RattleTrap 1776 šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø
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ā€œHold a gunā€ behind the scenes on each individual and make them display their crimes to the public. Make them spend their dirty money stolen from you the people for many, many years committing the crimes of treason, fraud, crimes against humanity for you to see.
Checkmate. If youā€™d follow the Blueprint, read the documents and watch my videos, youā€™d see by things you saw and remember hearing, from November 2016 to present dayā€¦ those are and have happening.
The good guys and gals have taken control in a brilliant, strategic, critically thought out and precision planned massive, Biblical, Monumental, Historical Covert Operation and are cleaning out the Federal Corporation system using the United States Military, UN Security Council, Abraham Accord countries, and others alongside two Federal Continuity Directives aka a COG by destroying and exposing the invisible enemy from within making them display their crimes of treason, fraud, and crimes against humanity to you the people.
ā€œWeā€™re going to give the power back to the people.ā€ Well, they cannot give the power back to the people until the people understand and appreciate whatā€™s going on via Laws and Orders that support our Constitution, Foundation and History for the future of this great Nation.
Military and Federal Laws and Orders are not conspiracy theories. Sure thereā€™s thousands of pages of Laws and Orders, but theyā€™re all open sources not secretive, hidden, ā€œmajor intelā€ or ā€œbombshellsā€ā€¦ They are ALL open information and there for the taking aka reading, studying, and applying.
If you donā€™t want to read them all, better start listening and applying better. I cannot make you read nor can I make you understand how to piece all of these together. I can say with no hesitation thereā€™s a reason why Bossman Trumpā€™s inside people intercepted me and Iā€™ll soon by writing a book, maybe and hopefully more, about itā€¦ not to mention all the other opportunities ahead with speaking events, tours, etc. That does not just happen without God and being called for such a time as this.
But if you follow my Blueprint found on thedocuments.info or the1776nation.com, youā€™ll learn how to discern the difference in your Foundation, History, Laws and Orders from Military and Federal sectors, in a common, average, American way, versus Propaganda, ā€˜noise,ā€™ ā€˜stuff,ā€™ drama, and things that just donā€™t matter.
The only thing that separates you and I, if youā€™re not a Veteran, is Iā€™m a Veteran. Iā€™m an average, everyday American, no law degree, only an MBA, but I can help you understand whatā€™s going on if youā€™ll read the Blueprint and get the general basis of the outline of this Military Operation and Continuation of Government and ask yourself those questions above once you do.
Remember these notable quotes:
ā€œAmerica will never be destroyed from the outside.ā€ ā€“ Abraham Lincoln
ā€œKnowledge makes man unfit to be a slave.ā€ ā€“ Frederick Douglass
ā€œIf you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.ā€ ā€“ Adolf Hitler
Donā€™t let the past of self-entitled, self-gaining, self-interested Career Politicians, RINOs, and criminals stop you from understanding, appreciating and enjoying this major ass kicking the Militaries are putting on them.
Until the Orders are RESCINDED and the National Guard are relieved of Active-Duty which will equal TERMINATION and ADDRESSING the Nation of the 9 National Emergencies still activeā€¦ which will be the President who declared them as prescribed by Law in 50 US Code 34ā€¦ which is Donald John Trumpā€¦ and end results based on laws and orders and also code language: Emergency Communications System (MARS), Martial Law, Military Tribunalsā€¦ as GITMO is still open and the New York Times reported December 29, 2021, that Military Tribunals will start in mid-2023, means a Military Occupancy and no President, until the Military feels the power can go back to the people.
Iā€™m a common guy once again, trying to help you discern and understand the difference in Laws and Orders that are actively being upheld versus everything else: propaganda, noise, stuff, irrelevant material, photoshopped pictures and information, false information, misinformation, disinformation from people who think theyā€™re daisies and theyā€™re dandelionsā€¦ wolves in sheep clothing preying on your mind, emotions, energy, and pocketbook.
Keeping my Oath and fulfilling my service beyond service.
Derek Johnson
Find me on:
Rumble, Twitter, Telegram: @rattletrap1776 (no spaces, underscores, periods, etc.)
TruthSocial: @derekjohnson
Facebook: 1776 Nation (facebook.com/the1776nation)
Instagram and TikTok: @derekjohnsoncountry
Music Site: derekjohnsoncountry.com
Music FB: facebook.com/derekjohnsoncountry
And again todayā€¦ šŸ‘‰šŸ» Maybe the pretty boy in uniform who donā€™t know laws and orders and who canā€™t make it without my name in his mouth can explain this weekly flight ā˜ ļø

You know, Gitmo, the place ā€œBidenā€ spent all them big donation monies campaigning he was gonna shut down Gitmo and Gitmo by DONALD JOHN TRUMPā€™S Executive Order 13823 is still ALIVE and ACTIVE with the New York Times reporting in December 2021, Military Tribunals are coming mid-2023ā€¦ ā˜ ļø

Laws and Orders have not been rescinded šŸ’ÆšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø #SuckstoSuck
Itā€™s such a disgrace and atrocity to have Active-Duty soldiers abuse and disrespect their Uniform as some dandelion who thinks theyā€™re a daisy has done on a recent videoā€¦ Someone who cannot make it on their own, but must use my name in their mouth plus doing it in uniform on ā€œdutyā€ with rank which is also a sign of ā€œabove the Regsā€ that many have died in. All to boost their egos, platform and side ā€œcareer.ā€

What a different world we live in. God bless those who gave it all where some twatwaffle can get in uniform on duty and take a swipe at someone to boost their ego and platform.

The šŸ’© still hasnā€™t used Laws and Orders to show this isnā€™t a Military Operation and COGā€¦ because there are none that rescind, revise, or revoke the Laws and Orders active and in place.

You might not like meā€¦ but I didnā€™t brown nose anyone, ride anyoneā€™s coattails, twist someoneā€™s words, and use names to get where I am.

Twisting my words for a 3 minute video to fit your ego, narrative and abuse of uniform will lead to destruction and humiliation.

Donā€™t make me call your Commander ā˜ ļø

Honorably Retired Veteran > Active-Duty. šŸ’Æ

And thereā€™s nothing more delightful than an Enlisted calling out an Officer abusing Rank, Duty, Power, and Taxpayer Dollars who knows NOTHING about the Laws, Orders, Regs, and Current Events of which they swore to uphold and protect ā˜ ļøšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø
Ohhh lookie here. Another Air Force guy who spent 32 years in and look what happened ā˜ ļøšŸ¤­

That service donā€™t mean šŸ’© if one doesnā€™t know Laws, Orders, Regulations and šŸ‘‰šŸ» uphold them for the right reasonsā€¦

Hereā€™s one who knew and thought he was above them šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø

Take notes soldiers šŸ’ÆšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

Whoever leaked my numberā€¦ when I find outā€¦ šŸ‘‰šŸ»ā˜ ļø
All transparency here, 24/7/365 šŸ’Æ
Everyone panicking over Hot Air Balloons while I have multiple balloons in files flying wellllll over commercial spaceā€¦

Hereā€™s one today šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Right over Alabamaā€¦

What you wanna bet Podcasters and pretty face soldier boys who donā€™t know anything about Laws, Orders, Regulations, Statutes, Acts, Codes, Comms, Optics, sent a balloon to wipe me out šŸ¤£ J/K

Not about the Laws and Orders part tho ā˜ ļøšŸ¤­
If Joe Biden is / was Presidentā€¦ how come he doesnā€™t exert Executive Privilege on Classified Documents?

You knowā€¦ the Privilege of the Executive Branch šŸ¤¦šŸ½

Also, ā€œIf they investigate me, theyā€™re going to have to investigate every single President before me, immediately.ā€ šŸ‘‰šŸ» CIC Trump, November 18, 2022.

If you actually care and are applying these, thatā€™s why itā€™s important to know Laws and Orderā€¦

Executive Order 13489 was signed by Oslama Yo Momma Obama which protects Presidents and Vice Presidents from classified documents šŸ¤­ā˜ ļø

Bossman Trump exerted Executive Privilege in November 2021ā€¦

ā€œBidenā€ and Pence havenā€™tā€¦

What part of the Military Operation and destruction of the Federal Corporation aka the Swamp aka the RINOS aka the festering rot of D.C. donā€™t make sense?

ā€œAll crimes and evidence of will be displayed to the public with full accordance with the law.ā€ šŸ‘‰šŸ» Bossman Trump.

For those who see itā€¦ how beautiful is it? šŸ˜ŽšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø
Iā€™m going to say this until it feels like a hammer smashing your nogginsā€¦

Iā€™m not going to bash anyone by nameā€¦ but for those sharing this 3 minute video of a pretty boy abusing his uniform on dutyā€¦

Youā€™re why America looks the way it does. šŸ’Æ

All youā€™re doing is refusing to read the Laws, Orders, Regulations, Statutes, Acts, Optics, Comms of whatā€™s happened and still happening right in front of you.

A 3 minute video of a pretty boy bragging about how long heā€™s been in service and this ainā€™t what the Space Force does has NOTHING to do with those.

All the pretty boy does is prove my point.

Thereā€™s way too many in the Military for their self-entitlement, salaries, benefits, and to boost their ā€œsecondary career.ā€

I wrote something just for Veterans, Active-Duty, and National Guard, I will post it shortly.

I highly suggest you suggest it for them.

And just remember 3 minutes and 3 inches never turns out good šŸ’Æā˜ ļø
Except for people like this šŸ’Æ

Welcome to Fame šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø
Whenā€™s someone going to show me by Laws and Orders that the Laws and Orders I know arenā€™t happening? ā˜ ļøšŸ¤­šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø
PS: We block people on Facebook, 1776 Nation who use profanity or arguing in the comment box.

Arguing over opinions when Laws and Orders are changed via legislation is why America looks the way it does.

This isnā€™t about me being right or wrong. Itā€™s not about me period.

I simply took the Laws and Orders ON THE CURRENT BOOKS and interpreting them for you.

My ā€œplatformā€ isnā€™t for debate and arguing or opinions. I donā€™t write or pass laws. Take your attitude to those who do.

Which proves my point: How about learn the system that governs your land and maybe it wouldnā€™t look like it does? šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ’ÆšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø
This is for all Veterans, National Guard, Reserves and Active-Duty Service Members.

That Uniform and your Service is more than a job, more than a paycheck, more than benefits, and more than just a pat on the back and ā€œthank you for your service.ā€

That Uniform and the meaning behind the service is Life and Death.

Those who have taken the Ultimate Sacrifice in that Uniform should always be in your thought process when you put it on, where you wear it, and how youā€™re wearing it.

The Military and War Articles (Military Law) was founded first in our Nation before the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Our Founders made that precedent. The Revolutionary War and that Foundation makes everything from that point forward different than the wars and governments before.

Our Founders created the Military to prevent war, not to start them.

That Uniform and Service does not mean anything if you do not understand WHY youā€™re serving.

Last I checkedā€¦ when I swore inā€¦ it never mentioned anything about the uniform, years of service, medical, dental, GI Bill, salaries, retirement, benefits.

Oath of Enlistment:

ā€œI, Derek Johnson, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to Regulation and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.ā€ Title 10 US Code.

Do you see any of those privileges above listed in there?

I see the Constitutionā€¦

And bearing TRUE FAITH and ALLEGIANCE to itā€¦

And obeying the Orders of the Presidentā€¦

According to REGULATIONS and the UCMJ which is Military Lawā€¦

Amazing ainā€™t it?

Title 10.

Itā€™s one thing when lower enlisted do not know anything about the History and Foundation of their Branch, but itā€™s worse they do not know much about the History and Foundation of this Nation, plus that Military Laws, Orders, Regulations, etc. are separate from Civil.

And itā€™s even WORSE that we have Officers in the Military who do not know Laws, Orders, Regulations, Acts, Statutes, Codes, in both sectors much less one.

That Uniform means nothing if you do not understand the Oath you took and why.

Simply being in Uniform does NOT make you know Laws, Orders, Regulations, Acts, Statutes, Codes, Optics, Comms, no more than standing in a garage makes one a car.
And for the recordā€¦ all of this ā€œFreedom of Expressionā€ needs to be cleared as well. Everyone wants their Free Speech but do not understand something vital to the Foundation and where it derived.

Same Founders who created Military and Governmentā€¦ and to think that just 12 years after the Bill of Rights passage, December 15, 1791, in 1803ā€¦ Marbury versus Madison was having to clarify what a Law was.

No wonder America looks the way it does in 2023ā€¦ TWELVE years after the Bill of Rights, 16 years after the Constitution, 26 years after the Articles of Confederation, 27 years after the Declaration of Independence, and 28 years after the Military Foundationā€¦

James Madison was having to defend what a LAW looks like.

ā€œAny Statute that BEARS the appearance of a Law that does not support the Constitution is NULL and VOID.ā€

So, if MY Freedom of Speech backs the Constitution, our Foundation, our History, our Founders, and yours does notā€¦ yours is NULL and VOID.

Thatā€™s how that shit works.

And since we are a Nation of Laws and Orders that support a Government System we createdā€¦ we must keep and maintain the responsibilities of that system in place.

Thatā€™s what this Operation and Continuation of Government is all about. Cleaning out a corrupt and vile system that PEOPLE let falter and falter through the yearsā€¦ by getting soft and woke.

Our Military Generals and others aboard this Operation knew Americans wouldnā€™t fight for it.

Hell, Americans donā€™t even know who the enemy is.

ā€œOur gravest threats are not abroad, their within.
ā€ ā€“ CIC Trump, November 15, 2022.

ā€œWeā€™re cleaning out the festering rot of D.C.ā€ ā€“ CIC Trump, November 15, 2022.

ā€œWe have it all.ā€

ā€œWeā€™ve caught them all.ā€

Bossman said it.

Who is we? = Military Intelligence and JAG.
They knew based on History.

See, if one doesnā€™t read or know history, how will they know itā€™s repeating, good or bad?

History shows only 1.7% on average each year of the 2.7 million US Population of the 9 years, fought during the Revolutionary War. Just a tad bit over where we are now with less than 1% serving in all Armed Forces branches.

Everything has been displayed to you, right in front of you, all laid out in Laws and Orders, and Iā€™ve got a Blueprint that can help you piece the pieces togetherā€¦ if youā€™ll shut up long enough, remove your ā€œopinionsā€ and your attitudes of what you thought you knew and read what governs our land.

Nothing of which is happening is bad at all. Everything is in full accordance with the Laws and Orders that support the Constitution.

As a United States Veteran, such as I, you should want to know whatā€™s going on and continue your Oath and your service beyond service.

If youā€™re National Guard, Reserve, or Active-Dutyā€¦ itā€™s your duty and responsibility on top of your Oath and call to service.

There are no excuses for not knowing.

This Operation and Continuation of Government all have open source Laws, Orders, Statutes, Acts, Codes, Optics, Comms.

No one can make you read. And no one can make you understand.

But to ignore, refuse to read and understand, or say this isnā€™t true or happening, will only lead to the exposure of your lack of intelligence, knowledge, and reflect on your service.

Your choice.

But let me go ahead and rain on your paradeā€¦ for those who pop attitudes and pull the whole ā€œI served 10, 15, 20, 30 yearsā€ and the chest candy circusā€¦

There are only 3 things that debunk laws and ordersā€¦ but firstā€¦

The lists of things do NOT debunk Laws and Orders:
1. Opinions
2. Perspectives
3. Cussing
4. Fussing
5. Arguing
6. Ridiculing
7. Mocking
8. Laughing
9. Joking
10. Crying
11. Complaining
12. Griping
13. Groaning
14. Gossip
15. Drama
16. Jealousy
17. Hatred
18. Self-entitlement
19. Slandering
20. Defaming
21. Keyboard Warriors
There are 3 things that change Laws and Orders:
1.         Rescinding
2.         Revision
3.         Revoking
No one has yet to show via Laws and Orders from both Military and Federal Sectors that ā€œdebunkā€ me, why?
One, this isnā€™t about ā€˜debunkingā€™ me. Thatā€™s the first error. Those who make this about ā€œDerek Johnson is right or wrongā€ is the problem.
This isnā€™t about me period. This is about what governs our land. Those are Laws and Orders. Iā€™ve taken the Laws and Orders that are different than any other time in History that separate the Federal Corporation RINOs and their agenda and show the line in the sand where the Military stepped in via Laws and Orders and changed the narrative.
Two, because there are not any Laws and Orders that rescind, revise, or revoke the current and active leading this massive and brilliant Military Operation and Continuity of Government.
You donā€™t have to like itā€¦ but thatā€™s not my problem. Thatā€™s a problem youā€™ll have to deal with.
Thereā€™s nothing in the world that has stopped, will stop, or can stop whatā€™s happeningā€¦ itā€™s been under way for 7 years right in front of everyone. Iā€™m simply taking Laws and Orders I didnā€™t write or pass and interpreting them.
Iā€™m simply following the instructions of God who gave me the platform with the ability to retain so much information, put it in as much chronological order along with multi-tasking the vast layers that parallel segments of Military and Federal for the everyday, common, American who does not have a law degree as I do not, but have a brain and know how to use and apply it.
Knowledge is NOT power. Itā€™s the application thatā€™s power. Iā€™ve got a simple and easy Blueprint that outlines how Donald John Trump is still Commander-in-Chief by Laws, Orders, Regulations, Statutes, Acts, Codes, from both Military and Federal Sectors.
Donā€™t be all Oorah, Hooyah, Hooah, and no Brains.
Donā€™t be all Uniform and no Brains.
Donā€™t be all Resume and no Brains.
Donā€™t be all Benefits and no Brain.
Donā€™t be all Uniform and no Service.
Donā€™t be all Service and no Brains.
Now... letā€™s get to the beef.
Hereā€™s the short Blueprint:
Law of War Manual ā€“ 2015
Donald John Trump escalator ā€“ 2015
Military Justice Act ā€“ 2016
Federal Continuity Directive 1 and 2 ā€“ 2017
9 National Emergencies / 7 in Executive Orders ā€“ December 2017 to March 2020
Federalization of National Guard ā€“ March 2020
That simple short list is all one needs to expand from as I do below.
This is a short, long Blueprint with Questions in Answer forms:
Explain to me why Military and Federal Lawyers wrote a brand-new Law of War Manual in June 2015 comprised of the Law of War Manuals from the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, and Australia, plus taking the strengths from the Lieber Code 1863, Hague Conventions, Nuremberg Trials, and Geneva Conventions, signed on June 12, 2015?
Law of War Manual: https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/DoD%20Law%20of%20War%20Manual%20-%20June%202015%20Updated%20Dec%202016.pdf?ver=2016-12-13-172036-190
Explain to me why the Supreme Court clarified in the Military Justice Act of 2016 that all things Military supersedes all things Civil? Why they clarified Military Courts supersedes Civil Courts? And why Military Personnel are separate from Civil?
The Military Justice Act of 2016: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46503#:~:text=A%20number%20of%20concerns%20relating,to%20trial%20by%20court%2Dmartial.
Tell me what the odds of Donald John Trump rolling down escalator on June 16, 2015, four days after the signing of the Law of War Manual and a year before the Military Justice Act?
How come after 241 years of the Militaryā€™s founding, the Supreme Court is clarifying in the first piece of documentation, that Military Laws and Courts are separate from Civil Laws and Courts. And that Military personnel are separate from Civil personnel?
Tell me the odds three days before Bossman Trump took office, the Federal Continuity Directive 1 was signed January 17, 2017?

Which is Plan 1 of the Continuity of Government with chapters of Devolution and Reconstitution.
Federal Continuity Directive 1 aka Continuity of Government (COG): https://www.gpo.gov/docs/default-source/accessibility-privacy-coop-files/January2017FCD1-2.pdf
Letā€™s look at Section H alone:
Page H-1:
An organizationā€™s personnel are its most valuable resource. Choosing the right personnel to staff an organizationā€™s continuity team is critical. Continuity team personnel include executive and senior leadership, staff with the technical expertise, and those that perform, conduct, or support continuity operations and essential functions. The ERG is comprised of primary and alternate staff who relocate during a continuity event, while the DERG is comprised of alternate individuals geographically dispersed from the primary site. Both groups perform, or ensure the performance of, the organizationā€™s essential functions and other continuity operations.   
ERG = Emergency Response Guidebook
DERG: Devolution Emergency Response Group
Click on the Source Link: DOE O 150.1B, Continuity Programs
150 1b:
Then click on 150 1b PDF: o150.1B.pdf 
150 1b PDF:
Now let's just prove how DJT is still CIC taking my Blueprint of Laws and Orders, then this is a direct dive into Federal Continuity Directive Plan 1:
Meet the mandatory Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning requirements prescribed by the following documents currently in circulation: