疫時代🌊Pandemic ᴛʀᴜᴛʜs
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🧲 Proof That the Pandemic Was Planned & With Purpose | 證明大流行是帶有目的的一個全球計劃 ‼️

♨️ 在德國,一個由500多名醫生組成的名為“信息的醫生”組織,在一次全國新聞發布會上發表了令人震驚的聲明:—— (1) “Corona恐慌是一種把戲。這明明是一個騙局,就是一場詐騙。我們早該明白,我們正處於一場全球犯罪之中!”
♨️ 在西班牙,一個由600名醫生組成的名為“真相醫生”的團體在新聞發布會上發表了類似的聲明。 —— “Covid-19是出於政治目的而制造的虛假大流行。這是一個以衛生為借口的世界獨裁政權。我們敦促醫生、媒體和政治當局通過傳播真相來制止這種犯罪行為。” (2)

💢‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’
Publishes a medical newspaper on 500,000 copies every week. Organize mass protests in Europe, where 12 million people signed up and several millions actually showed up...
💢'Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse. We urge doctors, the media and political authorities to stop this criminal operation, by spreading the truth.’ (2)

🔺 2015年也即是新冠病毒出現的前四年,理查德·羅斯柴爾德 (Richard Rothschild) 與一家荷蘭政府機構開發了一種檢測新冠病毒的方法,並獲得了專利。
🔺 “Covid-19是出於政治目的而制造的虛假大流行。這是一個以衛生為借口的「世界獨裁政權」。我們敦促醫生、媒體和政治當局通過傳播真相來制止這種犯罪行為!”
🔺 在美國一部名為 #PLANDEMIC 的紀錄片揭露了COVID-19是一種犯罪行動,得到了超過 2.7 萬名醫生的支持!
🔺 福奇保證接下去的兩年會發生大流行
🔺 2018年,比爾·蓋茨公開宣布,一場全球流行病即將爆發
🔺 在這十年之前,洛克菲勒基金會的一份著名文件,早已經以驚人的準確性,預言了全球大流行、封鎖、經濟崩潰和專權統治和管控會發生…!

In 2015 – FOUR YEARS BEFORE the disease even existed – a testing method for COVID-19 was developed, patented by Richard Rothschild, with a Dutch government organisation.

— 'Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse. We urge doctors, the media and political authorities to stop this criminal operation, by spreading the truth.’

In the USA a documentary called PLANDEMIC, which exposes COVID-19 as a criminal operation, is supported by over 27,000 medical doctors!

The World Bank shows that COVID-19 is a project that is planned to continue until… end of March 2025

Fauci Guaranteed A Pandemic Within The Next Two Years

In 2018 Bill Gates publicly announced that a global pandemic was on it’s way

A famous document from #Rockefeller Foundation literally predicted the GLOBAL #PANDEMIC, the #LOCKDOWNS, the ECONOMIC COLLAPSE, and the imposing of AUTHORITARIAN CONTROL, ... with terrifying accuracy… TEN YEARS BEFORE it happened!


#陰謀 #Conspiracy
#Plan #Plandemic #NWO #Genocide #Hoax #Cabal #Rockefeller #BillGates #Depopulation #假疫情 #人口減少計劃 #種族滅絕 #比爾蓋茨 #陰謀集團 #洛克菲勒 #大流行 #騙局

👶 嬰兒與孩童迫害開始了~ 正如許多人所註意到的,在過去的幾周裏,全世界都在積極促進兒童接種疫苗。As many have noticed, over the past few weeks, vaccination of children has been very actively promoted around the world.

我們的理論是:他們想開始給孩童們接種疫苗,這樣當他們開始大量生病和死亡的時候,整個世界就會變得歇斯底里。他們就會順著更嚴苛的 #封鎖 ,直接強迫註射/接種疫苗。為了我們的孩子們,我們必須采取「極端措施」!!

Our version: They want to start vaccinating children, so that when they start to get sick and die massively from this, a wave of hysteria will rise across the world, and under this wave the screws will be tightened (hard #lockdowns) and the mandatory vaccination of the entire population will be introduced. They say, for the sake of children, you need to take EXTREME MEASURES!!!

觀看嬰兒 #針劑損傷 #AE #Injuries

視頻📺一號 . 視頻📺二號


#行動 #Action#Mandatory #ForcedJab #ChildrenVaccine #SaveOurChildren #MomBaby #Protest #Persecution #強制授權 #強迫註射 #兒童疫苗 #救孩子 #母嬰 #助推劑 #迫害 #抗議

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