Praying Medic
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Email Testimony

Thank you for praying for my healing.
I wanted to share with you that all my life I’ve had this panic feeling whenever anybody’s hands get near my neck, even my own hands. It freaks me out and I can’t tolerate it. I don’t have any memory of why that would be but there was abuse in my family growing up. Last night I did the emotional healing steps and it’s gone away! I checked again this morning to see if I could put my hands there without that panic feeling. Yep it’s gone! I find the effectiveness of this so surprising. Thank you Jesus!!!

Thank you Dave.

Email Testimony

From Diana

Hi Praying Medic ! Thanks so much for all of your Q reports / teachings / books and healing prayer !! Probably about five or six years ago I found out I had a bone spur growing inside my rotator cuff ..( i think that is anatomically correct) .. surgery was the option given me . I felt led to contend for healing.. so I have had a lot of prayer and emotional healing , and finally a few weeks ago I wrote and asked you for prayer, which you emailed back and affirmed that you had prayed. Thank you for that! I continued to pray for healing .. this week I needed to get some painting done on our remodeled basement so I just gave it a try .. after 3 days of painting I have NO pain!! This is such a miracle .. i could hardly lift my arm above my shoulder !! God is so good !!

Also on top of that God has been multiplying my toothpaste ! I was barely squeezing any out of the tube a few days ago .. the last 2 days it feels about 1/2 full and the toothpaste shoots out of the tube and its more than enuf 🔥💕🎊
RSBN and OANN will live stream True The Vote's presentation to the Arizona Senate at 6 pm Eastern
Forwarded from Solo Sherry
God does multiply supply miraculously. One year I had 1/4 cup of flower last all year long. Everytime I cooked I would think I probably wont get another meal out of this, and EVERY TIME it was still that 1/4 cup. Also my adult daughter witnessed and ate the food. Her faith has grown because of these experiences of His providence.
Forwarded from Nora
Something similar happened to us at the begging of the pandemic. We are a household of 6 adults and 2 kids, big house and when it all started we only had one COSTCO multi roll bag of toilet paper. That bag lasted for the whole year. To compare to we go through one of those bags every 2 weeks.
God is faithful he knows all our needs and he provides we just have to put our trust in him.
Forwarded from Just Wondering17
🇦🇺 Our BBQ gas bottle has not run out since before last Christmas. 5 full months - weekly use ... and it is STILL pumping out that gas, lol.
Definitely "unusual". 😁.
It felt so light we were sure it was about to run out ... and that was 2 months ago.
So each Friday night (BBQ night), we give thanks, and still smile in amazement.

I LOVE what God is doing !!! 😁🙏😇🙏 💞🙌.
Forwarded from I FOUND WALDO
That happened to me with a jug of laundry soap. Lasted almost a year
Forwarded from Miss Mical
Yes! Our toilet paper multiplied as well!!! 😁
I would expect that Durham anticipated the likelihood of a biased jury and the return of a not guilty verdict. It's possible this was a test case to verify the existence of jury bias and expose it before bringing more serious cases in DC.
Forwarded from Sheryl Hendricks
I have a very tiny little bottle of anointing oil that was given to me by a woman who showed up in my life for a few months then disappeared. I'm sure she's around somewhere. But, The point is that tiny bottle is still half full. I've used to for 10 years now and it still has half a bottle. It's no bigger than the top of your pinky .
Forwarded from Robyn
I once drove my car daily for over a week at well below the empty line. I just kept giving thanks for infinite energy. I would say aloud "Thank you, Father" and give the dash a little pat. When I finally had the money to buy gas it took the equivalent of 1 1/2 tanks. BTW That little pat saw me through all manner of issues with that old clunker. I remember a time when the car would die and refuse to restart if I stopped after exciting the highway. Every day after work I would exit the highway and somehow coast about a mile in heavy traffic (with all green lights) to my home street, turn right, then left into my parking area and park. Funny how it didn't seem strange. I have come to expect and rely on the Goodness of God.
Forwarded from anikq
Dave I was so happy to hear about this being a ‘thing’ on your recent supernatural Saturday episode today! This is something I’ve experienced over and over, mostly anecdotally and in small amounts (faith in things always being enough etc.) but very noticeably in a large bottle of home-brewed wine my wife and I kept as a souvenir from our wedding - for many years there has been just an inch left at the bottom that we’ve always marvelled over being able to have a ‘last’ anniversary sip from! And knowing that this happens, all the time, to so many people, will surely just amplify people’s faith all the more! THANK YOU!!! 🌟🙏💛🙏🌟
Forwarded from Ana⭐⭐⭐
I drive on E all the time. Before I start the car I ask God to get me to my destination. When I return I thank Him again. My kids are so used to hearing my prayers that they join in. Drives my husband crazy but I remind him, God hasn't stranded us yet.
Forwarded from Redeemed2020
I’m a witness to God miraculously extending the gas too! A few years ago I was on Eeeeeee and and I asked God to extend my gas so I could get to the gas station. I saw the needle move from Eeeeee to 1/8 of a tank. I praised Him and thanked Him. Last week, I thought why not the same since gas prices are so high. I parked in a parking lot and anointed my gas tank and prayed for the attendants who would put the gas in. I restarted the car and again I saw the needle move to 1/8 of a tank. $92 later to fill it up completely😱, I am trusting God to extend my gas supernaturally!🙌🙌🙌🙌
Forwarded from Melissa Borke
I've been observing from afar all these amazing testimonies, whether physical healing or even just machines being fixed, etc. I've watched a number of PMs videos on Diving healing. I've been redpilling my younger sister for the past 6 months or so and wow, God is waking her up so quickly. It's been amazing to witness. Anyway, 3 months ago her 10yo daughter developed a painful lump under her breast and my sister started believing the worst. She would pray for healing, but imagined the worst and scheduled for her to get a scan after her doctor referred her. They don't have a lot of money, but felt like they had no choice. I called her up the day before her scan. Talked with her about unbelief and some of the things PM has taught about healing and prayer. I told her I was about to pray a bold prayer and wanted her to agree with me. Little did I know, but she had her daughter come over while we were on the phone and she layed hands on her while I prayed the Pm taught us. We talked the next day and she said the medical technician found nothing and wasn't sure why they were there. That same day the pain left and all the was left was a shrinking lump. Praise God! This same sister just last week was having trouble with their one working vehicle. It wouldn't run. We talked. I told her to lay hands on it and pray like I prayed for her daughter. All the coding lights just disappeared and when they took it to the mechanic to make sure it was looked at they were told to leave. There was no problem with the vehicle and they were swamped. God is moving and it's so fun to see His answered prayers. Be encouraged, friends.