疫時代🌊Pandemic ᴛʀᴜᴛʜs
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C-19 騙局和疫苗的所有一切都是由跨性別的塔木德猶太人/ 可薩人黑手黨創建、管理和審批!
All aspects of the COVID-19 hoax and the COVID vaccines are created, managed and approved of by Trans-sexual Talmudic Jews/ Khazarian Mafioso

⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻ ᴾᵃⁿᵈᵉᵐⁱᶜᵀʳᵘᵗʰˢ ᴾᵒˢᵗ ᴸⁱⁿᵏ ⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻
#Jews #Khazarian #Elites #KillShot #Plandemic #NWO #Depopulation #Hoax #Mafia #假疫情 #騙局 #精英集團 #可薩人 #猶太人 #黑手黨 #死亡之針 #人口減少計劃


(Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky,
Former CDC Director, Robert Redfield,
CDC Deputy Director, Ann Schucat,
CDC Chief of Staff, Sherri Berger,
CDC Chief Medical Officer, Mitchell Wolfe,
CDC Director, Washington Office, Jeff Reczek,
FDA Vaccines, Dr. Eric Rubin,
FDA Vaccines, Dr. Arno Monto,
Former FDA Commisioner, Stephen Hahn,
Former FDA Commisioner, Scott Gottlieb,
Former FDA Commisioner, David Kessler,
Former FDA Commisioner, Andrew Eschenbach,
COVID Czar, Jeff Zients,
HHS Ass.Secretary, Rachel Levine.

Dr.Eric Rubin said this during an #FDA hearing on the safety of the vaccine for children.
"We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is unless you start giving it."

(Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Pfizer CEO: Albert Bourla ,
Johnson & Johnson CEO: Alex Gorsky ,
Astrazeneca CEO: Pascal Soriot ,
Moderna's Vaccine Creator: Tal Zaks .

Albert Bourla was recently awarded the "Honorary Jew" award from Israel for the Vaccine partnership between the State of Israel and Pfizer.

This means that Israel is implicated in the ongoing #genocide ( over 2 million killed in US) of humanity using the #bioweapon known as the #COVID #vaccine.

Vaccine Passport System (Currently in use around the world)

US Patent # 11,107,588 B2 , August 31, 2021

發明者 Inventors
Gal Ehrlich, Ramat-Gan, Maier Fenster, Petach-Tikva, Made in ISRAEL


COVID-19 #騙局和 “欺詐針劑”——是猶太人/ 可薩黑手黨的陰謀行動!
The COVID-19
#Hoax and the Quack-cines are a Jewish/ Khazarian Mafia operation.

不要相信以色列正在用自己的毒刺戳毒死自己的公民。 他們一如既往地在撒謊。謊言,謊言,更多的謊言一直在掩蓋自己的行蹤。 就像 2008 年對華爾街銀行家的救助一樣,就像 911 襲擊一樣,就像肯尼迪遇刺一樣。睜開你的眼睛!
Don't believe for a second that Israel is poisoning it's own citizens with their own poisonous jab. They are lying as they always do. Lies, lies and more lies, all the time to cover their own tracks. Just like the Wall Street Banker bailout of 2008. Just like the 9/11 attacks. Just like the assassination of JFK, RFK. Open your eyes!


Midnight Think Tank - Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia



「只要孩子不到九歲,猶太人就可以與孩子發生性關係係。」~Sanhedrin 54b

「當一個成年男子與一個小女孩發生性關係時,這沒什麼。」~Kethuboth 11b

「如果她年滿三歲,則允許與小女孩發生性關係。」~ Yebhamoth 11b

「外邦女孩從出生就處於 niddah(汙穢)狀態。」~ Abodah Zarah 36b

「非猶太兒童是亞人類;所有外邦兒童都是動物。」~ Yebamoth98a

「外邦人更喜歡與牛發生性關係。」~AbodahZarah 22a-22b

「一個猶太人可能會娶一個三歲的女孩(特別是三歲“一天”)。」~公會 55b

「非猶太人不是人類。只有猶太人才是人類 (只有你們被指定為男性)。」~BabaMezia 114a-114b


「對非猶太人,猶太人不會導致通姦。對猶太人的懲罰只是對他的下一個通姦,這只對猶太人的妻子。非猶太人的妻子被排除在外。」~塔木德 IV/4/52b

讀到這裡, 如果你們還淡定,可以再去查一查,是否⋯ 猶太人古時的住棚節是否在那日可以“集體性交”?

「你 (猶太人) 讓我,耶和華,成為世界上唯一真正的主,所以我要讓你成為世界上唯一的統治者!」

#Jews #猶太人 #可薩人 #Khazarian #Religion #宗教 #Ruler #統治者 #Elites #精英集團 #共濟會 #Freemason #戀童癖 #Pedophile #性氾濫 #Sexploitation #Criminal #犯罪 #JudeoChristian #猶太基督教 #Mafia #黑手黨

📜 疫時代書卷冊
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♠️𝕵𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖍 猶太系列♠️ Copy, paste & search —— 陰謀事實:新世界、新秩序似乎指向了某個民族某個宗教……

#可蕯人 #猶太人

#猶太復國主義者 #Zionist
他們的反猶主義陰謀論的各種 「矛盾體」,比如
#反猶太主義 肆虐各方,永不消停...

1948 衹是‘立國’?那麽,20XX 就是建他們的‘新世界’。


⭐️《猶太人簡史 A brief history of the Jews》


🔱 猶太人通過代理統治世界

#以色列 #Israel
#Jews #猶太人
#Khazarian #可蕯人
#AshkenaziJews #阿什肯納茲猶太人
#SephardicJews #賽法迪猶太人
#MizrahiJews #米茲拉希猶太人
#IsraelLobby #以色列遊說團
#Puppeteer #傀儡師
#AbrahamicReligions #亞伯拉罕諸教
#Talmud #塔木德
#JudeoChristian #猶太基督教
#Judaism #猶太教
#Circumcision #割禮
#Holocaust #大屠殺
#Semite #閃米特人
#Genocide #種族滅絕
#AntiChrist #敵基督
#GodsPeople #上帝的民
#PromisedLand #應許之地
#The3rdTemple #第三聖殿
#Conspiracy #陰謀
#Mafia #黑手黨
#Mossad #摩薩德
#Depopulation #人口減少計劃
#NWO #新世紀秩序
#WorldGovernment #世界政府
#OneWorldReligion #世界統一宗教
#AntiSemitism #反猶太主義
#Elites #精英集團
#Freemason #共濟會
#SecretSociety #秘密社團
#Supremacy #霸權
Post Link
可薩人黑手黨完全控製了美國!The Khazarian Mafia Takes Complete Control of the United States of America

◎對美國的具體威脅是 #猶太復國主義者 的性質——猶太復國主義者並不是猶太教。雖然許多猶太人現在看到了區別,並拒絕猶太復國主義,但其他的許多人一直是並仍然是猶太復國主義的工具。




The specific threat to America is Zionist in nature — Zionism is not Judaism. While many Jews now see the distinction and are rejecting Zionism, many others have been and remain tools of Zionism, and thus, whether well-intentioned or not, are also a threat to America because of misplaced loyalties that ultimately undermine the U.S. Constitution and the Republic. The Italian Mafia and the Khazarian Mafia have always been joined at the hip. The Italian bankers of the Black Nobility were primarily Jewish; however, there was a lot of intermarriage with the indigenous Catholic noblemen. These purely political marriages of convenience took place regularly to establish a covert culture whereby the court Jews could thrive under the radar, which they did particularly in Rome and in the wealthy northern Italian enclaves.

○以色列政府同芝加哥猶太黑手黨#猶太復國主義者 控製的軍工復合體合作,下令暗殺約翰·肯尼迪總統,實際上是由中央情報局執行的。

○卡紮里亞黑手黨殺害肯尼迪有幾個原因,每一個都代表著肯尼迪對國際銀行卡特爾資助的 「全球權力結構」 的直接威脅

○作為歷史事實,猶太復國主義的罪犯們甚至在肯尼迪遇刺的那一周裡在達拉斯到處派發 「通緝叛國賊」 的傳單

○此外,副總統林登·B·約翰遜 (Lyndon B. Johnson),一個神秘的猶太政客,是白宮裏監督暗殺陰謀尤其是掩蓋真相的關鍵人物

The Israeli Government, working in tandem with the Chicago Jewish Mafia and Zionist-controlled Military-Industrial Complex, ordered the assassination of President John F. Kennedy which was actually carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency. There were several reasons why the Khazarian Mafia killed Kennedy, each of which represented a direct threat by JFK to the global power structure bankrolled by the International Banking Cartel. As a matter of historical fact, the Zionist perps went so far as to circulate “Wanted for Treason” leaflets all over Dallas during the week of Kennedy’s assassination. Furthermore, Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson, a crypto-Jewish politico, was the point-man in the White House overseeing the assassination plot and especially the cover-up.

《刺殺肯尼迪的兇手和芝加哥黑手黨的關聯》 The Man Who Shot JFK & The Chicago Mafia Connection

-19 騙局和疫苗的所有一切都是由跨性別的塔木德猶太人/ 可薩人黑手黨創建、管理和審批!

♠️𝕵𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖍 猶太♠️
#us #Zionist #JFK #肯尼迪 #Israel #以色列 #可薩人 #Khazarian #CIA #中情局 #Mafia #黑手黨 #Jews #猶太人 #CoverUp #掩蓋
可蕯黑手黨陰謀之 2001-9-11 事件:“假旗恐怖襲擊”

——這是由總部設在特拉維夫的 #Khazarian 黑手黨監管的國際銀行卡特爾組織下I令,並與華盛頓特區的新保守主義 #猶太復國主義者 協調而進行的。

(1) 宣布虛假的反恐戰爭
(2) 建立類似史塔西的國土安全部
(3) 通過違憲的《愛國者法案》

◇ 這些事件都是為了進一步剝奪美國人的權利和自由,並為未來對抗愛國者運動的戰爭奠定基礎。
◇ 沒有任何其他的恐怖主義的叛國行為可以讓美國政府準備對自己的公民發動戰爭
◇ 許多猶太叛徒知道除了以色列他們無處可逃,所以他們封鎖了整個地方,直到進行他們下一個大動作。

無可爭辯的證據證實:9/11 是"內部人幹的"(監守自盜),也是「摩薩德任務」——以色列的任務 9/11 was both an “Inside Job” and “Mossad Job” - an Israeli Job

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♠️𝕵𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖍 猶太♠️

#可薩人 #Mafia #黑手黨 #Zionist #Israel #以色列 #猶太人 #Jews #Conspiracy #陰謀 #TerrorisAttack #恐怖襲擊 #InsideJob #監守自盜 #FalseFlag #假旗事件
DNA evidence proves without a doubt that the "Jews" are Khazarian Mongoloids (DNA results and Shlomo Sand as well as other historians have proven this) who converted to Judaism in the centuries after Christ.

After their Empire collapsed, the Khazars spread throughout the capital cities of Europe and soon became the most reviled people in history.

Despite not being from the Middle East, they claimed that they were the direct descendants of the Pharisees, and eventually became known as 'Jews', the short word for Judea. One of their many lies was that the Biblical 'Jesus' was a Jew, when in fact, he was labelled the King of Judea, an ironic title because he was actually from the neighbouring state of Galilee.

Since that time, they have spread havoc and evil wherever they have gone, and it is not hard to see why they have been banned from more or less every country that they have ever lived in, especially Europe.

From day one, they have planned and schemed to take over the planet (Protocols of Zion); after all these are the direct descendants of the New World Order
#NWO, the #Khazarian #Mafia as mentioned earlier. Through their usury, they gained humongous wealth and influence, which led directly to the spread of the evil conspiracy that is ZIONISM.

After they took control of France, Britain and Germany (until Hitler removed them), they started their plans for the takeover of the Middle East. Slowly and surely, they interfered, campaigned, bribed and murdered until their plans were accepted.

Over the last hundred years, they and their pawns have carved up the Middle East in a way that suited them, and in the process, stolen the land from the Palestinian people.

It is one thing to invade a country and rape it of its culture, but it is preposterous to pretend that you are the descendants of the people that originally lived there.

中譯在下一篇帖 👇👇👇👇👇

♠️𝕵𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖍 猶太系列♠️
#Jews #猶太人 #Khazarian #可薩人 #Israel #以色列 #Evil #邪惡 #Plan #計劃 #Zionist #猶太復國主義者 #新世紀秩序
2001 年 9 月 11 日實施的 #假旗事件 恐怖襲擊,是由…

總部設在特拉維夫的可薩人黑手黨 (KM) 監管、
#猶太復國主義者 協調進行的。

(1) 宣布虛假的反恐戰爭,
(2) 建立史塔西式的國土安全部,
(3) 通過違憲的愛國者法案。這些事件都是為了進一步剝奪美國人的權利和自由,並為未來對抗愛國者運動的戰爭奠定基礎。

沒有任何其他的 #恐怖主義 叛國行為讓美國政府準備對自己的公民發動 #戰爭


9/11 既是 「內奸」 Inside job,
又是 「摩薩德」Mossad job。

♠️𝕵𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖍 猶太系列♠️
#FalseFlag #Terrorism #陰謀 #Conspiracy #Jews #Khazarian #Mafia #Cabal #InsideJob #監守自盜
疫時代🌊Pandemic ᴛʀᴜᴛʜs
可薩人黑手黨完全控製了美國!The Khazarian Mafia Takes Complete Control of the United States of America ◎對美國的具體威脅是 #猶太復國主義者 的性質——猶太復國主義者並不是猶太教。雖然許多猶太人現在看到了區別,並拒絕猶太復國主義,但其他的許多人一直是並仍然是猶太復國主義的工具。 ◎因此,無論出於好意與否,也是對美國的威脅,——由於“錯誤的忠誠”,最終破壞了美國憲法和美利堅共和國。 ◎意大利黑手黨和可薩人黑手黨一直緊密相連。黑…
可薩人的歷史。。。( 極簡瀏覽! )

#可薩人 #黑手黨 (#Khazarian #Mafia, KM)—— 世上最大犯罪集團組織

◆可薩人的寡頭政治是通過使用 「巴比倫的金錢 #魔法 演變而來


#羅斯柴爾德家族 是可薩人黑手黨的 『頭目』

◆使用 #假旗事件#恐怖主義,通過非法和違憲的聯邦儲備系統、國稅局、聯邦調查局、聯邦應急管理局、國土安全部和運輸安全管理局來運作一切對美國和美國人民的 『秘密戰爭』

美國的整個 #主流媒體 (#MSM) 完全被猶太人的資金和投資所控製

◆可薩人黑手黨 (KM) 的主人和操縱者就是 #中情局 #CIA 的 「知更鳥媒體」 的負責人


◆幾乎所有大型社交媒體初創企業都是被猶太大學生征用的—— 他們從律師、#DARPA、CIA 或 DIA 的其他秘密特工那裏獲得竊取的知識產權、專有信息及、或者專利

◆首次公開募股 (IPO) 的管理方式是這樣的,以保證這些受 #精神控製#傀儡 立即成為 #億萬富翁,然後,在失去一切的威脅下,輕松地留在「CIA保留區

◆臭名昭彰的 #紮克伯格 #Zuckerberg,就像 #比爾蓋茨 一樣,是眾多猶太偽神童中的一個——他們從一開始就為被偷來的技術而設計代表他們中情局上司獨裁地領導一家大型媒體公司

◆好萊塢的每一家大型電影製片廠都是由猶太企業家創立的——從根本上來說,就是一個 「大猶太電影工業」


◆諸如高盛、摩根大通、美國銀行、花旗集團、富國銀行、紐約時報、華盛頓郵報、CNN、MSNBC、孟山都、BP、#谷歌#Facebook#Twitter ... 等 『連環企業罪犯』,都是由大多數猶太人 (或加密的猶太人) 的總裁和董事會所管理的


◆當然,猶太銀行家聯盟的董事會總是環環相扣的,按照 #新世界秩序 #全球主義者 的議程,步調一致

#us #Jews #猶太人 ♠️𝕵𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖍 猶太系列♠️ @PandemicTruths