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We would like as many people to share their stories each week on X Space so that the general public can be made aware of what is happening instead of just sharing stories with each other. Let's let the world know what happened and we will not be forgotten. If you want to share your story please contact me and I will schedule you in. We will do this once a week every Wed. Please know that time will be about 10 to 15 min per story so please try to keep to the big points (no days, dates, time, small details) so we can get as many stories in one discussion as possible each week. DISCLAIMER: This will be just about your stories, how to avoid this from happening again, what we have learned, and getting information out. We WILL NOT PROMOTE any organization or on going litigation.
We don't seek unity for the sake of unity. You wouldn't reattach a limb that had gangrene because it would consume and kill the whole body. Better to be without a limb and still live.

Covid open our eyes to so much evil. Yet many of our own loved ones refuse to see this. They choose to follow politicians, idols, fame, and money. They say yes we love God but I choose this worldly path. God is on their lips but not in their hearts. They say I have faith in God but I'm going to keep control of this aspect, I know best. Or I'll follow these experts and specialists who know best.

Good knew evil would penetrate every aspect of this world and he knew the time would come where his true believers would have to make the choice to turn completely to Him or to turn to the world. This means choosing love and breaking away from those who inhibit us from perfect alignment, even family. We don't stop loving them we just distance ourselves and pray they eventually turn away from the destructive path.

Complete surrender to God doesn't mean we lose anything. We actually gain true life as everything works synergistically through him and us.... mind, body, spirit. We can handle every evil thrown at us, reject temptations, reject fears, and fulfill our purpose. We will come trough every trial and tribulation better than before. There's no promise it will be easy but we will grow in spirit and learn every time.

We are at that turning point and we can no longer sit comfortably and consume the lies of this world and avoid the change that is taking place with or without us. We must decide who to fully commit to, God or evil. There are no in-betweens or exceptions even with family. Remember when someone is riding the fence that the devil owns that fence.
If anyone in this group gave Jared Woodfill from Houston Texas money forba retainer for a REMDESIVIR case, please PM me.
Forwarded from T Fletch
Where are the adrenal glands located?


Would it be possible to harvest adrenochrome this way?

Just askin.’
Forwarded from T Fletch