How The Hill, a publication with an older audience, is using #Snapchat to cover the election
How The Hill is using Snapchat to cover the presidential race - Digiday
The politics-focused publisher is using content partnerships with politicians as well as other brands to build its brand with a younger audience.
Los detalles de Now This en #Snapchat: cobertura personalizada de las Elecciones Presidenciales en Estados Unidos
New Snapchat Channel to Look at Final Leg of Presidential Campaign
Jim VandeHei, a founder of Politico, will provide editorial guidance for the channel, which will run until Jan. 20.
#Snapchat o #Instagram ¿Qué app mola más a los millennials y la Generación Z? vía @laviniagroup
Here's What Gen Z and Millennials Love and Hate About Instagram and Snapchat
Since its debut in 2010, Instagram has accrued an impressive 300 million daily users. But with the ascendancy of 4-year-old Snapchat, which now boasts 150 million fans and counting, Instagram is looking over its shoulder.
Facebook quiere tener acuerdos con medios para hacer una sección tipo #Snapchat Discover
Business Insider
Facebook working on a plan to pick news from favored media partners like Snapchat
Facebook has approached media partners about a plan to handpick content for the social network, taking a page from Snapchat's Discover and Twitter's Moments.
30 redactores @NBCNews producirán 2 ediciones diarias de un informativo exclusivo para #Snapchat vía @luismipedrero
Clases de Periodismo
NBC lanzará un noticiero para Snapchat
NBC News producirá un noticiero que se difundirá, dos veces al día, a través de Snapchat. Se trata de un producto exclusivo para la app.
#Snapchat capitaliza el ajuste del feed de noticias de Facebook
#Snapchat se está asociando con cuatro plataformas de descubrimiento de noticias para brindarles a los periodistas acceso a mejores herramientas que les ayudarán a descubrir instantáneas y videos durante las últimas noticias
Exclusive: Snapchat is launching a news partnerships initiative
The initiative is meant to bolster Snapchat's relationships with local news companies.