疫時代🌊Pandemic ᴛʀᴜᴛʜs
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嚇!難道這就是比爾蓋茨做出來的 #轉基因 #人工智能 蚊子嗎?目前還不確定來源!… blah...


短綿斑蚜 Euceraphis betulae,不是什麼“比爾蓋茨蚊子”🦟

它是一種身上有條紋的普通蚜蟲!有時候它們的斑紋看起來像阿拉伯數字。並非蚊子身上有什麼數字,這個蟲甚至都不是蚊子。很高興 #錯誤信息 被糾正。


This is an Euceraphis betulae and not a "Bill Gate mosquito". A common aphid with stripes on the body. Sometimes they look like numbers, so there is no such thing as a mosquito that has a number on it, this is not even a mosquito. I am glad that this is misinformation and not true.

#Misinformation #Truth #真相