疫時代🌊Pandemic ᴛʀᴜᴛʜs
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加拿大兄弟,快看!發生了一件大事: (一)他們把告密的醫生關進精神病院;(二)疫苗導致的死產/死胎 (stillbirths) 案例大幅增加。

今年 11月,Melvin Bruchet 博士和他的朋友 Daniel Nagase 博士對不列顛哥倫比亞省民選和任命的加拿大政府官員提出刑事指控,理由是「省級封鎖」、「疫苗授權」和「疫苗護照」可能存在利益沖突。醫生們揭露了溫哥華一家醫院死胎的嚴重激增。在所有病例中,這些女性都註射了實驗性 「Covid 疫苗」。在 2021 年 12 月,加拿大政府針對 Melvin Bruchet 博士,違反其意願非法拘留了他。這讓人想起了蘇聯對待異見人士的做法。

Canada Bros get in here! A major fucking happening
Two stories here. They're taking doctors who whistleblow and throwing them in psych wards and there's a MASSIVE increase in vaccine induced stillbirths.—— In November, Dr. Melvin Bruchet and his friend, Dr. Daniel Nagase, filed criminal charges against elected and appointed Candian government officials in British Columbia over a possible conflict of interest regarding provincial lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and vaccine passports. The doctors exposed a severe spike in stillbirths at a Vancouver hospital. The women were injected with the experimental Covid “vaccine” in all cases. In December 2021, reminiscent of the Soviet Union’s treatment of dissidents, the Canadian government targeted Dr. Melvin Bruchet and unlawfully placed him in detention against his will.


#ca #訴訟 #控告 #Trial #Persecution #迫害 #Whistleblower #吹哨人 #Doctor #醫生 #SpeakOut #良知發聲 #Injustice #不公 #Disclose #Expose #揭露 #曝光 #KillShot #死亡之針
#Genocide #種族滅絕

一名多倫多醫生為 500 多名年僅 6 個月大的嬰兒👶接種疫苗,但當時尚未批准用於 5 歲以下兒童的新冠疫苗,但他卻沒有面臨任何專業紀律處分。



#ca #VaccineUnderFive #五歲以下疫苗 #ForcedJab #強迫註射 #AntiVaxxer #反疫苗 #Persecution #迫害 #Whistleblower #吹哨人 #Doctor #醫生 #SpeakOut #良知發聲 #Injustice #不公 #Disclose #Expose #揭露 #曝光 #KillShot #死亡之針