Pierre Jovanovic
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RT @Carene1984: #TuckerCarlson « Et ces gens dirigent le monde » 😂 #WEF #Davos https://t.co/mzdkRraS9J
— pierre jovanovic (@pierrejovanovic) Jan 22, 2023
RT @LitigiousLife: Trouble with being a billionaire who pretends to care about the world is that you have to endure this crappy “high minded” entertainment. Better to just embrace being a villain and have a rock show. #Davos https://t.co/Prcv3e2VVU
— pierre jovanovic (@pierrejovanovic) Jan 22, 2023
RT @AthenaMia2nd: ⚠️ Elena Zelenskaya spent at least $200,000 on a trip and accommodation in #Davos . People discuss in the comments that this zelensky couple live high on the hog at the expense of Europeans' and Americans' taxes.😡 https://t.co/p1ucr0hs9v
— pierre jovanovic (@pierrejovanovic) Jan 22, 2023
RT @Miryam2023: Hundreds of elite parasitical hypocrites are arriving at #Davos on private jets for the totalitarian World Economic Forum summit to discuss a “net-zero future” … 🤢🤢🤢 https://t.co/IRQqvWGiWe
— pierre jovanovic (@pierrejovanovic) Jan 22, 2023