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Tocmai am trimis cel mai recent buletin al nostru, despre activitatea noastră, buletin intitulat simbolic „Semne vitale”.

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The Harmful Effects of Early Sexual Activity and Multiple Sexual Partners among Women: A Book of Charts

A very good resource showcasing the many negative effects promiscuity has on women, including the effects on divorce, STDs, single motherhoods, poverty, depression, and other life outcomes.
“When the family shall no longer have a head, and the great foundation for the subordination of children in the mother's example is gone; when the mother shall have found another sphere than her home for her energies; when she shall have exchanged the sweet charities of domestic love and sympathy for the fierce passions of the hustings; when families shall be disrupted at the caprice of either party, and the children scattered as foundlings from their hearthstone, — it requires no wisdom to see that a race of sons will be reared nearer akin to devils than to men. In the hands of such a bastard progeny, without discipline, without homes, without a God, the last remains of social order will speedily perish, and society will be overwhelmed in savage anarchy.”

~R.L. Dabney
•”The loveliest
masterpiece of the heart of God
is the heart of a mother."
-St. Therese of Lisieux•
Forwarded from 🇹🇩 Revista Rost
O femeie spune că s-a simțit „trădată de feminism” după ce a decis că vrea să aibă o familie când se apropia de 39 de ani.

Melissa Persling a scris recent un eseu intitulat: „Am 38 de ani, sunt necăsătorită și de curând mi-am dat seama că vreau un copil. Sunt îngrozită că am ratat ocazia.”

Când avea 22 de ani, s-a căsătorit și s-a mutat într-o comunitate rurală din Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, acolo unde a crescut.

„El își dorea o viață simplă cu copii și mese gătite acasă”, a spus ea. Cu toate acestea, Persling – în ciuda faptului că provine dintr-un mediu creștin religios – i-a spus clar viitorului ei soț că nu vrea copii.

„În acel moment am simțit foarte puternic că nu îmi doresc copii, că nu voi fi ca gospodina tradițională. Știam că vreau să am o carieră. Și am simțit foarte puternic că asta nu se va schimba niciodată. Și cred că m-am înșelat.”

„Nu mi-am ascuns disprețul față de viața noastră în acel orășel mic. El era un om bun și muncitor, dar nu cred că l-am făcut să se simtă așa”, a spus ea.

Au divorțat când ea avea 30 de ani.

„Le-am spus prietenilor și familiei mele că nu mă voi mai căsători niciodată. Aveam nevoie de independență, de o carieră împlinită și de spațiu pentru a-mi trasa propriul curs și nu credeam că căsătoria se potrivește în acea viziune. Consideram că fiind căsătorită și având copii sunt capcanele unei vieți „tradiționale””.

Când a împlinit 38 de ani a început să aibă atacuri de panică. „Am fost cuprinsă de panică. Chiar am crezut că voi fi singură pentru totdeauna. Chiar m-am speriat."

Atunci a simțit „urgența” de a găsi o relație stabilă și și-a reconsiderat dorința de a se căsători și a avea copii.

„Cu greu m-am recunoscut. Am început să mă simt egoistă pentru că petrec atât de mult timp concentrându-mă doar pe mine… Însăși existența mea am început să o simt superficială și goală.”

„Mă simt incredibil de trădată de feminism, dar nu vreau să acuz doar feminismul pentru că cred că fiecare ia propriile decizii... Dar am fost hrănită constant cu ideea că femeile pot face totul. Nu prea avem nevoie de bărbați... As vrea să am o discuție cu cei ce susțin aceste lucruri și să-i întreb: „Ce ați vrut să spuneți cu asta? Pentru că nu putem face totul.”

„Simt că sunt într-un loc atât de diferit acum. Și sunt atât de pregătită pentru asta acum. Acum înțeleg care este sacrificiul căsătoriei și care este frumusețea căsătoriei și nu cred că am apreciat mult timp ce înseamnă familia. Nu cred că am înțeles cu adevărat. Nu-mi pasă dacă voi mai purta vreodată pantofi cu tocuri sau dacă voi mai merge vreodată la vreo cină elegantă. Sunt lucruri neesențiale. Le garantez tinerelor că acele lucruri nu le vor face niciodată fericite.”
Forwarded from Valentina VM
Eu am făcut copil de tânără, la 24 de ani și pot spune ca este cel mai împlinitor lucru din viața mea. Deja începusem o carieră, facultate, șamd dar simt ca familia și copilul m-au metamorfozat intr-o versiune mult mai bună a mea. Mai blândă, mai răbdătoare, mai atentă, mai calculată, mai puternică … abia aștept să am ocazia să le vorbesc tinerelor despre cat de înălțătoare și plină e viața de mamă…
According to a major study by the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, “bisexual women die, on average, nearly 40% younger than heterosexual women, while lesbian women die 20% sooner.” These are tragic numbers, numbers that should concern all of us, regardless of our attitudes towards lesbianism and bisexuality. If you care about people, this is sad to hear.
Forwarded from Vault of Secrets - Unpopular History (M Himself)
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British psychiatrist John Bowlby, supported by the World Health Organization, performed research on the consequences of maternal separation. Bowlby believed that disrupting this primary relationship leads to juvenile delinquency, emotional difficulties, and antisocial behavior. To test his hypothesis, he studied 44 adolescent juvenile delinquents in a child guidance clinic. In 1951 in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization he concluded, "The development of a child's character has been shown to depend essentially upon the relationship with the mother in early years. Any situation in which the child is deprived of this relationship (maternal deprivation) may have far-reaching physical, intellectual, emotional, and social effects which may continue through adult life. The evidence shows that both ego and super-ego development are impaired by deprivation in the first, second, and third years of life." In 2020, the World Health Organization began their long worldwide campaign to wreck human attachment.
The Agenda to Separate Sex from Reproduction and Normalize Abortion according to the Dunegan Tapes

"Well, from population control, the natural next step then was sex. He said sex must be separated from reproduction. Sex is too pleasurable, and the urges are too strong, to expect people to give it up. Chemicals in food and in the water supply to reduce the sex drive is not practical. The strategy then would be not to diminish sex activity, but to increase sex activity, but in such a way that people won't be having babies. And the first consideration then here was contraception. Contraception would be very strongly encouraged, and it would be connected so closely in people’s minds with sex, that they would automatically think contraception when they were thinking or preparing for sex. And contraception would be made universally available. Nobody wanting contraception would find that they were unavailable. Contraceptives would be displayed much more prominently in drug stores, right up with the cigarettes and chewing gum. Out in the open, rather than hidden under the counter where people would have to ask for them and maybe be embarrassed. This kind of openness was a way of suggesting that contraceptives are just as much a part of life as any other items sold in the store. And, contraceptives would be advertised. And, contraceptives would be dispensed in the schools in association with sex education! The sex education was to get kids interested early, making the connection between sex and the need for contraception early in their lives, even before they became very active. At this point I was recalling some of my teachers, particularly in high school and found it totally unbelievable to think of them agreeing, much less participating in, distributing of contraceptives to students. But, that only reflected my lack of understanding of how these people operate. That was before the school-based clinic programs got started. Many, many cities in the United States by this time have already set up school-based clinics which are primarily contraception, birth control, population control clinics. The idea then is that the connection between sex and contraception introduced and reinforced in school would carry over into marriage. Indeed, if young people, when they matured, decided to get married, marriage itself would be diminished in importance. He indicated some recognition that most people probably would want to be married but that this certainly would not be any longer considered to be necessary for sexual activity. No surprise then, that the next item was abortion. And this, now back in 1969, four years before Roe vs. Wade. He said, “Abortion will no longer be a crime. Abortion will be accepted as normal”, and would be paid for by taxes for people who could not pay for their own abortions. Contraceptives would be made available by tax money so that nobody would have to do without contraceptives. If school sex programs would lead to more pregnancies in children, that was really seen as no problem. Parents who think they are opposed to abortion on moral or religious grounds will change their minds when it is their own child who is pregnant. So this will help overcome opposition to abortion. Before long, only a few die-hards will still refuse to see abortion as acceptable, and they won’t matter anymore."

Dr Lawrence Dunegan (1988). Tape 1 of 4 on the New Order of Barbarians in which Dr Lawrence Dunegan recalls a meeting with Dr Richard Day on 20th March 1968. https://t.me/vaultofsecrets/169
These are two gay Episcopal "priests" who "married" in 2016 and now have a son

These people shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a church, how were they allowed to be priests?
Also note that it's always a son.
Studying the relationship between premarital sexual experience and marital sexual satisfaction

Liberals have always pushed this myth that religious people, and individuals who refrain from premarital sex end up having unsatisfying sexual lives after marriage. Their reasoning being that since these people don't "gain sexual experience", and don't embrace kinks, and also since in their view religion hates sex, then religious people have awful sex lives.
However multiple studies have shown that having more sexual experience before marriage ends decreasing sexual satisfaction after marriage.
Source: Willoughby, B. J., Carroll, J. S., Dover, C., & Sullivan, J. T. (2023). The Myth of Sexual Experience: Why Sexually Inexperienced Dating Couples Actually Go On to Have Stronger Marriages . The Wheatley Institute.