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Pusa concept - WEB without JS Front
Pusa concept moves development to the Back-end, excluds JS works for a Front-end. DOM elements and business logic are controlled on the Back-end side. There is no JS development for Front.
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Исправлен баг в демонстрационном контейнере Pusa связанный с оптимизацией контента. Актуальная версия контейнера: https://hub.docker.com/r/catlairnet/pusa_ubutu_nginx_php_ssh
Сокращен код проекта. Убраны лишние модули из сборки GIT и Docker.
Добавлен метод Replace в протокол Pusa, замещающий содержимой атрибутов в DOM.
- Reduced the Pusa-Front JS code from 11 to 6 kb.
- Demo file sharing has been published on Pusa engine https://file.catlair.net/
- Bug fixes and documentation
- DOMSend method implemented
- Pusa Demo conteiner rebuilded https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/catlairnet/pusa_ubutu_nginx_php_ssh/general
- Updated sources on git https://gitlab.com/catlair/pusa/-/tree/main
A new docker container has been published that demonstrates a file sharing on the Pusa engine:
- https://hub.docker.com/r/catlairnet/pusa_file_sharing
An interactive English grammar trainer on the Pusa engine is published: https://engram.catlair.net
The demo of Pusa is supplemented with an example of working with the clipboard.
It is planned to publish the Pusa CRUD library for MySQL.
We have published a new "Hello world" demo for Pusa.

The project contains the following features:
- does not use JS application code;
- contains full CRUD for MySQL demonstration;
- follows the MVC paradigm;
- demonstrates the user authorization;
- works with interective scrolling list;
- has the dinamyc refresh;
- contains the popup and confirmation interface;
- has the copy to clipboard interface;
- changes status for tasks.

Link: https://todo.catlair.net/
Docker: https://todo.catlair.net/
Source: https://gitlab.com/catlair/pusa/-/tree/main/site/todo
We have updated a Pusa protocol and put GRUD libraryes for MySQL and PostgreeSQL.

- GIT: https://gitlab.com/catlair/pusa/-/tree/main
- Protocol: https://gitlab.com/catlair/pusa/-/blob/main/site/pusa/src/language_en/man/pusa_protocol.md
- DB libraries: https://gitlab.com/catlair/pusa/-/tree/main/php/datasource

The protocol has been shortened.

Execution control
Debug - debug mode control for browser;
Call - method call for focus DOM elements or used objects;
JS - run JS code (not recomended);
Loop - cyclic execution of directives on the FrontEnd;
Event - set event for DOM elements and browser objects;

Controlling the DOM
Focus - set focus on DOM elements;
Create - create new DOM elements;
Send - send data from focused DOM elements (upload) to back;
Timer - start the timer with following event callback or stop the timer;
Replace - replaces the content of attributes for focus DOM elements.

Style tables
CSSAttr - setting style attributes for styles by name.

PilelePut - setting the value for the element of the Pile object.
PileReplace - replacement of fragments in a Pile expression with a name key Name (not implemented).
DOMToPile - placing the values of attributes and properties of focus DOM elements in the Pile.
DOMFromPile - filling in property attributes and properties of focus DOM elements from Pile.
PileToClipboard - places the Stack value on the clipboard.
We've added a full text search example and PostgreeSQL datasource for demo at https://todo.catlair.net/
The Todo demo can work with many data sources from one page.

- Demo - https://todo.catlair.net
- Docker - https://hub.docker.com/r/catlairnet/pusa_todo_demo
- Gitlab - https://gitlab.com/catlair/pusa/-/tree/main/site/todo

Added an interface for sending information, warnings and error messages to the browser.
The Pusa project has the new domain https://pusa.dev.
All old pusa.catlair.net links will be available.
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