🫂 PRO VITA. Pentru viață. Pentru familie
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Pentru viață. Pentru familie. Din 2005. Asociația PRO VITA București - www.asociatiaprovita.ro
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“The family is the test of freedom; because the family is the only thing that the free man makes for himself and by himself.”

~G. K. Chesterton

✍️ SPUC's Daniel Frampton writes in The European Conservative about 'Europe's Missing Children':

"A schizophrenic mania is at large in the West that claims to cherish and protect vulnerable individuals and groups while at the same time killing many of them behind the closed doors of the home and clinic."

Forwarded from Cornel
Casa de nebuni. Nu poți să nu-i dai dreptate unui lider al AfD, care acuză actuala conducere a Germaniei că urmărește nici mai mult, nici mai puțin decât "Auslöschung des deutschen Volkes", adică desființarea poporului german.
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🐣 📊 ♀️ When women in their late 40s and 50s end up with more kids than they thought was ideal, desired, or expected at ages 14-22, they tend to have happier life trajectories.

🔶️ This is not true if they end up with fewer kids than they stated in youth.

📎 Lyman Stone
Oksana Shachko was an Ukrainian feminist who founded the radical feminist group FEMEN, and started the feminist tradition of topless protesting. She thought that women exposing their bodies to the public would bring them "liberation", happiness and fulfillment.
She ended up hanging herself in her closet at the age of 31.

🫂 PRO VITA. Pentru viață. Pentru familie
Suntem in legătură cu ministerul Muncii pe tema aceasta. Sperăm să aibă suficientă minte și coloană (vertebrală) să nu dea curs "solicitărilor" OCDE.
Yet another study has shown that having pre-marital sexual relations increases the risk of divorce.

Sexual libertines just can't stop losing

link to study: