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Letter to
decline PCR testing at work, produced with references provided by Ellie Grey of power to the people


【Sample 範文】
Dear (Managers name),

You have recently told me that I am now required to consent to weekly PCR testing at work, to determine my SARS-CoV-2 status.

This letter is to inform you that I decline consent to the same for ethical and other reasons which I set out below.

1. Physical and mental Health concerns.
It is now a well established fact that the PCR testing swabs are sterilised in Ethylene Oxide [1]. This is a Group 1 Carcinogen, which means it is a potent cancer causing chemical [2]. Short term exposure to ethylene oxide can also cause eye and upper respiratory tract irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, dizziness, malaise, fatigue, muscle weakness, and signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy [3]. I am unwilling to subject myself to such health hazards and neither should I have to.

If I test positive, this is likely to be a false positive as the PCR test is highly inaccurate [4]. However, a positive result would mean that I and my entire family would have to self isolate for 10 days. This would adversely affect the mental health of myself and my family, which has already been compromised during the last year. I regret that neither myself nor my family would be able to mentally cope with what could potentially be reoccurring isolations due to ongoing testing

2. Contractual concerns
My contract of employment with you does not state that I must be tested weekly for any illness whatsoever. You cannot change my contract of employment without my agreement and if you seek to do so, I will have rights under constructive or unfair dismissal law.

3. Your obligations as an employer
As I am sure you are aware, you have duties and obligations to all your employees under Health and Safety at Work legislation. Whilst you may feel testing staff falls within this remit, given the health issues connected to the ethylene oxide on the PCR swabs, I believe you are in fact breaching your obligations to your employees by requiring them to take a test given the health issues connected to ethylene oxide.

I would like to reach a satisfactory conclusion between us about this issue, and I feel sure we can do so, given I have now set out my reasons for declining weekly testing.

However, if we are unable to reach a satisfactory conclusion, I regret to inform you that I will have no choice but to raise this matter as an official grievance, and take legal action as may be necessary.

In ending I should make clear that I am of course happy to self isolate if I feel unwell, and would naturally inform you of the same.

Yours sincerely,

References -
[1] - https://cdn.website-editor.net/6f54caea7c6f4adfba8399428f3c0b0c/files/uploaded/Innova-SARS-Cov-2-Antigen-test-IFU.pdf
[2] - https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2016-09/documents/ethylene-oxide.pdf
[3] - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK208167/
[4] - https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2015897

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#Decline #SayNo #PCR #SwabTest #Legal #HumanRights #Protection #法律維權 #人權自由 #拒針 #擋針 #反疫苗 #拭子測試 #婉拒

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#行動 #Action
#Dismissed #Mandatory #Reject #Decline #Vaccination #HumanRights #開除 #強制授權 #人權自由 #疫苗接種 #擋針 #婉拒

采取行動 🤍 打印並與普通人分享這些文件和信件
TAKE ACTION 🤍 Print & Share these documents and letters with normies
How to Report Covid-19 Vaccine Side-Effects / Safer To Wait Flyer QR Code / Covid Vaccine Rollout to Children Flyer / Human Rights Flyer: Outreach Worldwide / British Lions For Freedom Flyer / Face Masks for Children Flyer / A letter to your MP / Face Covering Discrimination Template Letter / Letter regarding mandatory vaccines for care staff / Consent Form for Covid-19 Vaccinations

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給所有父母:如何發送終止通知書 CALLING ALL PARENTS
How to Serve a Cease and Desist Notice

#行動 #Action#轉帖 #Repost#uk #Freedom #Mandatory #ForcedJab #Mask #Discrimination #SayNo #Reject #Decline #Protection #ChildrenVaccine #SaveOurChildren #Consent #Parent #人權自由 #強制授權 #強迫接種 #口罩 #歧視 #擋針 #拒針 #婉拒 #保護 #救孩子 #兒童疫苗 #許可 #父母

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○ 加州家長警告,若學校強制孩子接種疫苗,將不會回到學校。
○ 在學校門外每一對小鞋,代表每一個寶貴生命。
○ 家長的抗議訊息清楚直接:「你要迫,我們走」!

#行動 #Action#Mandatory #Demonstration #SaveOurChildren #ForcedJab #Consent #Parent #AntiVaxxer #Reject #SayNo #Decline #強制授權 #強迫註射 #許可 #父母 #救孩子 #反疫苗 #拒針 #擋針 #婉拒

