Burning Bright
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The real Burning Bright. Author at BurningBright.substack.com

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I think there's a LOT more signal coming out of the Michigan primary results than most of the Truth Community is discussing, as most headlines and commentary have been relegated to the memetic quality of Nikki Haley's continued political death spiral.

And this headline is a fantastic example of what's REALLY got the establishment spooked about the whole thing.

I often argue that, to win a Mind War, you don't need enemy psychological combatants to adopt your paradigm ... you only need them to abandon their own.

Michiganders are defecting from Biden ... and 'The Squad' is leading the charge.

The media continues to hedge their bets by trying to massage a narrative that Trump is somehow underperforming despite doing just the opposite.
This doesn't mean they won't try to steal the election again ... in fact, it guarantees they will, but I think some of these headlines DO suggest [they] know it will be catastrophic to do so again, as it's going to be even more obvious than last time.
If you're new to the concept of the pure decentralization potential of Bitcoin & what some Anons believe is the greatest weapon of peace ever developed by white hats to wield against the global cabal ...

I recently attempted to Bridge these ideas.

Cultural Heretics returns today at 2pm ET!

Julians Rum and I will recount the clownish basedness of the week, alternating between hopeful white pills and humorous black pills as we dissect the American culturesphere.

Let the shitlordery commence!

The plea Moldova's breakaway region Transnistria made to the Russian Federation about joining them in keeping with referenda the region has held in favor of such a move dating back to 2006 is a near-identical scenario to the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine circa 2014.

On its face, the US issuing warnings to the region about Russian interventionism is obviously escalatory, and Putin has already responded with more warnings in kind, telling the western hegemon that their intervention in Russian affairs (and those Russia deems its own) will be met in kind.

But I think the most interesting thing about the whole affair is how the globalists seemed to know this was coming, having warned the EU citizenry of Russia's inevitable 'invasion' of Moldova going back to 2022.

Also ... note that the Council of Europe formally "upgraded the status" of Transnistria from territory "under the effective control of the Russian Federation" to "Russian-occupied territory" in 2023.

Problem > Reaction...
In what was undoubtedly our most heretical episode of Cultural Heretics yet, Julians Rum and I discussed IP Skin Suits, Dead Franchises, Order vs. Chaos and more as it relates to the American Culture War.

Don't fight the culture. Become it.

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Have you guys ever heard Julians Rum describe himself in his own words?

It's quite a trip.
5 hours. 3 headlines.

One sees Vladimir Putin himself speaking to his nation in a State of the Union that is serendipitously timed just before the POTATUS makes his own attempt to rally a nation that knows he's a pretender fighting over the globalist scraps of a doomed empire while the true elected leader waits in the wings.

Another sees Lloyd Austin firing back ... the supposed Secretary of Defense for the main enforcement arm of said Globalist regime (also known as the US MIL, which many of us believe has been neutered via the Devolution operation so PsyOps and Narrative Seeding like this triple-decker in Hegelian propaganda can't be actualized like it might have if 'she' had won back in 2016.)

The third header is sourced via "leaked" documents that allege Russia's threshold for defending itself with nuclear weaponry is "lower" than previously thought.

Basically, the MSM is telling Normies that Putin's "Fu*k around and find out" meter is almost out.

And Normies believe them.
Media is too big
I often say that Bad News is Good News in the Mind War.

We call it the Great Awakening for a reason. We know that, sometimes we have to go through the darkness to see the light.

And yet, as this process plays out in earnest all around us, people doom.

Be the frame and support.
If there’s one thing the Deep State Controllers—the Beast we hunt and that we hope to bring down, that we WILL bring down—have understood at a root level that it has taken sovereigns and patriots generations to recognize, it is that Fear is the Mind-Killer.

[They] have used it to paralyze. To provoke. To control.

But we can use it, too.

To teach. To motivate. To free.

Fear is the Mind-Killer.

Fear is also an opportunity.

Take it.

Ron DeSantis had about as much a chance of unseating Donald Trump as the nominee in 2024 as Joe Biden does of winning a (real) election.

While I've waffled back and forth on whether or not the Trump vs. DeSantis feud was organic or a bit of kayfabe injected in order to expose the Uniparty Establishment, the Net Effects remain in that said feud provided a control study to the Collective Mind not just of Trump's resurgence within the American sociopolitical zeitgeist, but more so to remind them that he never left, and that when you come at the king, you'd best not miss.

I don't know how much DeSantis has to do with DEI initiatives running into an America First, logic-based brick wall in Florida, but the State Legislature has been working to eliminate Marxist/communist programs in earnest for the better part of three years, and now, it looks like we're getting some well-timed Actuals injected into the news cycle.

Cascade coming?

Normies like winners, and the communists are NOT that.
Media is too big
Nothing about going through the Great Awakening is easy. And yet, once you've taken the first steps, you never go back.

Imagine how difficult it must be for those we believe triggered the largest Info Dissemination-Mass Awakening event in ... ever ... to manage the fallout.
Love this take.

Acceleration isn't just about front-running enemy deployments, but about disrupting them.

When your foundation is truth and first principles, ANY disruption of enemy Narrative, Political, Financial or Kinetic Deployments results in a net balance trending to baseline, foundation ... truth.

The enemy literally works for us. Some of them are even starting to notice.
Between this and the Epstein files story, Ron! sure has some big stories leading into Super Tuesday.

Too bad he’s not running anymore, or these perfectly timed stories really would have provided a lift. It’s like they were planned on a different timeline, to happen right now.

Love it.

"Characters," white hats, black hats and everything in between don't get to determine where YOU choose to place your cognition on the informational timeline of awakening.

Consider all possibilities, but never outsource the truth to others on your behalf.
Forwarded from Jon Herold
Media is too big
On last night's show we discussed Tucker Carlson and what it means to be "we are the news."

"It's our job to say the truth as far as we know it, when we know it."

Don't be a monkey.

Full Episode: https://rumble.com/v4grger-devolution-power-hour-228-1030-pm-et-.html?mref=qxa4n&mc=51udw
DEFECTED returns at the top of the hour!

Special guest Jon Herold and I will discuss the following Macro Narrative trends:

- Too Big to Rig and the Trumpian Tightrope
- The Deep State Archipelago
- Panic Patterns

Last night on DEFECTED, Jon Herold and I got into shenanigans, and also explored the Trump 'Too Big to Rig' Deployment, the Deep State's Narrative Panic Pattern and more.

Check out the replay as you get into the work week.

There's almost too much signal in the Trump Supreme Court decision to distill, but here's a few top-line thoughts of why this is such a big deal from both a Narrative and Actual perspective:

- Whether you're a Q follower or just MAGA-America First, any conception of 'The Plan' involves the belief that Trump's Supreme Court picks during his first term present a bedrock foundation or backstop to [their] moves. This doesn't dispel that notion.

- The Establishment is responding to the Court's decision by immediately rejecting it and promising retribution/new angles of attack, confirming to the Collective Mind that it isn't about justice, but revenge.

- The Deep State may be confident in their ability to rig elections, including the 2024 election, BUT ... they are NOT confident they're keeping Trump out of the White House circa 2025.

Scared things are stupid things, and from where I'm sitting, there are a lot of scared things mulling around the halls of congress these days.

Tick tock.