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Last night on DEFECTED, Jon Herold and I got into shenanigans, and also explored the Trump 'Too Big to Rig' Deployment, the Deep State's Narrative Panic Pattern and more.

Check out the replay as you get into the work week.

There's almost too much signal in the Trump Supreme Court decision to distill, but here's a few top-line thoughts of why this is such a big deal from both a Narrative and Actual perspective:

- Whether you're a Q follower or just MAGA-America First, any conception of 'The Plan' involves the belief that Trump's Supreme Court picks during his first term present a bedrock foundation or backstop to [their] moves. This doesn't dispel that notion.

- The Establishment is responding to the Court's decision by immediately rejecting it and promising retribution/new angles of attack, confirming to the Collective Mind that it isn't about justice, but revenge.

- The Deep State may be confident in their ability to rig elections, including the 2024 election, BUT ... they are NOT confident they're keeping Trump out of the White House circa 2025.

Scared things are stupid things, and from where I'm sitting, there are a lot of scared things mulling around the halls of congress these days.

Tick tock.
Some things are comms.

Some things are NOT comms.

I don't want to live in a world where this is the latter.
Forwarded from Jon Herold
Biggest takeaway from this ruling:

Some States need to stop being retarded...
The great thing about the schadenfreude MAGA is currently experiencing is that communists aren't people, so you don't even have to pretend to be considering the atomic levels of cognitive dissonance ripping their false minds apart at present.
Super Tuesday isn't about the Result ... it's about the Story:

"Donald Trump isn’t just a threat to [their] corrupt System of Systems; he is a reminder to the American Mind of what they were, what they are, and what they could be again.

And it is only through conflict—both real and fictionalized, subtle and, most importantly and effectively, dramatic—that the American will might be enflamed and awoken once again."

While the War of Stories continues to go swimmingly for the America First movement domestically, and for the sovereign movement worldwide, it is increasingly devastating for the twin philosophies of globalism and collectivism, which are, of course, merely reskins of the communist ideology that subverted and destroyed the far east throughout the 20th century, and that would visit the same fate upon the west, if given the opportunity.

That said, in keeping with the Devolution research of Jon Herold, there are Actuals that pop up from time to time that, while seeming contradictory on the surface, suggest the groundwork is being laid for not just a return of the American dream, but of a cooperative sovereign dream across all lands.

China Joe is a nice Narrative, but his supposed policy actions have resembled anything but globalist subservience. And President Xi has followed suit, focusing on the on-shoring of production as well.

'The Switch' is well underway.

Tonight on Badlands Story Hour, Chris Paul and I will be discussing Steven Spielberg's A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001.)

Should be interesting to see how much of it we chalk up to predictive programming vs. typical genre fiction.

9pm ET!

Unless you're lost in all the worst ways, if you've been paying attention, you know Trump is the GOP nominee. Most of the Normie Layers of the Collective Mind know he is, too.

Tonight isn't about them.

Making it official isn't the point of Super Tuesday, or all of the wins that preceded it or that will follow it.

Tonight isn't about codifying Trump's (re)ascendancy in the Collective Mind. It's about demonstrating that he never left. That WE never left.

It's about codifying the existential threat that this movement represents to the System of Systems on the back of the utter panic pattern and narrative crisis cascade that's about to kick off in the aftermath of this public seizure of the zeitgeist.

Trump isn't just a leader. He's a symbol of all that has been stolen from us, and of all we will take back upon retaking the (public) reins of power in this nation. Not just political and administrative, but cultural as well.

We're in the narrowing phase.

We know it. [They] know it.
Story Hour is ostensibly about movies, but Chris Paul and I tend to use these discussions as a means of rabbit trailing into all manner of Anon-esoterics.

Last night, we used Steven Spielberg's 'AI' to discuss simulation theory and the nature of reality.

For those unaware, Ryan Garcia, perhaps the best young boxer in the world (at least, the most sensational,) has been going off on social media all day about the ritualized abuse of children by 'Elites.'

Whatever you think of his specific accounts, it's getting a LOT of traction.

Garcia claims to have been forced to watch such displays in an attempt to get him into 'The Club' in recent years, as his star has risen exponentially following a series of highly viral fights and a massive social media following.

This is the Darkest Path most in the Truth Community came into the movement in order to help expose, and it remains the foundation of [their] subversive, corrupt empire.

Again, it's difficult to know what to believe when it comes to pop culture figures, but when you focus on the Net Effects such stories visit upon the Collective Mind, you begin to see how 'mainstream' ritualistic abuse has gone, rendering the Potential & Narrative Actual in the mind of the observer.

The newest member of the Badlands Media Features Team, Simon Esler takes us through the mechanisms behind Left Brain-Right Brain cognition, and how each has been weaponized against us by the powers that would be.

Never a bad time for 5GW training.

It is DEFINITELY worth taking the Garcia story with a metric ton of salt, for the reasons Jordan lays out, here.

It's not a bad thing for these stories to be inundating the American zeitgeist, but considering the source (I'm no fan of the Tate machismo retardation,) it's more likely to be obfuscation and fame-whoring than the genuine article.

Influencers might be wearing these sorts of stories like a skin suit on social media, but we know the truth that underlies them.
Forwarded from Jordan Sather
Something's seems off about this Ryan Garcia Bohemian Grove story. Why not offer more details?

When did he go?
How long was he there?
Why was he invited?
Who invited him? Who else was there?
How do you record something when you’re tied up?

If he has supposed video/photo evidence, why not post it?

Getting the sense that this is clickbait to hype a fight or his name or something.

The Coordination between Elon Musk and Donald Trump is so obvious at this stage of the game that to ignore it is to be a willful and habitual doomer.


- Musk bought the most powerful communications weapon of the Deep State establishment in the midst of an overt Info War for the future of mankind. He did so at the 'encouragement' of Donald Trump.

- Musk's acquisition of Twitter was opposed by Trump enemy Prince Alwaleed bin Talal ... and yet, the prominent Saudi was unable to stop the deal from going through. (This was one of the 11 Princes Mohammed bin Salman arrested and later released during the Saudi Purge.)

- Musk happens to operate the largest decentralized internet infrastructure in the world, developed in concert with DoD backing under the Trump Administration. To wit, X doesn't go down when Meta and Google do.

- Musk is the biggest Mind-Mover in the world other than Trump. Their private partnership is about to go public in a BIG way.
There's a metric ton of signal to be found in the attached headline, which sees former Trump Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin joining together with former Comptroller of the Currency Joseph Otting to take over the beleaguered assets of New York Community Bancorp.

On the Power Hour of late, Jon Herold, Just Human and I have been discussing just how far the civilian-military alliance implied in the drops goes when it comes to the Info War, Devolution, etc., and in addition to Stephen Miller's America First Legal being the tip of the spear when it comes to pushing back against Deep State corruption using their own lawfare against them, the more important moves are being made in the US financial sector.

In 2023, we saw the collapse of the Silicon Valley and First Republic Banks, a mini Crisis Cascade that was kicked off by proxy of another Trump ally, Peter Thiel.

Now, we've got former Trump admin officials bailing out another regional bank.

Putting the pieces in place?
Elon Musk was the biggest DoD contractor under the Trump Admin.

Tesla isn't so much a car company as a vehicle for energy/tech disclosure.

Bitcoin isn't money; it's a weapon of peace designed to enforce sovereignty.

I'll be joining Jon Herold and Just Human on the Devolution Power Hour.

We'll talk SCOTUS Ruling, Super Tuesday, Musk-Trump Comms, Meta/Google Outages, Nuland, Ukrainian Shenanigans and probably Bidens being crimin' little rascals.

See you soon!

Today at 2pm ET ... experience the return of the Badlands Media sensation imaginary viewers are calling:

"The greatest thing to happen literally ever."

"Why was this greenlit Patel Patriot?"


"I don't exist. I'm an imaginary viewer. Life is pain."
