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💠Eng koʻp ishlatiladigan iboralar

Let's go. — qani ketdik
Me too. — men ham
My name is ... —mening ismim ....
Never mind. — qo'rqinchli emas
Next time. — keyingi safar
Nice to meet you. — tanishganimdan xursandman
No problem. — muammo yo'q
No, thank you. — yoʻq, rahmat
No way. — bo'lishi mumkin emas
Not yet. — hali emas
See you later. — Ko'rishguncha
See you soon. — tezda koʻrishguncha
See you tomorrow. — Ertaga ko'rishguncha
Shut up! — Og'zingni yop
Sit down, please. — O'tiring marhamat
Stand back. — Orqaga turing
Start the car. — Avtomobilni boshlang
Step aside. —Bir chetga surib qo'ying
Take care. — oʻzingizni extiyot qiling
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🇺🇸To turn a blind eye = 🇺🇿"ko'z yumish" , e'tibor bermaslik.

E.g The Police should not turn a blind eye to any illegal activities

Politsiya har qanday noqonuniy xatti-harakatlarga ko'z yummasligi kerak

📌Very Easy – Effortless

📌Very Dirty – Filthy

📌Very Tasty – Delicious

📌Very funny – Hilarious

📌Very Fast – Rapid

📌Very deep – Propound

📌Very Noisy – Deafening

📌Very Creative – Innovation

📌Very Peaceful – Serene, Tranquil

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🇺🇸 To be in the same boat = 🇺🇿Kemaga tushganning joni bir

E.g We're in the same boat. If you try to rat me out, I'll drag you with me

Biz sen bilan bitta kemadamiz. Agar meni sotadigan bo'lsan seni o'zim bilan tortib ketaman.

To rat someone out = kimnidur sotib berish.

To drag
= sudramoq, tortmoq.
