Burning Bright
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The real Burning Bright. Author at BurningBright.substack.com

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Why does Donald Trump draw so many comparisons to Batman?

There's more to it than you'd think:

“This is a world you’ll never understand. And you always fear what you don’t understand.”

That truism used to apply to us. Now, I'd argue, it's reserved for [them.]

Media is too big
Some of you absolute smooth-brains haven't stopped to consider the true threat facing humanity ... one that's even worse than a centuries-old Deep State cabal.


I started spreading the signal last year. Now, Donald Trump is finally onboard, asking the REAL questions.
Erik Carlson is back with a biggie on Badlands.

Has Donald Trump's whole life been a sting operation?

Signs point to yes ...

"Despite All The Trickery, Theft Is Still Theft"

This statement was made by Russian President Vladimir Putin this weekend to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Putin may have been talking about western nations selling seized Russian assets in his own context of "theft," but you can easily repurpose the phrase to just about anything any government seizes for its own budgetary reasons, including vast portions of its electorates' wages.

I also find the timing of it to be delicious, since it comes directly on the heels of Donald Trump suggesting an end to US income tax by offloading that budget onto foreign trade, a price most countries will happily pay in order to retain access to the most robust middle class in the history of the world.

At a separate meeting this weekend, Alexander Bespalov, co-chair of the Investment Russia public organization, said, "only a person who is extremely detached from life and reality" would still support Ukraine.

The Based Era is nearly upon us.
So, why the hope? Why reject the black pill?

Because we were told all of this was going to happen. Not to coddle us, but to help us recognize it when it did.

And if that logical framework isn’t quite enough for you, just look at how the enemy is reacting not just before, but also directly following the Verdict that was meant to be the beginning of the end of the Orange Man, once and for all.

DEFECTED returns tonight at 9pm ET.

Just Human and I focused on Joe Biden last week, and how he's (accidentally?) helping us.

Tonight, we're going to take a 40k-foot view of Donald Trump, and discuss why the enemy really fears him so much.

On the last episode of DEFECTED, Just Human and I tried to take a step back and look at the big picture of the Info War through the lens of all things Donald Trump.

Why did [they] underestimate him?

Why do [they] fear him?

What is Project 2025?

You heard the man!

Really wish DJT wouldn’t keep blowing up my spot, though.

Shark rants are one thing, but to call me out be name?

Tryin’ to keep a low profile, dawg.
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Wow! @reburningbright has been hired as the “Flame of Liberty”!

Amazing accomplishment! Kudos, my friend.
Media is too big
Was the Q Op showing Anons the future ... or helping us create it?

Why can't it be both?

Chris Paul and I discuss:
There was a time, not so long ago, when the Democratic party branded itself as the party of the working class.

More recently, they rebranded further, claiming the working class had devolved into bigotry and ignorance, and so, they became the voice of the under-class, meaning those they could hook on the Nanny State and the Welfare tit.

Now ... they're the party of glitz, glamor ... and bullshit.

And the American people are watching it all.

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself."
The Deep State Archipelago is a Devolution Proof:

While Joe Biden was wandering around like a dementia patient at the G-7 meeting, his supposed allies in the Globalist Regime were attempting to wring more out of him than the typical meandering sound bites reserved for his corporate media handlers, specifically regarding commitments to Ukraine funding and overall support for the NATO bloc.

That is encouraging in and of itself, as it’s further evidence that formerly-connected nodes within the Deep State’s matrix have been cut off from their former communications and control structures.

The fact that EU ‘Allies’ are taking Biden to task for not holding up his end of the bargain implies that the net effects of a regime candidate ‘winning’ the 2020 election have not come to pass.

Now why would that be?

We’ve been told we’re watching a movie. We've believed it. Now, they're starting to.

We’ve also been told we’re going to like how this movie ends.

Do you think they feel the same way?
Why the panic, though?

Because, as I wrote in Righteous Russia, Power is Power. This holds true in American politics, where, increasingly, Culture is power—an environment the establishment themselves fomented with the advent of the Obama regime, a cult of personality if ever there was one.

And because Donald Trump is the Culture King.

Donald Trump is representative of American Counter Culture, and as it turns out, American Counter Culture in the current zeitgeist is a return to tradition. And so, the more the System attacks him, the stronger he becomes.

Almost ... like it was planned this way.

On our streams, we often talk about one of the key failings in supposedly-logical discourse being the propensity for many to argue "logically," but from faulty or meaningless premises.

You can see this on the Right, Left and in those who unironically refer to themselves as Independent, thereby stripping the term of its intended meaning in the first place. And you can also see it throughout the supposed Truth Community.

If you're arguing from a faulty premise, employing logic to move from one argumentative platform to the next is akin to building scaffolding over a sinking foundation. The frame might be perfect, the supports sound, the veneer full of all the crenelations and ornamentation you'd expect in the realm of the real.

But if and when the whole thing comes tumbling down, it's not just the building that was lost, or the argument. It's the time, and that can never be returned to you, or to us.

Don't seek truth, then. Seek lies, and burn them out until only the truth remains.
Media is too big
They stole the 2020 election. They indicted him. They convicted him.

They're going to jail him.

AND ... they're going to try to steal it again, either via fraud or their own inverted version of Continuity of Government, as Kash Patel recently signaled ... which is why you're seeing "foreign interference" and "muh Russia, muh China" coming back into the central narrative like a plague.

Asymmetric warfare is the name of the Game Theory, and nonlinear events are the only moves remaining for the Finite Player.

And yet ... Anons are comfy, because we were told, directionally that all of the above was going to happen, and because we've now observed the capital WHY. Not from [their] side. But from ours.

The story of Trump is the story of us, and if you're paying attention to Narrative Structure, you might begin to see why so many of us believe we're going to like how it ends.

The war isn't linear. The story is.

"Sometimes, you must walk through the darkness before you see the light."
Hold up ... you're telling me Robert C. O'Brien published an Op Ed on Trump's return to the Kennedy "peace through strength" doctrine on the same day Kristi Noem deployed the same thing in one of Trump's favorite publications, American Greatness?

We're in a War of Stories, and as that story accelerates toward a series of mass psychological inflection points, it seems patriots are trying to lend a helping hand to Americans who aren't quite picking up the themes on a quick enough timeline.

We've reached the assisted reading point of the narrative.

Coordination = Control.

Tonight on Story Hour, Chris Paul and I will be discussing Mulholland Drive (2001,) a trippy Hollywood dream (or was it a reality?) that provides fertile ground for a discussion on the party of false decorum, layered realities and all those little things.

See you at 9pm ET!
