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Forwarded from IMPERIVM
“A man knows when he has found his vocation when he stops thinking about how to live and begins to live.”

~Thomas Merton

Kyle A. Carrozza, the creator of the kids show "Mighty Magiswords", has been arrested on child pornography charges.
Added to the long list of pedophiles running children's entertainment in America, which includes the likes of Dan Schneider, John Kricfalusi, and others
Australia will now force religious schools to hire gay teachers
Degeneracy begins with calls for "tolerance", and ends with becoming mandatory
New Amazon prime show "My Lady Jane" portrays king Edward VI of England as gay and black

Media is too big
33-year-old breaks down crying because she is no longer able to find a man no matter how hard she tries

The best time for a woman to settle down is in her 20s. That is the time frame when she can get the best men available to her. Yet modern society tells women to waste this time with hedonism and focusing on careers. The result is women who are eventually left with no romantic options, or have to settle for men who are way below what they were used to during their younger years.

Forwarded from Vault of Secrets - Unpopular History (M Himself)
"Lucifer," a plaster statue created by Costantino Corti in 1862 and commissioned by the Count d'Aquila (1824–1897), who was the brother of the former king of Naples, contributes significantly to demystifying changes in modern society. The figure is portrayed as androgynous. "Baphomet," also known as the "Androgynous Goat of Mendes," is described by the Jewish occultist Eliphas Lévi (1810–1875) in his writings from the 1840s, where he connects it to the Gnostics. In his 'Bible' and another publication from 1841 titled "L’assomption de la femme," Lévi sought universalism, the rehabilitation of Lucifer, and the emancipation of women to be like men, representing the two aspects of the god he served. The religious beliefs of Count d'Aquila and Lévi are reflected in the occult explosion, leftist ideologies such as feminism, and liberal societal changes ranging from clothing styles to attitudes in the family and workplace.
Bună dimineața.

Pornind de la experiența de 2 decenii a organizației noastre în activitatea social-umanitară și de colaborare cu autoritățile publice din domeniul familiei și al protecției copilului, am transmis în atenția unui grup de membri ai Parlamentului României un set de măsuri destinate susținerii:

a. mamelor minore care se externează din sistemul de protecție a copilului și a copiilor pe care i-au născut în perioada în care au fost în acest sistem și sunt în grija lor,

b. tinerilor care au părăsit sistemul de protecție a copilului, în general,

c. elevilor/studenților/doctoranzilor care urmează o formă de învățământ la zi, dacă au copiii în întreținere și totodată sunt încadrați în muncă.

Forwarded from Fascinating Womanhood
Lust Love
Affairs Commitment
Fleeting Lifelong
Heartbreak Joy
Disappointment Fulfillment