疫時代🌊Pandemic ᴛʀᴜᴛʜs
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I do not want the only reason I can be exempted from vaccination is due to health reason. I want my right to choose remain unvaccinated to be respected by the gov, employers, banks, mall, school, supermarket & council.
一定還有一些醫生是能給我們提供避免疫苗的服務的。他們可以在不施打疫苗的情況下獲利。我們只需要認證書。There must be some doctors that could give us the service to avoid vaccines. They could make profit though not giving the jab. We only need the certification.
我曾在家鄉美裏試過一次,但醫生堅持要接種疫苗。我失敗了一次。我正在等待美裏還有任何其他可信賴的診所是KKM授權為疫苗接種中心的。我們還是可以和醫生協商的。 I had tried once in Miri, my hometown, but the doctor insisted that I need to undergo vaccination instead. I failed once. I am waiting for any available clinic which serves as the KKM authorized center of vaccination in Miri. We still could negotiate with the doctors too.
我們在選擇診所時必須有選擇性。如果抗體計數的檢查是零,我們可以產生事實核對單,其中提到不是所有的疫苗都是永久有效的。有些已經產生光澤了,3 -6個月後就沒有抗體了。但是,根據KJ的說法,不需要檢查數量。We have to be selective in choosing the clinic. If the checking of antibody count is none, we can produce the fact check sheet which mentioning that not all vaccines are permanently efficacious. Some of them are varnished, no more antibody after 3 -6 months. But then, according to KJ, no need to check the count.
一旦你遵從並放棄,他們會來向青少年和兒童下手。他們已經盯上孕婦了。 不是開玩笑的事!Once you comply and give up. They will hunt the teenagers and kids. They are already after pregnant women .. Its no joke!
Not giving up. Being realistic.
I never said I was going to take the actual shots. Realistically, unless something supernatural happens which I believe it will, what you say is going to happen like it or not. I am just delaying it as much as possible. And I have let almost everyone around me know my intentions of not taking the jab.
與此同時,我們的新首相又訂購了600萬劑疫苗。🤬 Meanwhile our new PM ordered additional 6mill vaccines further..🤬
大家等等,看看法國、美國、澳大利亞、意大利等西方國家的人們開始團結起來,很多人開始覺醒!因為開始給孩子們註射,已經觸及了人類社會底線……他們讓更多的人更加警惕疫苗的危險,就像在美國,近30%的人沒有註射,20%的人只註射了一半。主要是在已經對政府失去信任的紅色州。 Hold on everyone, the western country people like France, US, Australia, Italy start united, many people start awakened, cos jab start going to the kids.... already touch the sensitive points of Human Society.......They got more ppl more alert to the dangerous of the vaccines, like in US, nearly 30 % haven't jab, 20 % just half way. Mostly in red states which already lost trust to the GOV.
Infection with 99% survival rate: available therapeutic treatments but banned, mandating experimental biological agents that does not give immunity, does not stop transmission, causes variant mutations, weakened immunity and potential death to the recipient. This is not healthcare, its inhumane discrimination from Nazi Germany.
太過分了!這種疫苗不適合孩子們接種。他們想做什麼??嘗試和錯誤會發生什麼?孩子是安全的,他們可以通過自己的抗體快速復原。對於成年人已經有很多不良影響了,我們還想把孩子們的生命置於危險之中嗎?真的瘋了!Yupp... this is too much! The vax not suitable for the kids...what's they're trying to do?? To try and error what will happen? Kids are safe and they can recover fast by their own antibody..we have a lots of adverse effect in adults. We want to put our kids life in danger? Really insane!

#行動 #Action
#Reject #SayNo #ProChoice #AntiVaxxer #Vaccination #Mandatory #Civil #反疫苗 #強制授權 #拒針 #擋針 #人民

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12|#行動 #Action - #Legal #法律維權 #HumanRights #人權自由 #FreedomOfSpeech #言論自由 #Trial #控訴 #訴訟 #ClassAction #集體訴訟 #Protest #抗議 #Movement #運動 #Demonstration #示威 #Congregate #集會 #Awaken #喚醒 #Petition #請願 #Freedom #自由 #Protection #保護 #Lawyer #律師 #TruckerConvoy #大卡車車隊 #Battle #鬥爭 #Fight #抗爭 #PeacefulAssembly #和平集會

#Totalitarian #極權 #Tyranny #暴政 #Military #軍方 #Legislation #立法 #Rule #統治 #Regulation #法規 #Lockdown #Quarantine #封鎖隔離 #Segregation #隔離政策 #MartialLaw #武裝戒嚴 #Policy #政策規定 #政策 #Suppression #壓制 #Police #警察 #Savage #野蠻 #Violence #暴力 #Violation #侵犯 #Persecution #迫害 #Promote #Propaganda #推廣宣傳 #Censorship #審查 #Investigation #調查 #Surveillance #監控 #監視 #TrackingSystem #追蹤系統 #BrainWaveTracker #腦波追蹤器 #QuarantineCamp #隔離營 #Imprisonment #囚禁 #Enslavement #奴役 #UnlawfulOrder #非法法令 #Conflict #民警衝突 #Civil #Civilian #民間 #CivilWar #內戰 #LiftBan #解除禁令 #Obedience #服從 #Authority #權威 #Compliance #服從 #Orders #命令 #Depersonalize #去個性化 #Dehumanize #去人性化 #Colony #殖民地

#Mandatory #強制授權 #FullyVaccinated #完整接種 #Travel #旅行 #VaccinePassport #疫苗護照 #ForcedJab #強迫註射 #Mask #口罩 #Consent #許可 #Homeschool #在家教育 #Parent #父母 #SaveOurChildren #救孩子 #Booster #助推劑 #加強針 #Unvaxxed #未接種 #Vaxxed #已接種 #AntiVaxxer #反疫苗 #ProVaxxer #支持疫苗 #Doses #劑量 #Status #Reject #婉拒 #SayNo #拒針 #Decline #擋針 #Injustice #不公 #Dismissed #解僱

#NurembergTrial #紐倫堡審判 #NurembergCode #紐倫堡法典 #CrimeAgainstHumanity #反人類罪 #Excruciation #酷刑 #Prosecute #控告 #HumanTrial #人體試驗 #DavosGroup #達沃斯法律團隊 #FullmichLawsuit #富爾米奇訴訟案 #Trial #審判

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#Psychology #心理學 #Psywar #心理戰 #Brainwash #洗腦 #Humanity #人性 #Ethic #倫理 #Sociology #社會學 #Neurology #神經學 #MentalDamage #精神損失 #Lost #迷失 #CognitiveDissonance #認知失調 #CognitiveBias #認知偏差 #MentalDisorder #心理障礙 #精神病 #Psycopath #精神變態者 #Disturbance #失常 #Abuse #虐待 #DKEffect #鄧克效應 #MassFormationPsychosis #集體精神錯亂 #Insanity #瘋狂 #Sheeple #兩腳羊

14|#科技 #Technology - #Transhuman #Transhumanism #超人類 #Neurotechnology #神經技術 #BIGTECH #大科技 #Microchip #微芯片 #Chip #芯片 #Bluetooth #藍牙 #MACAddress #MagneticEffect #聚磁效應 #Nanotech #納米科技 #Nanorobot #納米機器人 #Nanotubes #納米管 #Patent #專利 #Patch #針布貼 #Microneedle #微型針 #Cryptocurrency #加密貨幣 #Blockchain #區塊鏈 #Genome #基因組 #Bioengineering #生物工程 #LaserTechnology #激光科技 #Amygdala #杏仁核 #CIA #中情局 #BioMetric #生物代碼 #CodingSystem #代碼系統 #MarkOfTheBeast #獸印 #BlackTechnology #黑科技 #Microsoft #微軟

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#ElonMusk #馬斯克 #Neuralink #NeuralNetwork #神經網絡 #Cyborg #半機械人 #IoB #身聯網 #IoT #物聯網 #AI #人工智能 #HiveMind #蜂群思維 #Tesla #特斯拉 #WirelessTransmission #無線輸電 #GeneticEngineering #基因改造工程 #GeneEditing #基因編輯 #DUMBS #SlimeRobot #史萊姆機器人 #Infotech #信息科技 #QuantumLink #量子鏈路 #ParticleBeam #粒子光束 #KillerRobot #殺手機器人 #VR #虛擬現實 #Metaverse #元宇宙 #CyberPunk #賽博龐克 #Biocircuits #生物電路 #NikolaTesla #尼古拉特斯拉 #ElectricalEngineering #電氣工程 #FreeEnergy #自由能源

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