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🔎重大調查:比爾·蓋茨擁有輝瑞和生物科技的主要股份 MAJOR INVESTIGATION: Bill Gates Has Major Shares in Pfizer AND BioNTech🗂📑💵🧰

“如果一切順利,唯一可能在10月底申請緊急使用許可的 #疫苗 將是 #輝瑞 。” “The only vaccine that, if everything went perfectly, might seek the emergency use license by the end of October, would be Pfizer.”

2019年9月,就在所謂的 Covid-1 9 #大流行 爆發之前,比爾和梅琳達·蓋茨基金會也“巧合地”購買了價值5500萬美元的 #BioNTech 股票

註意:這些信息是公開的,包含在FDA的說明書中,你可以在這裏查看 (見第25頁,表5)。

Bill Gates says, wasting a few billion dollars on vaccine investments is fine because there’s TRILLIONS TO BE MADE.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also “coincidentally” bought $55 million worth of shares in BioNTech in September 2019, just before the alleged Covid-19 pandemic struck.
NOTICE: The information is publicly available and contained within an FDA fact sheet which can be viewed here (see page 25, table 5 on-wards).


#行動 #Action
#BillGates #Pfizer #MelindaGatesFoundation
#Investigation #比爾蓋茨 #梅琳達蓋茨基金會 #調查 #基金會

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