Each day a thought
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Each day a thought for you and your spiritual journey.

Msgr. Pierino Galeone, Founder of the Secular Institute Servants of Suffering

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Today we remember the young Maria Goretti who, when faced with her murderer-whom she forgave-preserved the virtue of holy purity and as a result obtained the precious crown of martyrdom.

Fr. Pierino Galeone
For you, too, Ezekiel says on behalf of the Lord, "I will give you a new heart and a new spirit. I will remove from you the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh."

Fr. Pierino Galeone
When you have a new heart you have a new freedom constantly to choose good. This strength to choose good comes only from the Lord.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

The healings done by Jesus are very important because they emphasize his powerful strength in doing good for souls.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

After having performed so many miracles Jesus invites to follow Him because His Kingdom is near.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

The Kingdom of Heaven is the Church which, like a mother, generates many children so as to be always with Christ.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Faithfulness is the following of Christ without interruption.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Let us do what is just before the Lord and allow ourselves to be converted by Him.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

If you want to follow Jesus you must fight off that which is contrary to his Word and do that which conforms to it.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

May Jesus, Mary and Padre Pio always protect our Family of Servants of Suffering.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

The predilection of a vocation includes the faithful response to the Word of God.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Faithfulness to the Word of God gives rise to witness. Be not afraid. Be courageous. God is with you.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Witness is the fruit of fidelity enriched by the gifts of the Holy Spirit: patience, charity, chastity…

Fr. Pierino Galeone

The constant observance of the Word of God is perfect fidelity and produces an unshakeable witness.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

The observance of the Word of God is the necessary requirement that we must have present in any circumstance because it is the witness of love of God and participation in the glory of Christ

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Mary Magdalene followed Jesus with profound gratitude because he brought her out of a ruinous abyss, in which she was a prisoner of seven evil spirits. The Church, before her boundless faithfulness, felt the need to elevate this day to a liturgical feast.

Fr. Pierino Galeone
The feast of St. Bridget, co-patroness of Europe, exalts the truly extraordinary greatness of the figure of this mother, because despite family ties she gave the family of God eight children who gave honor and glory to the Church.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Truly great is the figure of Mary Magdalene, equally great is the figure of St. Bridget: both teach how to live by praying and suffering next to Jesus; St. Bridget also teaches how to live and suffer next to one's spouse.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

James, brother of John, first gave his life to the Lord. Let us follow St. James, who bore witness with blood to his faithfulness to Jesus. Let us also offer our good works day by day as a gift of our lives to the Lord.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Mary's parents are St. Anne and St. Joachim. By the fruit we know the tree: the fruit of their marriage is our Mother, Mary, whose holiness is unparalleled.

Fr. Pierino Galeone