疫時代🌊Pandemic ᴛʀᴜᴛʜs
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💵💸 另一家新社交媒體網絡公司 Gab.com 將在今年年底推出一款替代 PayPal 的產品

Gab Building PayPal Alternative

自2018年以來,Gab 和其他許多支付處理程序一直被 PayPAL 禁止使用。


It’s Time To Build Our Own Economy

#敘事 #Narrative
#HumanRights #Media #SocialMedia #人權 #社交媒體 #媒體

Media is too big
💬 27MINS 史.上.最.長.篇——針劑損傷評論帖的攝像視頻 :
40,000 條.評.論!!

○ FACistBook 法西斯臉書上描述疫苗傷害的 40,000 條評論

我想我最好在Youtube的納粹團隊發現並刪除這段視頻之前,先把它做成一個Telegram副本…某書 (FACistBook) 上的新聞失敗了?!不知道為什麽,它竟然允許這些評論被看到了?!如果這是對一個帖子的反應,審查系統是有多糟糕?多到忙不過來? 40,000 comments describing Vaccine Injuries on FACistBook! I figured I better make a Telegram copy of this video before the NAZI team at Youtube discovers it and takes it down... YUGE NEWS FAIL on FacistBook! Not sure why FB allowed the comments to be seen??? How bad is the censorship if this is the reaction to one post?!

#敘事 #Narrative#針反應 #AE#Facebook #SocialMedia #Comment #Truth #Testimony #Injuries #SideEffect #Vaccine #Proof #臉書 #社交媒體 #評論 #針劑損傷 #副作用 #疫苗 #證明 #眞相 #見證

疫時代 @PandemicTruths
'罪新動態' - #比爾蓋茨 “挑選了有著重大影響力的媒體公司” ,並在某種程度上炫耀式的捐贈了 3.19 億美元或許更多。- 英美非居多,中國財新有25萬。
News - Bill Gates gave $ 319 million and likely much more "to select media to have a significant impact" on certain displays.



Awards Directly to Media Outlets:

• NPR- $24,663,066
• The Guardian (including TheGuardian.org)- $12,951,391   
• Cascade Public Media – $10,895,016
• Public Radio International (PRI.org/TheWorld.org)- $7,719,113
• The Conversation- $6,664,271
• Univision- $5,924,043
• Der Spiegel (Germany)- $5,437,294       
• Project Syndicate- $5,280,186
• Education Week – $4,898,240
• WETA- $4,529,400
• NBCUniversal Media- $4,373,500
• Nation Media Group (Kenya) – $4,073,194
• Le Monde (France)- $4,014,512
• Bhekisisa (South Africa) – $3,990,182
• El País – $3,968,184
• BBC- $3,668,657
• CNN- $3,600,000   
• KCET- $3,520,703

• Population Communications International (population.org) – $3,500,000
• The Daily Telegraph – $3,446,801
• Chalkbeat – $2,672,491   
• The Education Post- $2,639,193
• Rockhopper Productions (U.K.) – $2,480,392
• Corporation for Public Broadcasting – $2,430,949
• UpWorthy – $2,339,023
• Financial Times – $2,309,845
• The 74 Media- $2,275,344
• Texas Tribune- $2,317,163
• Punch (Nigeria) – $2,175,675
• News Deeply – $1,612,122
• The Atlantic- $1,403,453
• Minnesota Public Radio- $1,290,898
• YR Media- $1,125,000
• The New Humanitarian- $1,046,457
• Sheger FM (Ethiopia) – $1,004,600
• Al-Jazeera- $1,000,000
• ProPublica- $1,000,000
• Crosscut Public Media – $810,000
• Grist Magazine- $750,000
• Kurzgesagt – $570,000
• Educational Broadcasting Corp – $506,504
• Classical 98.1 – $500,000
• PBS – $499,997
• Gannett – $499,651
• Mail and Guardian (South Africa)- $492,974
• Inside Higher Ed.- $439,910
• BusinessDay (Nigeria) – $416,900

Medium.com – $412,000   
• Nutopia- $350,000
• Independent Television Broadcasting Inc. – $300,000
• Independent Television Service, Inc. – $300,000

• Caixin Media (China) – $250,000
• Pacific News Service – $225,000
• National Journal – $220,638
• Chronicle of Higher Education – $149,994
• Belle and Wissell, Co. $100,000
• Media Trust – $100,000
• New York Public Radio – $77,290
• KUOW – Puget Sound Public Radio – $5,310

#陰謀 #Conspiracy#MSM #SocialMedia #NWO #Cabal #BillGates #Depopulation #Eugenic #Manipulation #Reset #新世界秩序 #陰謀集團 #人口減少計劃 #優生學 #主流媒體 #社交媒體 #操控 #大重置


收購 #Twitter 有個P用:「但至少在推特上,你可以有“言論自由”!」——是啊!你的言論自由便是僅僅擁有一份自由去“討論和批評”他們的所有陰謀計劃唄!
#mRNA #心肌炎 #疫苗 #註射
#世界政府 #新世界秩序

#SocialMedia #社交媒體 #FreedomOfSpeech #言論自由 #Conspiracy #陰謀 #ElonMusk #馬斯克 #推特 #Twitter #NWO #Reset #大重構

📜 疫時代書卷冊
🔥Save our Babies from Experimental Injection‼️ 拯救我們的嬰兒離開實驗性註射‼️🔥

This could be the Mother of all Vaccine Safety Webinars. 這可能是所有疫苗安全網絡研討會之母。

Organized by MAAFIM, GPMC, PPIM, and StopTheWHO. Please mark in your calendar. The link to be provided later.

由 MAAFIM、GPMC、PPIM 和 StopTheWHO 組織。 請在日歷上做標記。稍後提供鏈接。

Date 日期:
26 June 2022(SUN, 星期日)

Time 時間: 9PM Malaysia time

Speakers 演講者:
Dr Peter McCullough
Dr Shankara Chetty
our very own Dr Satvinder Singh
Mr James Roguski
Mr Robert Kennedy Jr

🤳 關注我們的 Facebook, YouTube 賬號!

If you are still not aware of the safety concerns of the vaccines, this is the event that you must watch for your family and friends. And for humanity. 如果你仍然沒有意識到疫苗安全問題,這是你必須為你的家人和親友註意的事件。還有為了人類。

Please do viral in your Social Platform to make a difference.

#SaveOurChildren #救孩子 #Action #行動 #SpeakOut #良知發聲 #Whistleblower #吹哨人 #AEFI #AdverseReaction #不良反應 #SocialMedia #社交媒體 #Awaken #喚醒 #MomBaby #母嬰 #ExperimentalJab #實驗性針劑
