look at everything from the Prussian origins of the Deep State to the bloodlines that continue to wield influence in the war between light and darkness today.

The funny thing about nonlinear events is that they're only nonlinear if they aren't predicted well in advance.

Earlier today, I spied a series of pieces warning about the increasing dangers of China hacking US systems. Of course, the fact that the Media Industrial Complex has been warning about Chinese threats to US energy (and, yes, VOTING) infrastructure is meant to lull the Normie Layers of the Collective Mind into the acceptance of this narrative deployment as an actual if and when it's deployed this fall.

Now, they've doubled down by somewhat hilariously using a "Harvard Expert" in order to make extra special sure said normies know they're meant to not just FEAR, but emphatically EXPECT the "New Axis" to deliver on their supposed promise of nonsensical nuclear armageddon.

We've been told that the choice to know would be ours.

What cognitive choices you've been making determines whether you're terrified of the movie ... or grabbing more popcorn.

Reruns, Mirrors, and Control.
Media is too big
When you reframe Joe Biden as Donald Trump's Proxy President rather than the Deep State's, the recent chatter about his removal from the 2024 ballot, along with the schizophrenic panic pattern playing out in the Media landscape make sense.

Devolution is the name of the game.

Jon Herold, Just Human and I discuss:

As Jon Herold has pointed out a few times referencing the Higgins memo, which we believe forms a bedrock of the Trump administration's fifth-gen warfare strategy, Trump is operating in a battlespace largely defined by the dominant leftist-communist regime, which has been in control FAR longer than most in MAGA are aware, up to and including many "Republican" administrations in the interim.

When the enemy lays narrative traps, Trump sidesteps them or refuses to engage directly.

While that may seem like a passive approach when it comes to things like Covid lockdowns, vaccine mandates and even taxation, the brilliance of it is that the founding First Principles of the American Republic were and are based in sovereignty and radiating, unalienable rights rather than active, "positive" governance.

Those who believe Trump ever pushed unconstitutional rhetoric are either willful bad actors or simply lack the intelligence to be worth anything to the truth/MAGA movement.

Good riddance.
Media is too big
Trump has always known about the dangers of Big Pharma and the CDC.

Here he is exposing vaccines and autism on the big stage in 2015.

This is why the Establishment hates him.

X link
Media is too big
"Donald Trump is the Peace President."

And he's not the only one.

While that may seem like just a claim for the time being, does the game board seem to be shifting in a way that may require peacemakers to step onto the stage sooner rather than later?

We are watching a movie. And we're going to like how it ends.
Donald Trump went on a podcast with Silicon Valley thought leaders yesterday and discussed the overwhelming need for an exponential leap in efficient, clean (and NUCLEAR) energy production in order to push us into a future of abundance largely defined by the AI revolution.

Trump said he "just thought of this the other day," which anyone with half a brain cell knows is not true.

This continues a recent pattern in which Trump has made overtures to the libertarian, Bitcoin maximalist, and techno-optimist contingents.

Trump is giving us spoilers as to the future of the American Dream ... which just so happens to recall the one they stole from us in the aftermath of the 1950s.

The patriot plan, which includes Trump, Tesla, Bitcoin, Nuclear Energy ... and Anons isn't bringing us into a NEW future. It's returning us to the one that was stolen from us.

And the best part is, it can, will and IS happening MUCH faster than anyone thinks.


Allow me to explain.

The Q for Dummies series continues today on Badlands.

Whether you're a newbie or an OG Anon, it's never too late to brush up on the most influential OSINT operation of all time.

Media is too big
"The Sovereign Alliance needs Kim Jong Un to be a leader, but they have to help him become one."

Jon Herold, Just Human and I discussed the projected foreign policy of Trump 2.0 ... as well as the fallout of the recent meeting between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un.

Media is too big
The War of Stories refrain isn't a bizarre, esoteric cypher meant for Info War sleuths. It's an observation of the core tenets of Narrative Warfare.

All wars are the result of lost information wars. And whoever wins the story wins the war.

Chris Paul and I discuss:

- - - - - - - - -

This is the unfortunate reality or battle space in which patriots have found themselves in the modern persuasion of the Info War.

It was and is possible for a MIL INT alliance to “take out” the enemy, run trials, seize power, etc., but it seems to me the disclosure layer plastered atop that plan is the War of Stories, a translation layer largely pushed by the perpetual reality creation engine of characters like Donald Trump and his supporters.

The Q Op, in my view, represented an attempt to both disclose to and awaken a deeper layer of nodes within the populace who were both cognitively and perhaps spiritually prepared to move themselves into an informational future, as Chris suggests.

The choice to know was and is yours, but the path there for the vast majority of the Collective Mind appears to be through an accelerated (and largely fictional) story that is an amalgamation and translation of the truths of this war.

Still, WE need to write the next story, and the one after that.
Media is too big
Operation Warp Speed is far more expansive than many believe, and I think Donald Trump's accelerated money printing campaign was part of a controlled demolition that has put the Federal Reserve and its proxy regime in the unenviable position they find themselves in now:

Unable to raise rates further or cut them for fear of unleashing an inflationary tsunami prior to November, while also being forced to defend the need for income tax on American citizens while demonizing tariffs on foreign (and even adversarial) nations.

And this is all occurring against the backdrop of Donald Trump continuing to tell a certain truth we haven't heard in quite some time: none of it is necessary; none of it is just ... and it never was.

How do we think that's going to work out for the powers that would be?
