🫂 PRO VITA. Pentru viață. Pentru familie
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Pentru viață. Pentru familie. Din 2005. Asociația PRO VITA București - www.asociatiaprovita.ro
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Altă observație este că față de anul 1990 scăderea % a numărului de nașteri (la sub 50%) este ceva mai pronunțată decât scăderea ratei fertilității (scădere care încă nu a atins 50%). Asta sugerează că populația feminină de vârstă fertilă (15-49 ani) a început să scadă mai pronunțat față de celelalte grupe de vârstă, ceea ce va accentua criza de nașteri în anii următori, în absența unor schimbări dramatice.
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UN official is stunned by the extraordinary number of NGOs operating in Ireland

You want to know why Ireland turned from being a conservative catholic country into accepting abortion, gay marriage and immigration all within a decade? This is the reason.

NGOs, not even once
Georgia - Partidul de guvernământ „Visul Georgian” intenționează să adopte în viitorul apropiat 19 legi sub titulatura comună „împotriva propagandei LGBT în rândul minorilor și pentru protecția valorilor familiei”, după cum a anunțat președintele Parlamentului, Shalva Papuashvili.

Legile vor interzice „propaganda pentru relații între persoane de același sex și incest” în opere de artă, manifestații publice, reglementarea „oricărei relații alternative la căsătoria” între un bărbat și o femeie, adopția de copii pentru cuplurile de același sex și definirea identității de gen ca diferită de sexul biologic.

Se propune, de asemenea, instituirea unei noi sărbători de stat în Georgia, „Ziua sacralității familiei” pe 17 mai.
•The greater the friendship, the more solid and long lasting the marriage will be, as we are united not only in flesh but in domestic activity.
St Thomas Aquinas•
🏳️‍🌈Pride fact #2
Many MtF transgenders undergo surgery that uses part of their colon as vaginal lining. This creates a large amount of discharge and regularly emits a foul digestive fecal odor. It is called the Sigmoid Colon Vaginoplasty.

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LGBT activist says his favorite part about the pride parade Going out there and seeing all the kids.

Each year they become more and more shameless about vocalizing their real intentions
🏳️‍🌈Pride fact #5
28% of gay men have had more than a thousand sexual partners. Almost half say have had more than 500 partners. In the early 1980s the CDC discovered the typical AIDS infected homosexual male “had sex with 1,100 men in his lifetime; a few counted as many as 20,000 sexual contacts”
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Media is too big
Heart-rending footage shows child services in the Netherlands forcibly taking two children from their parents based on falsified evidence

The family had to fight for 32 months before the courts admitted that the evidence was fake and returned the children.
Many social-democratic European states (especially Nordic countries) operate on a neo-Marxist ideology that is extremely anti-family and against parental authority, instead believing that the state is better suited to raise children. For this reason, they often kidnap children from their parents on the flimsiest of pretexts.
I personally know one family whose child was taken by the Danish state because he once ate Nutella in the evening!
The latest episode of the Star Wars series "The Acolyte" has a lesbian couple having twins, without any men involved

They don't even try to make any logical sense anymore
Pride fact #8
Condoms will not save gays from the adverse health effects of their lifestyles. The damage done to the “recipient” leads to many health problems other than STDs, including:
Higher chance of anal cancer
Higher probability of fecal incontinence: 25% of recipient gays report suffering from fecal incontinence
Anal intercourse can cause tissue in the rectum to tear and bleed. These tears allow disease germs to pass more easily from one partner to the other
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🏳️‍🌈Pride fact #12
The Gay movement has always claimed that Gays are "born this way".
However studies done on identical twins show that if one twin is gay, there is only a 11% chance that the other twin is also gay. If homosexuality were biological, this probability would have been 100%.
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🏳️‍🌈Pride fact #14
Children raised in households with homosexual "parents" are much more likely to suffer from negative outcomes compared to children raised in normal households:
92% of them are abused (1.6 times more likely compared to children in normal families)
51% are depressed (2.6 times more likely)
30% are suicidal (4.2 more likely)
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