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Today's CPI print is demonstrating the latest in a long line of Kobayashi Marus (impossible tasks,) the establishment and its representative Biden Regime are caught in.

The shortest answer as to why they're screwed when it comes to economic messaging is that they're trying to pitch a slow down in how rapidly things are getting more expensive as a GOOD thing to Americans, without addressing the underlying issues ... that being, you know, the money in the first place, and its custodial banks.

I've been saying for months that if the FED keeps hiking rates, they're increasing the pressure cooker the stagflationary economy is trapped in, but as soon as they cut, we're going to get a blow-off top of inflationary combustion that could tank what's left of the dollar.

All of this is occurring against the backdrop of Donald Trump making inroads with Bitcoin maximalists, while promising to cut taxes across the board, both of which this same establishment are demonizing.

Not ... a great plan.
If you're curious as to why Donald Trump is currently conflating Bitcoin with domestic energy production, while using it as a ward against centralized control via the banking system ... you might want to check out 'The Bridge.'

This piece is my attempt to connect everything from Trumpism and the Q Op to Tesla and Bitcoin.

The Plan is much further-reaching than you think.

The Merrick Garland deployment is a fascinating one, especially if you've been paying attention to the enemy's framing over the course of the last few months, and even more so if you subscribe to patriot control theories.

In fact, Garland, to me, represents one of the most firm examples of patriot control we've seen to date, and you can go Bicameral with that.

A) If Garland is [theirs,] then the fact that Politico ran a headline about him just a few days ago saying, "Everyone hates him," despite being a Biden appointee should let you know that, from where the establishment is sitting, he hasn't been doing his job.

B) If Garland is ours, whether by hook or by crook, then his pariah status is granting Narrative Shielding to however investigations conducted under his DOJ are used against the Deep State under Trump 2.0.

The media establishment doesn't seem to know what to do with the GOP's contempt deployment, in keeping with both scenario A and B.

That's good for us. Bad for them.
Media is too big
Muskian Rugpull?

Following a reverse indicators approach can serve you well when it comes to navigating the winding ways of the Info War.

Recently, I've applied this approach to the AI doom mongering that runs rampant in the truth community.

Look for the signal in the noise.
On a recent episode of the Power Hour, Jon Herold pointed out that the exhaustive media reporting on Joe Biden's Executive Order on US border action was missing one fairly important detail:

There was no executive order.

In fact, the Biden Admin never claimed to have issued an executive order on the US border. They simply made a public declaration on border enforcement ... which is, quite literally, the same thing as doing nothing.

So, when we see exhaustive headlines this week about the same admin signing a 10-year deal to 'Arm and Train' defense forces in Ukraine against the dastardly Russians, you need to go Bicameral.

On a narrative level, this is catastrophic for the regime to the normie hivemind, who don't want to be involved in the continued funding of foreign wars.

On an actual level ... the administrative action is, quite literally, an "executive agreement," meaning it has NO permanent enforceability, and can immediately be undone by future administrations.

Fake. Gay.
Colonel Roxane Watkins makes her Badlands Substack debut with a primer on Operation Gladio, a stay-behind operation that may have acted as a template for many of the Deep State shenanigans we continue to see today.

Trump's meeting with the bulk of the US-based Bitcoin mining industry on Tuesday made a lot of headlines in the crypto world, which makes sense ... but it's also ruffled the feathers of the establishment, who have taken about 48 hours to attempt to process what's going on.

(Hint: they still have no idea.)

Among the various write-ups on the meeting, a few interesting patterns emerge that stand at odds both with normies who haven't yet dipped their toes into what true decentralization means ... AND to some Bitcoin maximalists, who think THEY are the ones leading Trump to Bitcoin, when the truth is much more encouraging.

From an Axios summary:

"Browder (VP at Marathon Digital,) described Trump as prepared and informed ... He understood how bitcoin mining would support these things like AI."

Why is this encouraging?

Because it shows that the public narrative doesn't move Trump and patriots. They move the public narrative.

We just get to front-run it.

Media is too big
"It doesn't matter if there's a genius version of being right and a dumb person version of being right. They're actually exactly equal." - Chris Paul

Being right is always smarter than being wrong, no matter what communist retards in the media say to the contrary.

The End.
It's a genuinely incredible pincer move.

Typically, the commie counter against threats to end taxation is something along the lines of "muh roads."

If you have two brain cells to rub together to make a third, you'll already know that's an argument put together by Prussians (literally,) meant to cow you into the belief that we need the government to steal from us in order to build the very infrastructure a free market would already very obviously put together in order to transact, live and thrive free of intervention.

BUT ... we wouldn't be in an Info War if the logical answer was the way to counter decades of engineered propaganda and systematized control.

Here, Trump is proposing to eliminate taxation WITHOUT threatening "muh roads," as funding will still be plentiful in the form of that globalist trade commies are always carrying on about.

Surely they can't argue that taxes levied on voluntary foreign trade partners are immoral, when taxes on Americans are moral?

If Trump chooses to campaign on funding the government via tariffs rather than taxes, the Uniparty candidates will have to defend taxation in debates as part of their platforms - this is totally untenable.

Regime media - including ConInc media - would have to make pro-tax arguments that would inevitably lead to questions about the legality and constitutionality of the federal income tax in the first place.

How will people telling you to pay taxes look then? Like cuckolds.

What would it mean to the average American to understand the government has just been robbing him for his entire life?

This is one of many reasons why only degenerate retards think Trump will not have a vast, united majority.
Media is too big
What is the Deep State Archipelago?

It's a term I use to describe a ramping pattern of chaos we see afflicting the formerly-coordinated communist propagandists within the Media Industrial Complex.

They're losing control of the Story, which means they're losing control of us.
We spoke about different angles the regime's foreign interference FUD could take on Wednesday night's Power Hour, including the potential for the establishment to (pretend) to implement Devolution/Continuity of Government in order to stop Trump from taking power under the guise of "muh Russia-China."

They've been greasing the rails for this storyline since Trump 1.0.

The closer we get to their end, the closer we get to seeing their endgame.

Why does Donald Trump draw so many comparisons to Batman?

There's more to it than you'd think:

“This is a world you’ll never understand. And you always fear what you don’t understand.”

That truism used to apply to us. Now, I'd argue, it's reserved for [them.]

Media is too big
Some of you absolute smooth-brains haven't stopped to consider the true threat facing humanity ... one that's even worse than a centuries-old Deep State cabal.


I started spreading the signal last year. Now, Donald Trump is finally onboard, asking the REAL questions.
Erik Carlson is back with a biggie on Badlands.

Has Donald Trump's whole life been a sting operation?

Signs point to yes ...

"Despite All The Trickery, Theft Is Still Theft"

This statement was made by Russian President Vladimir Putin this weekend to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Putin may have been talking about western nations selling seized Russian assets in his own context of "theft," but you can easily repurpose the phrase to just about anything any government seizes for its own budgetary reasons, including vast portions of its electorates' wages.

I also find the timing of it to be delicious, since it comes directly on the heels of Donald Trump suggesting an end to US income tax by offloading that budget onto foreign trade, a price most countries will happily pay in order to retain access to the most robust middle class in the history of the world.

At a separate meeting this weekend, Alexander Bespalov, co-chair of the Investment Russia public organization, said, "only a person who is extremely detached from life and reality" would still support Ukraine.

The Based Era is nearly upon us.
So, why the hope? Why reject the black pill?

Because we were told all of this was going to happen. Not to coddle us, but to help us recognize it when it did.

And if that logical framework isn’t quite enough for you, just look at how the enemy is reacting not just before, but also directly following the Verdict that was meant to be the beginning of the end of the Orange Man, once and for all.
