Pierre Jovanovic
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RT @AimarPhilippe: Une image mieux que mille mots. Le journaliste #GrantWahl qui était si fier de sa vaccination décède d’une crise cardiaque au Quatar. @pierrejovanovic #vaccins #VaccineDeaths #COVID19 #COVID https://t.co/8GmNDF8jAc
— pierre jovanovic (@pierrejovanovic) Dec 11, 2022
RT @TheRealBaron: Some one seems to be having lots of fun - a total laugh - creating such totally accurate headlines to 'inform' the population ... The beauty of the mainstream brain-washing machine that is ... #VAERS #Vaccine #DiedSuddenlyVaccine #Genocide #vaccineinjuries #vaccineDeaths https://t.co/CBJ9cG7R8z
— pierre jovanovic (@pierrejovanovic) Jan 16, 2023
RT @ErickvonSchulz: To see stats on EXCESS DEATHS by country. These stats will blow your mind: https://t.co/lMWJEgihxE In the search bar type: Mortality Scroll down to: COVID-19 Health Indicators Click on: Excess deaths by week, 2020-2022 #VaccineDeaths #DiedSuddenlyVaccine #died #ExcessDeaths
— pierre jovanovic (@pierrejovanovic) Jan 16, 2023
RT @CaudeHenrion: #Stockholm : Une standing ovation qui m'a fait tout particulièrement chaud au coeur... 3 ans déjà: c'est long & bien lourd à porter... JE PENSE À VOUS: #ReintegrezLesPersonnelsSuspendus #EffetsSecondairesVaccins #VaccineSideEffects #VaccineDeaths #mortsubite #vaccineinjuries https://t.co/Hi8QS7ZrLJ
— pierre jovanovic (@pierrejovanovic) Jan 23, 2023