> For example, no matter how heavily one of the Ruby implementations is optimized, it’ll never beat PHP, let alone a fast language like C++, Go, or Java – the inherent performance disparity is too great.
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Eric S. Raymond (《大教堂与市集》 的作者)写了一篇关于 Go 语言的感受,其实大部分还是那些问题:
- 错误处理
- 缺少 sum type
- 表达力缺失(没有迭代器,const 只能用于原始类型 etc.)
不过总体上来说他对 Go 的评价其实还是很高的:
- 代码更容易维护(静态类型)
- 性能更好
- 更好的 profile 工具和测试工具
HN 讨论
- 错误处理
- 缺少 sum type
- 表达力缺失(没有迭代器,const 只能用于原始类型 etc.)
不过总体上来说他对 Go 的评价其实还是很高的:
- 代码更容易维护(静态类型)
- 性能更好
- 更好的 profile 工具和测试工具
HN 讨论
GoNotes.adoc · master · Eric S. Raymond / reposurgeon
A tool for editing version-control repositories and translating among different systems. Supports git, bzr, Subversion, darcs, and fossil directly, also hg, CVS, and RCS through plugins.
Forwarded from Luke 🦀
200.9 KB
And also ;)
今天跟朋友聊数据库连接池,发现 HikariCP 有一篇很好的概述文章
> Axiom: You want a small pool, saturated with threads waiting for connections.
今天跟朋友聊数据库连接池,发现 HikariCP 有一篇很好的概述文章
> Axiom: You want a small pool, saturated with threads waiting for connections.
About Pool Sizing
光 HikariCP・A solid, high-performance, JDBC connection pool at last. - brettwooldridge/HikariCP
It's Now Possible To Sign Arbitrary Data With Your SSH Keys
终于要有广泛使用的 pgp alternative 了
Git 已经在实现 SSH signing support 了: https://github.com/git/git/pull/1041
prior art: https://ssh-vault.com/
Hacker News:https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29208518
终于要有广泛使用的 pgp alternative 了
Git 已经在实现 SSH signing support 了: https://github.com/git/git/pull/1041
prior art: https://ssh-vault.com/
Hacker News:https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29208518
It's Now Possible To Sign Arbitrary Data With Your SSH Keys
ssh-keygen can sign and verify signatures, and it's way better than PGP
Forwarded from Luke 🦀
#TIL 原来有人再用 Rust 重写 GPG
The Mysteries of Dropbox
使用 Property based testing 来给 Dropbox 做自动化测试,发现了一些隐藏很深的 bug
Slide: https://www.lambdadays.org/static/upload/media/1456917030529391sonofmysteriesofdropbox.pdf
Paper: https://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/mysteriesofdropbox.pdf
使用 Property based testing 来给 Dropbox 做自动化测试,发现了一些隐藏很深的 bug
Slide: https://www.lambdadays.org/static/upload/media/1456917030529391sonofmysteriesofdropbox.pdf
Paper: https://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/mysteriesofdropbox.pdf
Forwarded from 囍频道 (IceCode New)
> IIRC for example Alpine does not make available the source code (AFAICT Alpine publishes source code for the packaging scripts, but not the package sources), or even the LICENSE of binary packages, which is problematic for compliance with licenses ... (Various common license require including the license text, and / or making source code available).
> So those images don't even ship with license / copyright info files for packages which is ... not a great start.
I'm not sure where a good public reference is for this, Google OSPO has some relevant docs internally about following license requirements when producing container images.
So far the best public doc on the topic I've found is lwn.net/Articles/786066
> IIRC for example Alpine does not make available the source code (AFAICT Alpine publishes source code for the packaging scripts, but not the package sources), or even the LICENSE of binary packages, which is problematic for compliance with licenses ... (Various common license require including the license text, and / or making source code available).
> So those images don't even ship with license / copyright info files for packages which is ... not a great start.
I'm not sure where a good public reference is for this, Google OSPO has some relevant docs internally about following license requirements when producing container images.
So far the best public doc on the topic I've found is lwn.net/Articles/786066
smaller distroless based kube-proxy image · Issue #109406 · kubernetes/kubernetes
Istio folks have a iptables image here that is quite small https://github.com/istio/distroless/tree/iptables $ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy v1.23.0 e0348...
使用 PostgresQL 的特性,在数据库层面实现软删除:
使用 PostgresQL 的特性,在数据库层面实现软删除:
CREATE RULE "_soft_deletion" AS ON DELETE TO "orders" DO INSTEAD (
UPDATE orders SET deleted = true WHERE id = old.id AND NOT deleted
Soft deletion with PostgreSQL: but with logic on the database!—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
Rubyists might take special pleasure here, but every SQL and PostgreSQL dev can learn this unorthodox approach: putting soft delete logic on the database side.