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Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 26, 2023 - TANKS and money for Ukraine, economic COLLAPSE and BORDER INVASION for America

- Sen. Menendez defiantly reveals his knowledge that the US government may CONFISCATE money from bank accounts of citizens
- Should the banks accounts of Canadian parliament members who cheered actual Nazi as "war hero" be cut off and seized?
- Russia's Lavrov condemns US as "empire of lies"
- Duma lower house leader Volodin says #Ukraine must surrender to Russia or cease to exist as a nation
- First Abrams tanks arrive in Ukraine, but US says they should NOT be used in the main battle
- Abrams tanks weight 70 - 80 TONS and will quickly SINK in Ukraine's muddy terrain
- Lost F-35 story takes another weird turn as pilot who ejected calls 911 from a neighborhood home
- The entire story is complete fiction - why did the pilot have no emergency radio? No transponder?
- US is spending billions in Ukraine to buy FERTILIZER for farmers and bail out small businesses (while America's economy is wrecked)
- Why are there plenty of TANKS for Ukraine but no tanks for the US southern border?
- Massive election fraud discovery in #Arizona - Ballot paper is FRAUDULENT (counterfeit)
- DOJ won't deport MILLIONS of illegals, but wants to throw a German family out of the country for homeschooling
- Rite-Aid in bankruptcy, to close 500 pharmacies across the country... Big Pharma retailers keep KILLING their repeat customers!
- Full interview with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger on the UN and WHO plan to roll out global medical dictatorship and enslave humanity

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Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 25, 2025 - GLOBAL HOLODOMOR now being engineered to exterminate billions with FORCED FAMINE

- Mass #starvation engineered to achieve #depopulation
- Tearing down fossil fuel energy infrastructure is key to causing #FAMINE
- $21 trillion in new investment needed in electrical infrastructure to go "net zero"
- 13 million tons of #copper would need to be mined each year in just seven years (to build power transmission lines)
- The needed expansion of electrical infrastructure is a PIPE DREAM that won't happen
- This means the people of the world will be left with no reliable energy infrastructure
- There are no battery-powered farming tractors or reliable construction or #mining equipment
- The Bobcat EV skid steer is a joke
- #Farming will collapse by design
- Westinghouse announces new micro reactors as a clean #nuclear energy solution
- These micro reactors can fit inside containers and produce up to 5 megawatts of power
- Fuel only needs to be replaced after EIGHT years
- Deaths in #gaza reach nearly 6,000 civilians (2,400 children)
- DOING THE MATH: #Israel has so far inflicted 250 9/11s on Gaza
- "Industrial-scale killing" now under way against #Palestinian civilians
- US neocons will gladly sacrifice #Ukraine, #Israel and #Taiwan in their quest for global domination
- Full interview with Stephanie Lind from Health Freedom Summit

Forwarded from Health Ranger
Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 3, 2023 - SACRIFICING ISRAEL: U.S. goal is to maneuver Israel to bomb Iran, even if Israel is destroyed in retaliation

- Why do BLACK lives matter but BROWN lives do not?
- Rich white nation bombs poor brown nation, media portrays rich white nation as the victims
- The US has long planned to attack and destroy #Iran
- Israel is the puppet state being maneuvered to wage that attack on Iran
- Brookings Institution document reveal plan to DIVERT all retaliation onto #Israel
- #Hamas served as an "accelerant" to bring us to a wider regional war
- #Russia says Israel has no right to self-defense because it is the OCCUPYING power
- #Gaza deaths exceed 9,000 Palestinians as IDF bombing continues
- "No limit" Lindsay Graham says UNLIMITED numbers of Palestinians can be justifiably killed
- The USA is using Israel as a proxy nation against Iran just as #Ukraine was used against Russia
- Israel's atrocities and ethnic cleansing activities are DESIGNED to provoke a wider regional war
- Israel is even bombing BAKERIES and killing people who are standing in line for BREAD
- Full interview with author and researcher Xavier Ayrals on apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 12, 2023 - US pivots for UKRAINE COLLAPSE by blaming Zelensky and his top military officials for Nordstream sabotage

- Volcano alert in #Iceland as large eruption now appears imminent
- Potential threat to world food supply due to GLOBAL DIMMING
- Grand Solar Minimum + large volcano = collapsing #food yields and #famine
- #Israel threatens #Lebanon and threatens to conduct mass bombing campaign on CIVILIANS in #Beirut
- WashPost propaganda paper points finger at top Ukrainian military official (Chervinsky) for #Nordstream sabotage
- Nordstream destruction devastated Europe's economy, keeping America's #dollar currency stronger by comparison
- U.S. LNG exporters reap HUGE profits from war in Ukraine and the Middle East
- USA prepares to pivot away from #Ukraine and blame Ukrainian officials for FAILURE
- #Zelensky is now being described in western media as DELUSIONAL
- General Zeluzhny likely vying to replace Zelensky
- Ukraine's military defeat is now certain, and a final settlement (surrender) will be negotiated in 2024
- #Russia will take Odessa in the settlement negotiations
- The USA will suffer a huge global loss in reputation due to defeat of Ukraine
- This will impact the #dollar and treasury debt markets, causing more countries to pivot to #BRICS currencies
- We are watching the final chapter of the fall of the U.S. empire
- Full interview with former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter

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According to this story, after losing nearly 500,000 young men in combat, Ukraine's Zelensky now wants to draft another 500,000 to replace them. But since there aren't enough able-bodied men to reach that number, he wants to draft WOMEN and DISABLED people. Plus, they're going to seize the bank accounts of anyone who they claim has dodged the draft. (One more reason to never trust banks with your money, as the government can steal it at any time.) So wait, are we now going to see #Ukraine rolling out soldiers who are amputees? Wheelchair-bound people? Visually impaired? Missing limbs? What kind of heartless lunatic is Zelensky? In America, we have the ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act. Looks like soon Ukraine will have the Disabled Front Line Soldier Brigade and they will throw these victims into a certain slaughter at the hands of the Russian forces, who will no doubt be utterly baffled and infuriated that they are being forced into a position where they have to fight disabled people because Zelensky is a war crimes maniac. Why aren't disabled Americans protesting against Ukraine at this point? https://www.rt.com/russia/590293-ukraine-bank-accounts-mobilization/
Forwarded from Health Ranger
Brighteon Broadcast News, Jan 8, 2024 - Arctic blast SCARE reminds us to be prepared for a grid down SURVIVAL event

- Vitamin D, "bunny bondage" gear, and political commentary. (0:00)
- Potential severe cold weather event in the US. (9:05)
- Potential oil price increase due to Middle East conflict. (23:43)
- #Propaganda and war efforts in #Israel and #Ukraine. (28:30)
- Economic collapse, #gold, and #cryptocurrency. (33:02)
- Israel's actions in #Gaza and international response. (40:33)
- Middle East conflict and potential for regional war. (48:38)
- US-Israel relations and potential conflict with #Iran. (53:56)
- Geopolitics and military strategy in the Middle East. (56:11)
- US #dollar dominance and global realignment. (1:01:05)
- Israeli-Palestinian conflict experiences. (1:13:53)
- US-Israel relations and foreign aid. (1:17:30)
- Critical thinking and media manipulation. (1:23:34)

Forwarded from Health Ranger
Brighteon Broadcast News, Jan 16, 2024 - Trump BLOWOUT in Iowa means Democrats will be DANGEROUSLY DESPERATE to halt the 2024 election

- Huge #Trump Iowa win and journalist Gonzalo Lira's assassination. (0:01)
- Middle East tensions and drone attacks. (5:19)
- Escalating conflict between #Iran and #Israel, potential US involvement. (10:43)
- Potential US military draft in response to Russia-NATO conflict. (15:38)
- Russia's military superiority and potential war with NATO. (20:52)
- Potential global crises and preparedness measures. (25:03)
- Politics, sponsors, and farmer protests in #Germany. (31:12)
- Global events, food infrastructure, and potential war. (35:58)
- Military offensives in #Ukraine with high casualties. (43:02)
- Russian advantage in Ukraine conflict. (45:36)

Forwarded from Health Ranger
Brighteon Broadcast News, Jan 29, 2024 - Evergrande LIQUIDATED, Germany tells citizens to BUILD BUNKERS, as Middle East war EXPLODES

- #Texas border convoy, #Evergrande liquidation, and financial crisis. (0:02)
- Financial instability and potential global economic #collapse. (3:43)
- #German government's preparedness for war and lack of resources. (9:49)
- Israeli military actions and their consequences. (14:41)
- US military presence in the Middle East and drone strikes. (31:28)
- Texas-Biden border dispute and insurance policies updating exclusions for war-related injuries. (35:56)
- Western culture, politics, and identity. (51:42)
- Political polarization and potential #civilwar in the US. (57:57)
- #Ukraine war and US foreign policy. (1:11:23)
- US-Russia relations and nuclear arms control. (1:16:09)
- US foreign policy and energy impact on Europe. (1:34:11)
- US-Iran relations, Yemen conflict, and Russia's role. (1:45:53)
- ICJ ruling and potential war crimes charges. (1:58:02)

Forwarded from Health Ranger
The $95 billion now approved by the treasonous U.S. Congress to fund Ukraine's war with #Russia will not change the outcome of this conflict. #Ukraine has already lost the war, as it has nearly out of men and equipment to fight it. This new money will only guarantee that more Ukrainian men are sacrificed on the front lines while Russia meticulously, patiently eliminates them and defeats whatever obsolete equipment western nations can heave eastward. $95 billion for Ukraine means $95 billion worth of hardware that the Russians will use for target practice, to make their vastly superior military even more proficient and effective. Russia is able to rotate "green" troops into active combat positions, saturating their active duty personnel with frontline military experience, building the most proficient and capable land army in the world, backed by the most advanced weaponry that any nation has ever produced (such as hypersonic missiles, advanced anti-air defense systems, highly effective combat drones, etc.). Meanwhile, the Ukraine-flag-waving absolute morons in the U.S. Congress think they can print money to defeat Russia. But America lacks the industrial output to even match Russia's, much less exceed it. Is the plan to air drop pallets of cash onto Russian soldiers, hoping to crush them with fiat currency? When Ukraine is fully defeated -- likely to happen before the end of this year -- there will be zero accountability for all the government waste, the $200+ billion cash that vanishes, the 500,000+ dead Ukrainian men, and the disruption of global trade and food output caused by insane western leaders (like Boris Johnson) gunning for war instead of leading the people to peace and prosperity. You are watching the self-immolation of Western civilization. The collapse of the #dollar isn't far away at this point, and when it collapses and the U.S. empire can't keep funding war provocations across the planet, the world will be far better off.
Forwarded from Health Ranger
Brighteon Broadcast News, May 6, 2024 – Russia’s orbital nuke platform CONFIRMED; Israel raids Al Jazeera broadcast offices

- Global politics, including #Ukraine, #Israel, and the US economy. (0:02)
- Government borrowing and money printing. (7:34)
- US government's financial practices and devaluation of #dollar. (10:04)
- Mushroom types, plant life, and ecosystem preservation. (15:09)
- Russia's orbital EMP weapon confirmed by the US State Dept. (21:19)
- BRICS nations preparing for collapse of the US dollar. (49:48)
- Economic collapse, #gold and #silver as assets. (55:03)
- Hidden cures and healing mechanisms for COVID-19, including nicotine. (1:13:39)
- Using urotherapy and other treatments to heal various health conditions. (1:22:32)
- Toxic foods and detoxification methods. (1:33:59)
- Cancer treatment using stem-cell-rich natural substances. (1:47:38)
- Natural healing methods and vaccine safety. (1:50:45)
