procrastination is history
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come & study with us goons hehe
we set up this group to help others and not fail because it’s not like we suck.. feel free to join us in our journey in trashing(slaying) Olevels this year (2022) hehe
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anyway for now, everyone please get the rest you need :)) thank you for everything and i’m proud of you all

(my dms and tells are always open if y’all need anything)
hi loves, happy new year :) thank you for supporting me throughout the whole of 2022, i really appreciate it. may 2023 be THE year for everyone of us, and may everyone be healthy and well 🫶🏻🫶🏻
haish.. all the best my loves🤍🤍 let’s get into the school of our choice!!
we have exactly 1 week until results day. ik everyone is scared rn (i’m scared too!) but we can only hope for the best now 🙏🏻🙏🏻 everyone has worked their hardest and their best, so let’s believe in ourselves!!
i just like want to tell everyone this while i’m a little active again: after collecting your results on 12th jan; (if you did well), don’t go around asking people how many pts/ what they got.

results day is something very sensitive to majority of us, so please respect everyone and don’t brag to your friends out your points! it’s good that you’re happy about your points, but do be aware of your surroundings!!
so.. the day has finally come everyone. i honestly have no idea what to say to help you all, just know that everyone (EVERYONE) is all super nervous and afraid for what is coming for us.

it’s not a surprise to see people praying, crying, or just lost at this point of time. those who took their olevels in 2022 are going through the same thing today.

there will be joy, anger, sorrow, a sense of loss and more emotions as you get your results back.

(like i said), do be more sensitive to those around you. (if you did well), don’t go up to those that look physically upset. it’s okay to leave them be for a while, for they might what some alone time.

from what i have seen, it’s better to not ask “are you okay?” or “it’s okay if you didn’t do well, there is another pathway.” etc. it’s not okay. olevels is a one time thing for (most of) us, and we may not prefer to retake it. try to just silently be there for your friends, and physically be there for them.

sometimes, your actions can seem louder than words.

everyone is going through the same thing together, but each of us react differently to different results. each of us have different expectations themselves.

to everyone: all the best for today, and know that there will always be someone there for us.
this may seem passive aggressive but i hope y’all know where i’m coming from 😓😓 IM NOT TRYING TO LIKE BE MEAN OR ANYTHING don’t get me wrong 🥲🥲
i’m super scared about my results too, but we can do it; i’m sure we can!
please sleep early and be sure to wake up on time ah report at 1.30pm!
(i have to dye back my hair and i’m honestly super lazy to.. my purple hair has turned to the colour of dead grass)
i know at this point, results are sensitive to many, so i won’t talk about that; it’s a sensitive thing to me too.

i just want to tell y’all that it’s okay to let it out and cry. take some time off social media. focus on yourself for the next few days, and don’t talk to people who like to boast.

make sure that you’re emotionally strong enough so socialise. if someone asks you to go out but you’re mentally drained, it’s okay to reject.
i’m very proud of everyone of you all, and i want you to know that.
i may not be the most.. affectionate as compared to admins of other channels, but really. i’m proud of you for completing this hellhole.
if you need anything, my tellonym will always be open together with my dms. don’t worry, i will reply each of these privately and won’t post it here.

i might take some time to answer your tells/ dms tho..
so i’m back, and i honestly don’t know what to do with this channel AT ALL. i don’t plan to continue this channel as it was mainly dedicated for our journey through Os.

there’s a HIGH possibility i might just keep this channel here and let it rot or i might delete it.

i probably won’t delete it because it’s lit 1.5 years of my hard work in here 🙏🏻🙏🏻

i mean the notes here might be useful to those taking Os this year, next year, or whatever year and i don’t want to strip them off things that might be useful to their studies.
for now, this channel will be left here and yea :))
like i said, i’m glad to have set up this channel with my friend (who is the main owner but went mia) and to have met y’all 🫶🏻🫶🏻

it has been a wild journey with you guys and it’s time to actually move on with my life after secondary school!!

thank you all for your support and i wish you all all the best for the future🛴🛴
i received some tells regarding on whether i can apply for vet..

the answer is, no i cannot. i was actually really disappointed in my results and if y’all were here long enough, you guys would know that getting into tp vet was a lifelong dream of mine.

i’m still going to tp (most likely) tho, so to those planning to apply there, hope to see you as schoolmates🤭🤭

(tp has bussin waffles and mala)
procrastination is history
directory!! general🦖🦕 • about me • hashtags • DMs • tellonym groups 👏🏻👏🏻 • ypt group • study groups • spam spam help ☎️☎️ • professional help • more professional help O’level/ N’level/ A’level updates📖📖 • Olevel 2022 timetable • Nlevel 2022 timetable…
if you need anything; about me, study notes, help, certain useful advice etc, my directory is under my pinned messages so you can refer to that (to those taking their national exams)!!

it has been a fun 1.5 years with you guys <33
procrastination is history pinned «if you need anything; about me, study notes, help, certain useful advice etc, my directory is under my pinned messages so you can refer to that (to those taking their national exams)!! it has been a fun 1.5 years with you guys <33»