疫時代🌊Pandemic ᴛʀᴜᴛʜs
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12|#行動 #Action - #Legal #法律維權 #HumanRights #人權自由 #FreedomOfSpeech #言論自由 #Trial #控訴 #訴訟 #ClassAction #集體訴訟 #Protest #抗議 #Movement #運動 #Demonstration #示威 #Congregate #集會 #Awaken #喚醒 #Petition #請願 #Freedom #自由 #Protection #保護 #Lawyer #律師 #TruckerConvoy #大卡車車隊 #Battle #鬥爭 #Fight #抗爭 #PeacefulAssembly #和平集會

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#Mandatory #強制授權 #FullyVaccinated #完整接種 #Travel #旅行 #VaccinePassport #疫苗護照 #ForcedJab #強迫註射 #Mask #口罩 #Consent #許可 #Homeschool #在家教育 #Parent #父母 #SaveOurChildren #救孩子 #Booster #助推劑 #加強針 #Unvaxxed #未接種 #Vaxxed #已接種 #AntiVaxxer #反疫苗 #ProVaxxer #支持疫苗 #Doses #劑量 #Status #Reject #婉拒 #SayNo #拒針 #Decline #擋針 #Injustice #不公 #Dismissed #解僱

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14|#科技 #Technology - #Transhuman #Transhumanism #超人類 #Neurotechnology #神經技術 #BIGTECH #大科技 #Microchip #微芯片 #Chip #芯片 #Bluetooth #藍牙 #MACAddress #MagneticEffect #聚磁效應 #Nanotech #納米科技 #Nanorobot #納米機器人 #Nanotubes #納米管 #Patent #專利 #Patch #針布貼 #Microneedle #微型針 #Cryptocurrency #加密貨幣 #Blockchain #區塊鏈 #Genome #基因組 #Bioengineering #生物工程 #LaserTechnology #激光科技 #Amygdala #杏仁核 #CIA #中情局 #BioMetric #生物代碼 #CodingSystem #代碼系統 #MarkOfTheBeast #獸印 #BlackTechnology #黑科技 #Microsoft #微軟

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一份承認 CRISPR 被用於 #Covid19 #疫苗 的科學 #報告
A scientific #report admitting CRISPR is used in “#Covid19#vaccine.



#CRISPR #Transhuman #超人類 #Patent #專利 #mRNA
#IntellectualPropety #知識產權 #Evil #邪惡 #Plandemic #假疫情
吞噬人權的 #獸印 #CRISPR,真的來了⁉️

Legally, the vaccinated are NO LONGER HUMAN.

In a 2013 court case Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc,, in the US, the Supreme Court ruled that human DNA could not be patented, because it was "a product of nature".
○2013 年美國最高法院規定人類DNA基因不能擁有專利,因為人類基因是“大自然的產物”。

But at the end of the decision, the Supreme Court ruled that if a human genome is modified by mRNA vaccines (which are currently in use), then the genome can be patented.
○但在最後,對於修改人類基因組的信使核糖核酸疫苗(當前使用的 #PFIZER, #MODERNA, AZ等),最高法院裁定此基因組可擁有專利。

This means that everyone who has received the vaccine is now technically "patented" and something that is patented is "proprietary" and will be included in the definition of TRANSHUMAN.

People who are legally identified as TRANSHUMAN do not have access to human rights or rights granted by the state. This is because they are not classified as 100% biological or human.
○凡被法定為“#超人類”的不能擁有人權或各州屬賦予的權利。這是因為他們并不被分類在 100% 生物学人種或人類之中。

Therefore, technically, anyone with this vaccine would no longer have access to human rights.

#CRISPR 的中文翻譯:
常间回文重复序列丛集/ 常间回文重复序列丛集关联蛋白系统(Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats/CRISPR-associated proteins)

The mRNA is #CRISPR technology (the modern described it as his "operating system") and you are looking for technology to reverse the side effects, as you would with a computer.
○信使核糖核酸是一項 #CRISPR 科技,現代描述它為 mRNA 的 '操作系統'。這是一個逆轉副作用的科技,就像在電腦上操作那樣。

There is currently a patent related to this technology:

The technology will be placed on your body and then a barcode will be assigned to it and attached to the cryptocurrency. The technology tracks your body activity and when you reach a "satisfactory amount of activity" your crypto-currency will be paid out. This is the short version of the patent, but you need to review it properly.
這門科技將置放到你自己的體內,你將會獲得一個捆綁虛擬貨幣的條形碼。當你的身體活動達到一定程度的“滿意值”水平,你將被支付款額。💰 chaching!

這是專利品的簡短版本,但你必須慎重檢查和思考。 下面 PDF 下載 📑

#Transhuman #CRISPR
#Patented #mRNA
#超人類 #專利 #知識產權 #mRNA #HumanRights #人權自由 #Evil #邪惡 #Plandemic #假疫情 #PDF
其中一些應用——例如改造蚊子以抵抗導致瘧疾的寄生蟲——實際上涉及到對生態系統的修補。因此,#CRISPR 引發了許多社會 #倫理 和安全方面的擔憂。一些人還擔心,國防組織正在探索的涉及 「負責任的基因創新編輯」 的應用可能會向其他國家發出令人擔憂的信號。—— 人們也越來越擔心基因編輯可能被用於 #生物武器 的研發

2016年,#比爾蓋茨 (#BillGates) 曾表示,下一次的流行病可能源自恐怖分子的電腦屏幕,他們意圖利用基因工程製造合成版的 #天花 #病毒

最近,在 2017 年 7 月,英特爾健康與生命科學 (Intel Health & Life Sciences) 的約翰·索托斯 (John Sotos) 表示,基因編輯研究可能 「為生物武器帶來難以想象的破壞性潛力」。

Some of these applications – such as the engineering of mosquitoes to resist the parasite that causes malaria – effectively involve tinkering with ecosystems. CRISPR has therefore generated a number of ethical and safety concerns. Some also worry that applications being explored by defence organisations that involve "responsible innovation in gene editing" may send worrying signals to other states. Concerns are also mounting that gene editing could be used in the development of biological weapons. In 2016, Bill Gates remarked that "the next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus". More recently, in July 2017, John Sotos, of Intel Health & Life Sciences, stated that gene editing research could "open up the potential for bioweapons of unimaginable destructive potential".


#Bioweapon #Crisis #危機 #Catastrophe #災禍 #Ethic #倫理
‼️ 之前是物聯網…現在是互聯網的身體——身聯網 Internet of Things ... now it is Internet of Bodies‼️

2020 年 6 月 23 日:「身體互聯網 (#IoB) —— 利用 #CRISPR 電連接和控製基因組」

「從長遠來看,就像以 #DNA 為基礎的 #疫苗 被電穿孔進入人體以抗擊 #Covid19 一樣,我們可能會期望,電生成啟動子電路將被插入人體細胞,從而開啟 『生物電子信號』 的新模式。」

June 23, 2020: "Internet of Bodies (IoB)- Using #CRISPR to electrically connect with and control the #genome"

"In the longer term, similar to how DNA based vaccines are being electroporated into the human body to fight Covid-19, we may expect that electrogenetic promoter circuits will be inserted into human cells to open a new modality of bioelectronic signaling. "


#Bioengineering #生物工程 #Genome #基因組 #IoT #物聯網 #IoB #身聯網 #Nanotech #納米科技 #BrainComputerInterface #腦機接口 #BlackTechnology #黑科技