Each day a thought
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Each day a thought for you and your spiritual journey.

Msgr. Pierino Galeone, Founder of the Secular Institute Servants of Suffering

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The multiplication of the Eucharist is a much greater miracle than that of bread.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

“and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.” (Mt 7:25).

The feast of the Immaculate Conception properly prepares us for the feast of Christmas.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

The Catholic world is saying rosaries around the Immaculate Mother so as to venerate her as Mother of God and our Mother.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Jesus is God, takes away sins and heals from every evil.

Fr. Pierino Galeone
He goes astray who ceases to follow Christ. Let us go through the world to find those who have gone astray and lead them back to Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Follow the good path which is Christ and you will never get lost.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Good works build up faithfulness and true holiness.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

God is waiting for you to renounce that which impedes you from keeping his Word and walking in the path of salvation.

Fr. Pierino Galeone
John The Baptist says he is the voice but the Word of the voice is Christ.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Let us feel the movements of childbirth. Jesus first knocks on His Mother’s heart, then He will come and knock on the door of our hearts.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

God desired that His Son remain in the heart of each of us, overcoming the lack of hospitality of relatives and the inn.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Keep in your heart that which Jesus asks of you. He will give you the grace always to do His will.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

The Jubilee will bring us to recover innoncence for ever.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Let us ask the Holy Family to help and to bless all the families of the world.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Mary's womb is a mystery: She is Mother of God, Mother of Jesus, and our Mother. We are brothers and sisters of Jesus and Mary; with them we are mysteriously convivial and co-heirs. With Jesus we will live in joy and peace, together with Our Lady and all our brothers and sisters. Great will be the assembly of saints who will be part of the mysterious host of all those who will celebrate the new Pentecost in the world to come.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Feast days are made by Jesus as a break for everyone.

Fr. Pierino Galeone

The new way is Jesus because he said “I am the way, the truth and the life.”

Fr. Pierino Galeone

Even in old age a priest bears fruit above all for the salvation of his brothers and of souls.

Fr. Pierino Galeone